Index for Volume 454—continued

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Arbuthnot, Rt Hon James

                  Chamber Debates

    Post Office (14.12.2006) 1036

    Trident (04.12.2006) 28


    European fighter aircraft 572

    Reading Station 739w

    Zimbabwe, Prisoners 1302w

Armed conflict

Armed forces

    Falkland Islands 364w

Armed forces education allowances

Armoured fighting vehicles

    Procurement 86w

Arms control

Arms length management organisations

Arms trade

Armstrong, Rt Hon Hilary, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster


    Admiralty House, Council tax 1308w

    Better Regulation Executive 187-8w

    Buildings, Cabinet Office 187w

    Compensation, Cabinet Office 1519w

    Consultants, Cabinet Office 1518-9w

    Disadvantaged, Sheffield 1159w

    Eunomia Research and Consulting, Cabinet Office 188w

    Information and communications technology, Cabinet Office 1856w

    Labour Party, Ministerial policy advisors 1308w

    Legislative drafting 1307w

    Local authorities, Cabinet Office 1307w

    Ministerial policy advisors, Cabinet Office 190w

    Renewable energy, Cabinet Office 189w

    Social Exclusion Unit 1519w


Army Base Repair Organisation

Arrest warrants

    Serious Organised Crime Agency 836w



Art works

    Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1592w

    Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1506w

    Local authorities 270w


Ascension Island

Assaults on police

Assembly Ombudsman for Northern Ireland


Assets Recovery Agency

Association of Law Costs Draftsmen Order 2006

                  Chamber Debates

    (05.12.2006) 274


    Community service orders 271w

    Medical examinations 1027w

Asylum (First List of Safe Countries) (Amendment) Order 2006

                  Chamber Debates

Atkins, Charlotte

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    British Waterways Board 733w

    British Waterways Board, Finance 994

Atkinson, Mr Peter

                  Chamber Debates

    Digital Switchover (Disclosure of Information) Bill, 2R (18.12.2006) 1210, 1227-30


    Dental services, Northumberland 387-8w

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