A B Bi Bu C Ce Co Cr D Dh Du E Em F Fo G Gr H He Hi Hu I Ir J K Ko L Le Lu M Ma Me Mo N Nu O P Pf Ps Q R Rh Rw S Si Sp Sr Sw T To Ty U V W Wo Y Z
Abbott, Ms Diane
Chamber Debates
Fraud (Trials Without a Jury) Bill, 2R (29.11.2006) 1119-20
Personal social and health education 223w
Absent voting
Accident and emergency departments
Royal Shrewsbury Hospital 922w
British National Party 682-4
Acute beds
Addresses to the Crown
Queen's speech (15.11.2006) 7-13
Adjournment debates
Administration of justice
Admiralty House
Repairs and maintenance 889w
Admissibility of evidence
Electronic surveillance 197w
see Intercountry adoption
Adult education
Dept for Communities and Local Government 751w
Dept for Constitutional Affairs 763w
Dept for Culture Media and Sport 747-8w
Advisory services
Dept for International Development 104-5w
Internally displaced persons 23-4w
Military decorations 812w
Peace keeping operations 2ws, 7w, 55w, 117-20w, 459-60w, 479-80w, 537, 544-5, 620w, 705-6w, 1076
Politics and government 239w
Aggregates levy
Ainger, Nick, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales
EC grants and loans, Wales 1067-9
Economic situation, Wales 737w
Health services, Wales 736w
Ainsworth, Mr Peter
Chamber Debates
Queen's speech, Local government (20.11.2006) 360, 370-5, 379
Flood control, Finance 135w
Guy's and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust 224w
Low carbon buildings programme 548-51w
Temporary employment, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 289w
Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Air ambulance services
Air pollution
Air training corps
Airbus UK
Aircraft carriers
Medical examinations 561w
Alcoholic drinks
Alexander, Danny
Citizens' advice bureaux, Finance 377w
Disabled, Dept for Communities and Local Government 752w
Disabled, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 748w
Employment and support allowance 863w
Immigration and Nationality Directorate, Telephone services 653-4w
Post office card account 597w
Social security benefits, Telephone services 813
Alexander, Rt Hon Douglas, Secretary of State for Transport and Secretary of State for Scotland
Chamber Debates
Crossrail Bill, 1R and 2R (16.11.2006) 143
Queen's speech, Crime (23.11.2006) 786-90
Written Statements
Government bills, Scotland 9-10ws
Supply estimates, Dept for Transport 61-2ws
Supply estimates, Scotland Office 54-5ws
Bus services, Competition 395-7
Transport Innovation Fund 394
Allen, Mr Graham
Higher education, Nottingham 665-6
Palace of Westminster, Access 327w
Alzheimer's disease
Petitions (22.11.2006) 656
Ambulance services
Amess, Mr David
Chamber Debates
Queen's speech (15.11.2006) 109-14
Excise duties, Tobacco 733w
Office for Legal Complaints 46w
Social security benefits, Telephone services 812-3
Ancram, Rt Hon Michael
Chamber Debates
Litvinenko, Alexander (30.11.2006) 1234
Queen's speech, Foreign policy (22.11.2006) 584-6
Litvinenko, Alexander 829
Anderson, David
Chamber Debates
Local government finance (28.11.2006) 980
Northern Ireland (St Andrews Agreement) Bill, 2R and rem stages (21.11.2006) 464-7
Queen's speech, Economic situation (27.11.2006) 907-11
NHS, Early retirement 961
Anderson, Janet
Mentally ill, Smoking 142w
Animal experiments