Index for Volume 460continued
A Am As B Be Bi Bu By C Ce Co Cr D Dh Dr E Em Ex F Fl Fr G Gi Gu H He Hi Hu I Ip J Ju K Ko L Le Li M Ma Mc Mo N No O Ow P Ph Pr Pu Q R Ri Ru S Sh Sl Sp Sr Su Sw T Ti Tu U V W Wi Wo Y Z
Drew, Mr David
Chamber Debates
Home Information Pack Regulations (16.05.2007) 643, 648
Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Bill, Rep and 3R (22.05.2007) 1186-7
Post offices (17.05.2007) 770
Westminster Hall Debates
Dairy farming (22.05.2007) 388wh
Railways, Bicycles (08.05.2007) 5-6wh
Absent voting, Gloucestershire 680w
Agriculture, Subsidies 29w, 730
Agriculture, Taxation 283w
Animal experiments, Licensing 706-7w
Animal welfare, Prosecutions 30w
Avian influenza, Disease control 881w
Bangladesh, Politics and government 384w
Bankruptcy, Gloucestershire 658-9w
Council tax, Second homes 121w
Crimes of violence, Females 809-10w
Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 800-2w
Domestic violence, Public sector 429w
Drugs, Rehabilitation 1129w
Energy, Conservation 559w
Ethiopia, Kidnapping 1313w
Farms, Educational visits 1209w
Health services, Special educational needs 589w
Housing, Carbon emissions 128w
Illegal immigrants, Employment 1247w
Iran, Territorial waters 385
Lorries, Safety measures 465-6
Pension funds, Tax credit 276
Planning, Sustainable development 837-8w
Postal services, Gloucester 661w
Public participation, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 637-8w
Sudan, Armed conflict 239w
Sudan, Libyan Arab Republic 239w
Sudan, Peacekeeping operations 239-40w
Sudan, Politics and government 701w
Uganda, Commonwealth Heads of Government Conference 240-1w
Drinking water
Drinking Water Inspectorate
Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency
Driver information systems
Driving offences
Driving tests
Driving under influence
Drug interventions programme
Drug seizures
International cooperation 393w
Yarl's Wood Detention Centre 250w
Drugs (Reclassification and Roadside Testing) Bill 2006-07
Chamber Debates
2R order read (18.05.2007) 948
Duddridge, James
Chamber Debates
Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Bill, Lords amendts (16.05.2007) 667, 673
Westminster Hall Debates
Alcoholic drinks, Death 562-4w
Alcoholic drinks, Misuse 570w
Uganda, Armed conflict 826w
Armed forces Duncan, Alan
Chamber Debates
Energy supply (23.05.2007) 1282-3
Post offices (17.05.2007) 755-6
Scottish Parliament, Elections (23.05.2007) 1346
Road signs and markings 1268w
Duncan Smith, Rt Hon Iain
Chamber Debates
Home information packs (22.05.2007) 1115
Westminster Hall Debates
Taxpayers, Charitable donations 691w
Dunne, Philip
Chamber Debates
Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Bill, Rep (17.05.2007) 835
Westminster Hall Debates
Welfare tax credits (16.05.2007) 291wh
Book Aid International, Finance 1027w
International assistance 287-8
Local government, Shropshire 154-5
Secondary education, Disabled 320w
Dunwoody, Mrs Gwyneth
Chamber Debates
Concessionary Bus Travel Bill (HL), 2R (14.05.2007) 403, 413
Weatherill, Lord, Death (10.05.2007) 311
Durkan, Mark
Chamber Debates
Armed conflict (15.05.2007) 528, 536
Justice and Security (Northern Ireland) Bill, Lords amendts (10.05.2007) 323-4, 327, 330-1, 334
Equal opportunities, Northern Ireland 198w
Political parties, Finance 1345w