Index for Volume 460—continued

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Flello, Robert


Flint, Caroline, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Dept of Health

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Alcoholic drinks, Misuse (15.05.2007) 202-5wh

                  Written Statements

    Blood transfusions, Hepatitis 69-70ws

    Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, Codes of practice 85ws

    Human Tissue and Embryos Bill (Draft) 45ws

    Incontinence, Medical equipment 78-9ws


    Accident and emergency departments 1227-8w

    Aerials, Health hazards 586w

    Alcoholic drinks, West Bromwich 1123w

    Allergies, Research 602w

    Alzheimer's disease, Drugs 403w

    Animals, Disease control 581-2w

    Bio Products Laboratory, Dept of Health 571-2w

    Childbirth, Research 576w

    Chlamydia infection, Screening 576-7w

    Chronic fatigue syndrome 577w

    Clinical trials 599w

    Contaminated Blood and Blood Products Inquiry 575w

    Contraceptives, Young people 577-8w

    Cystic fibrosis 578w

    Dietary supplements, Channel Islands 580-1w

    Diphtheria, Vaccination 581w

    Drugs, Counterfeit manufacturing 1128-9w

    Drugs, Rehabilitation 1129w

    Fertility, Research 269w

    Food, Advertising 584w

    Health, Research 270w

    Heart diseases, Screening 589w

    Human embryo experiments 271w

    Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990 592w

    Incontinence, Medical equipment 593w

    Life expectancy 595w

    Lister Institute, Dept of Health 571-2w

    Maternity services 596w

    Medical records, Pharmacy 598-9w

    Medical records, Social services 1239w

    Medical treatments, Cost effectiveness 922-3w

    Mentally ill, Drugs 623w

    Methylamphetamines, Misuse 601w

    Multiple sclerosis, Drugs 411-2w

    Multiple sclerosis, Research 602-3w

    Muscular dystrophy, Research 603w

    National Gamete Donation Trust, Finance 583-4w

    National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence 603w

    National Treatment Agency 604w

    National Treatment Agency, General practitioners 1092-3

    NHS, Procurement 612w

    Obesity, Health services 1135w

    Parkinson's disease, Prescriptions 1022w

    Patient choice schemes 621w

    Patient choice schemes, Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Primary Care Trust 605w

    Pharmacy, Internet 621w

    Prescriptions, Fees and charges 422w

    Prescriptions, Information and communications technology 622-3w

    Psychiatry, Drugs 623w

    Ritalin, Labelling 624w

    School fruit and vegetable scheme 624w

    Smoking, Religious buildings 1238w

    Vaccination, Side effects 626w

Flood control


    Disclosure of information 884-5w


Fly tipping

Flynn, Paul


    Industrial diseases, Compensation 479w

    Iraq, Peacekeeping operations 1190w

Folic acid


    Renewable energy (22.05.2007) 422-8wh

Food aid

Food Standards Agency


Foreign and Commonwealth Office

    Information and communications technology 112w, 398w

    Official hospitality 112w

Foreign companies

Foreign relations

Foreign workers


    National identity register 83w

Forensic science


Foster, Mr Don


    Arts, Finance 963

    Electronic equipment, Waste disposal 1352w

    Physical education 363w

    Physical education, Further education 1303w

    Playing fields, Sales 105w

    Schools, Inspections 1079w

    Schools, Sports 366w

Foster care

Foundation degrees

Fox, Dr Liam

                  Chamber Debates

    Recess motions (24.05.2007) 1505


    Iran, Territorial waters 1050w

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