Includes all oral questions, debate and Westminster Hall contributions from this MP during the current session (most recent first).
17 October 2007 Bullying in Schools 26 July 2007 Aim Higher (10-year Strategy) 24 July 2007 Sustainable Railways 18 July 2007 World-Class Skills 5 June 2007 Balanced and Sustainable Communities [Westminster Hall] 21 May 2007 Further Education and Training Bill [Lords] 15 May 2007 Higher Education (Funding) [Westminster Hall] 26 April 2007 Poorer Students 22 March 2007 Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation 20 March 2007 Bicentenary of the Abolition of the Slave Trade 15 March 2007 Higher Education 8 February 2007 World Class Skills 2020 [Westminster Hall] 19 January 2007 Sustainable Communities Bill 11 January 2007 Schools