Includes all written questions and statements from this MP during the current session (most recent first).
29 October 2007 Departments: Scotland 11 June 2007 Aircraft: Electronic Engineering Joint Exercises: Kuwait Nimrod Aircraft 4 June 2007 Armed Forces: Officers 18 May 2007 Nimrod Aircraft 1 May 2007 Nimrod Aircraft 26 April 2007 Mr. Kiyemba Mutale Uganda: Human Rights Zimbabwe: Politics and Government 23 March 2007 Trident 8 February 2007 Agency Personnel: Scotland 23 January 2007 Scottish Regiments 19 January 2007 Territorial Army 16 January 2007 Weapons of Mass Destruction 20 December 2006 and 5 January 2007 Service Children's Education Agency 18 December 2006 Departmental Staff: Scotland 14 December 2006 Agency Personnel: Scotland