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12 Sep 2007 : Column 2107W—continued

Overseas Aid: Standards

James Duddridge: To ask the Secretary of State for International Development which of the indicators for the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness his Department is not on target for; when he expects his Department to meet those targets; and by what means. [155284]

Mr. Douglas Alexander: The 2006 OECD-DAC survey results showed that DFID has either already met or is on target to meet all the Paris Declaration targets at a corporate level by the 2010 deadline. When analysed at country level however, performance is more variable. Key areas where DFID will need to make improvements are:

The DAC survey results and our own internal analysis have been used to update our UK DFID medium-term action plan on aid effectiveness. This includes actions across the organisation to improve aid effectiveness at country level, corporately and through our role as shareholders in the multi lateral organisations.

James Duddridge: To ask the Secretary of State for International Development what progress his Department has made towards the target of spending
12 Sep 2007 : Column 2108W
90 per cent. of aid on the poorest countries; and what percentage of UK aid goes to the poorest countries. [155285]

Mr. Douglas Alexander: DFID has met the target: 90 per cent. of DFID expenditure in 2006-07 was in low-income countries.

James Duddridge: To ask the Secretary of State for International Development what progress his Department has made towards the target of allocating 50 per cent. of UK bilateral aid to developing countries for public services; and what percentage of bilateral aid is allocated for (a) health, (b) education, (c) sanitation and (d) water. [155286]

Mr. Douglas Alexander: Provisional estimates for 2006-07 are that 49 per cent. of DFID bilateral expenditure (excluding humanitarian assistance) was spent on public services—a rise of five percentage points on the previous year. The breakdown for the sectors mentioned is as follows:










Home Department

Cycling: Fines

Mr. Carmichael: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many people were fined for carrying more than one person on a bicycle not constructed or adapted for that purpose in each of the last 10 years. [154857]

Mr. Wills: I have been asked to reply.

The information requested, for the years 1996 to 2005, is contained in the following table.

Persons( 1) fined for offences of carrying more than one person on a bicycle, England and Wales, 1996 to 2005
Offence Statute Year Number of persons fined

Carrying more than one person on a bicycle not constructed or adapted to carry more than one person

Road Traffic Act 1 988, s.24





















(1) Principal offence basis.
RDS-NOMS, Ministry of Justice

12 Sep 2007 : Column 2109W

Departments: Manpower

Mr. Hoban: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many press officers are employed by her Department. [153149]

Mr. Byrne: Press officers within the central Home Office are employed at the Information Officer (IO) and Senior Information Officer (SIO) grades. As at April 2007 the Department employed 38 full time press officers and one part time press officer.

Departments: Press

Mr. Hoban: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department to which periodicals her Department subscribes. [153141]

Mr. Byrne: The Home Office as a Department including its executive agencies and non-departmental public bodies subscribe to a wide range of publications to inform its work. Individual business areas use their own budgets to make purchases under framework contracts managed by the Home Office Library. The publications are:


12 Sep 2007 : Column 2110W

12 Sep 2007 : Column 2111W

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