Index for Volume 454continued
A Al Ar Au B Be Bi Br Bu By C Ce Cl Cr D Dh Dj Du E Em Eu F Fl Fr G Gi Gr H He Hi Hu I Ip J Ju K Kn L Le Li Lu M Ma Mc Ma Mc Mi Mo My N Nu O Or P Pf Pr Ps Q R Ri Ru S Se Sk Sp Sr Su Sw T Th To Tu U V Vo W We Wo Wy X Y Z
Paddington-Swansea railway line
Paice, Mr James
Chamber Debates
Post Office (14.12.2006) 1043
Agriculture, Subsidies 997-8
Poverty, Rural areas 48-9w
Public expenditure, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 955w, 1782w
Paisley, Rev Ian
Chamber Debates
Justice and Security (Northern Ireland) Bill, 2R (13.12.2006) 910, 924, 932-5, 947, 955
Palace of Westminster
Palestinian-Israeli conflict
International assistance 65-7w
Palliative care
Palm oil
Palmer, Dr Nick
Chamber Debates
Offender Management Bill, 2R (11.12.2006) 592
Politics and government 343w
Paramedical staff
West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust 692w
Parasitic diseases
Pseudamphistomum truncatum 1041w
Parish councils
Parking offences
Parliamentary Boundary Commission for England
see Boundary Commission for England
Passport and Identity Service
see Identity and Passport Service
Patent Office
Paternity leave
Paterson, Mr Owen
Chamber Debates
Post Office (14.12.2006) 1044
Post offices, Points of order (11.12.2006) 581
Transport (05.12.2006) 260-6
Westminster Hall Debates
British Waterways Board, Finance 994-5
Defence equipment, EC countries 574
Psychiatry, Regulation 569w
Patient choice schemes
Patients' forums
Council of Economic Advisers 1734w
Dept for Communities and Local Government 458-60w, 471w
Dept for International Development 1309-10w
Deputy Prime Minister 701w
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1001w
Northern Ireland Water 97w
Royal Fleet Auxiliary 888w
Payroll giving grants programme
Peace keeping operations
Afghanistan 85w, 354-7w, 371w, 437w, 443-8w, 567-9, 883-5w, 1098-9w, 1473w, 1479w, 1505w, 1896-7w
Central African Republic 481w
Iraq 84-5w, 296-8, 335w, 356-7w, 367-8w, 371w, 443-8w, 574-7, 866-7, 882-6w, 1098-9w, 1258w, 1297w, 1479w, 1554-5w, 1896-7w, 1899w
Peace negotiations
Pearson, Ian, Minister of State, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs
Westminster Hall Debates
Agriculture, Air pollution 214-5w
Agriculture, Carbon sequestration 216w
Agriculture, Climate change 29-31w
Agriculture, EU emissions trading scheme 219w
Biofuels, Local authorities 59w
Carbon dioxide, Local authorities 588w
Climate change, Food 1243w
Climate change, Seas and oceans 428w
Climate Change Bill (Draft) 31-2w
Combined heat and power 1244w
Environment Agency, Electronic government 423w
EU emissions trading scheme, Aviation 1437w
Flood control, Expenditure 38-41w
Flood control, Finance 732w
Lighting, Government departments 1438-9w
Members, Correspondence 33w
Pollution, European Parliament 1242w
Pollution control, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 580-1w
Pollution control, Local government 1242-3w
Pollution control, Shipping 432-3w
Renewable energy, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 1787-8w
River Thames, Environment protection 52w
Seas and oceans, Climate change 1065-6w
Sewage, River Thames 222w
Waste management, Radioactive wastes 589w
Water, South East region 46w
Water charges, Mobile homes 1440w
Water treatment, Air pollution 57-8w
Pedlars Act 1871
Pelling, Andrew
Chamber Debates
Penning, Mike
Chamber Debates
Fireworks, Lewes (12.12.2006) 845, 852
Ministerial statements, Points of order (07.12.2006) 463
Pre-Budget report 2006 (06.12.2006) 330-1
Social security benefits (07.12.2006) 462
Westminster Hall Debates
Heart diseases, Emergency calls 1711-2w
Hemel Hempstead Hospital, Accident and emergency departments 692w
Manpower, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 268w
West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust, Accident and emergency departments 692w
West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust, Acute beds 691-2w, 1368w
West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust, Paramedical staff 692w
Penrose, John
Chamber Debates
Child Support Agency (13.12.2006) 884
Westminster Hall Debates
Flood control, Coastal areas (06.12.2006) 80wh
Genetically modified organisms, Crops 959w, 1065w
National Offender Management Service 7
Pension credit
Pension Protection Fund
Pension Service
Social security benefits 316w
Departmental coordination 1160w
Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1241w
Estimates days (07.12.2006) 512-47
Persimmon Homes
Dept for Communities and Local Government 904-5w
Personal income
Personal injury
Personal savings
Non-governmental organisations 323-4w
Pest control
Antisocial behaviour 1062w
Peterborough Primary Care Trust
Alzheimer's disease (05.12.2006) 274-5, (06.12.2006) 412
Bus services (11.12.2006) 692
Hospitals (12.12.2006) 844
Leukodystrophies (06.12.2006) 411-2
Maternity services (13.12.2006) 978
Mesothelioma (07.12.2006) 550
Post offices (18.12.2006) 1246
Petroleum Act 1998 (Third Party Access) Order 2007
Chamber Debates
Petroleum Revenue Tax (Attribution of Blended Crude Oil) Regulations 2006
Chamber Debates