Includes all written questions and statements from this MP during the current session (most recent first).
29 October 2007 Higher Education: Engineering 25 October 2007 Meteorology: Manpower 3 September 2007 Meteorology: Manpower 26 July 2007 Industrial Wastes 23 July 2007 India: Embassies 4 July 2007 Channel Tunnel 27 June 2007 Departments: Languages 25 June 2007 Languages: Education Languages: Education 21 June 2007 Vocational Training 14 June 2007 Examinations: Fees and Charges Further Education: Finance 30 April 2007 Colorectal Cancer: Screening 23 March 2007 Higher Education Funding Council 19 March 2007 Flood Control Land Drainage 8 February 2007 Higher Education: Finance Secondary Education: Finance 30 January 2007 Afghanistan and Iraq Road Accidents Troop Deaths: Afghanistan and Iraq 16 January 2007 Caste Discrimination Inward Investment