Index for Volume 454continued
A Al Ar Au B Be Bi Br Bu By C Ce Cl Cr D Dh Dj Du E Em Eu F Fl Fr G Gi Gr H He Hi Hu I Ip J Ju K Kn L Le Li Lu M Ma Mc Ma Mc Mi Mo My N Nu O Or P Pf Pr Ps Q R Ri Ru S Se Sk Sp Sr Su Sw T Th To Tu U V Vo W We Wo Wy X Y Z
Sri Lanka
General certificate of secondary education 114-5w
Ambulance services (05.12.2006) 25-49wh
Stamp duties
Stanley, Rt Hon Sir John
Starkey, Dr Phyllis
Chamber Debates
Housing (07.12.2006) 464-9
Crimes of violence, Alcoholic drinks 12-3
Local government, Pollution control 1242-3w
Mentally incapacitated, Appeals 864w
Mentally incapacitated, Protection 390w
Police, Driving under influence 1977w
State retirement pensions
"State Veterinary Service Report and Accounts 2005-06"
Dept for Communities and Local Government 908-9w
Dept for Constitutional Affairs 945-6w
Dept for Culture Media and Sport 818-9w
Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 956w
Dept for International Development 761w
Dept of Trade and Industry 799w
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 662w
Ministry of Defence 1256w
Northern Ireland Office 631w
Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 421w
Steen, Mr Anthony
Chamber Debates
Westminster Hall Debates
Care homes, Brixham 1344w
Dartington College of Arts, Finance 1380w
District councils, Constituencies 1081-2w
Local government, Brixham 967w
National insurance 1342w, 2008-9w
Stem cells
Stewart, Ian
Chamber Debates
Employment agencies, Prosecutions 801w
Stoate, Dr Howard
Chamber Debates
Electric cables, Thames Gateway 1285w
Industrial wastes, Pollution 962-3w
Sustainable development, Kent 1658-9w
Stock market
Stocks and shares
Church Commissioners 1501w
Stoke Mandeville Hospital
Stoke Mandeville Hospital NHS Trust
Stoke on Trent
Strang, Rt Hon Dr Gavin
Chamber Debates
Political parties, Finance 1153
Strategy Unit
Straw, Rt Hon Jack, Lord Privy Seal and Leader of the House of Commons
Chamber Debates
Brussels Summit (EC) (18.12.2006) 1160
European fighter aircraft, Points of order (11.12.2006) 581
Written Statements
Conventions Joint Committee 91ws
Compensation, Privy Council 1084w
Consultants, Leader of the House of Commons 12-3w
Furniture, Privy Council 1084w
Information and communications technology, Contracts 717w
Members, Information and communications technology 717w
Ministerial policy advisors, Leader of the House of Commons 922w
Nurseries, Voucher schemes 922w
Official cars, Privy Council 578w
Procurement, Privy Council 409w
Retirement, Privy Council 922w
Temporary employment, Privy Council 578w
Streeter, Mr Gary
Chamber Debates
Child Support Agency (13.12.2006) 886
Disabled Children (Family Support) Bill, 1R (13.12.2006) 888
Transport (05.12.2006) 231-2
Streetscape and Highways Design Bill 2006-07
Chamber Debates
Stringer, Mr Graham
Chamber Debates
Off-Road Vehicles (Registration) Bill, 1R (13.12.2006) 888
Westminster Hall Debates
Stuart, Ms Gisela
Chamber Debates
Brussels Summit (EC) (18.12.2006) 1167
Occupational pensions (12.12.2006) 748
Transport (05.12.2006) 223, 233
Westminster Hall Debates
Pensions, Financial assistance scheme 1021w
Stuart, Graham
Chamber Debates
Digital Switchover (Disclosure of Information) Bill, 2R (18.12.2006) 1242, 1245
European Council (06.12.2006) 344
Post Office (14.12.2006) 1038
Pre-Budget report 2006 (06.12.2006) 321, 327, 333
Child Support Agency, Debt collection 1575-6w
Commission for Local Administration in England 1825-7w
East Riding of Yorkshire Primary Care Trust, Redundancy 1710w
Fuel poverty, Yorkshire and Humberside 1079w
Higher education, Yorkshire and Humberside 1154-5w
Lone parents, Yorkshire and Humberside 1428-30w
Student numbers
Community development 713-5
Stunell, Mr Andrew
Chamber Debates
Greater London Authority Bill, 2R (12.12.2006) 758, 776
Community development, Students 715
Conventional weapons 503w
Hearing impaired, Waiting lists 669w
NHS foundation trusts 1712w