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26 July 2007 : Column 1295Wcontinued
Dr. Cable: To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) which Bills introduced by his Department in the last five years contained sunset clauses; and what plans he has for the future use of such clauses; [151843]
(2) which Bills introduced by his Department in the last five years did not contain sunset clauses; and if he will make a statement. [152486]
Mr. Ivan Lewis: The Department has not introduced any Bills containing sunset clauses in the last five years. The Department has no current plans for the future use of such clauses, but their use may be considered where appropriate.
None of the Bills introduced by the Department in the last five years have contained sunset clauses.
Mr. Lansley: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what meetings that (a) he and (b) each of his Ministers has held with hon. Members in the last 12 months; and what was discussed in each case. [147569]
Dawn Primarolo: A comprehensive list of all meetings that Ministers have held with hon. Members in the last 12 months could be obtained only at disproportionate cost.
Mr. Jenkins: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what volume of correspondence his Department sent (a) by Royal Mail and (b) by other commercial delivery services in each of the last five years; and what the reasons were for the use of other commercial delivery services. [150448]
Mr. Ivan Lewis: Figures for the period 2004-07 are as follows.
Delivery services | |
Figures for before 2004 can be provided only at a disproportionate cost.
Where there is a particular requirement to deliver items in a set or urgent timeframe the Department will use commercial carriers for both national and international delivery including items that require signature.
Mr. Stephen O'Brien: To ask the Secretary of State for Health pursuant to the answer of 19 June 2007, Official Report, columns 1630-4W, for what reason a recurrent budget for 2007-08 is given for the English National Board for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting. [151942]
Mr. Ivan Lewis: These are the residual costs from the funding of the English National Board for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting, an arms length body which closed in March 2002.
Mr. Hoban: To ask the Secretary of State for Health pursuant to the answer of 14 June 2007, Official Report, column 1385W, to the hon. Member for Rayleigh (Mr. Francois), on Departments: public expenditure, how many such regular discussions have been held in the last 12 months. [146951]
Mr. Bradshaw: Ministers and officials regularly discuss a wide range of issues with their counterparts in the Treasury. As was the case in previous Administrations, it is not the practice of the Government to provide details of all such meetings.
Sarah Teather: To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many people participated in the (a) dose adjustment for normal eating and (b) diabetes education and self-management for ongoing and newly diagnosed courses in London in each of the last five years, broken down by primary care trust. [152798]
Ann Keen: This information requested is not held centrally. It is for primary care trusts to decide what services to provide for their local communities.
Lynne Featherstone: To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many people were diagnosed with diabetes in each London borough in each of the last five years. [153558]
Ann Keen: This information is not available in the format requested.
However, the following table shows the number of patients aged over 17 years with a record of a diagnosis of diabetes for the years 2004-05 and 2005-06. Data for 2006-07 will be published in September.
Patients aged less than 17 are considered to be cared for by hospital specialists and are not included in these
numbers. Any increases in the number of patients from year-to-year cannot be assumed to represent an increase in the number of patients with diabetes, as it may reflect improved levels of recording by the practices.
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