Index for Volume 460continued
A Am As B Be Bi Bu By C Ce Co Cr D Dh Dr E Em Ex F Fl Fr G Gi Gu H He Hi Hu I Ip J Ju K Ko L Le Li M Ma Mc Mo N No O Ow P Ph Pr Pu Q R Ri Ru S Sh Sl Sp Sr Su Sw T Ti Tu U V W Wi Wo Y Z
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam
Libyan Arab Republic
Licensing laws
Lidington, Mr David
Chamber Debates
Northern Ireland government (09.05.2007) 160-2
Pakistan, Immigration 780w
Smoking, Religious buildings 1238w
Smoking, 10 Downing Street 1121w
Life expectancy
Life imprisonment
Life insurance
Lilley, Rt Hon Peter
Chamber Debates
Energy supply (23.05.2007) 1290
Hewitt, Patricia (23.05.2007) 1363-4
NHS treatment centres, Private sector 1089-90
Overseas aid, Primary education 964-5w
LinkAge Plus
Linton, Martin
Chamber Debates
Concessionary Bus Travel Bill (HL), 2R (14.05.2007) 408
Westminster Hall Debates
Community hospitals, Greater London 1226w
Tenancy deposit scheme 119w
Lister Institute
Jobseeker's allowance 1366w
Litvinenko, Alexander
Liverpool Lime Street Station
Repairs and maintenance 1460w
Lloyd, Mr Tony
Chamber Debates
Post offices (17.05.2007) 761
Weatherill, Lord, Death (10.05.2007) 316
Westminster Hall Debates
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence 1091
Llwyd, Mr Elfyn
Chamber Debates
Weatherill, Lord, Death (10.05.2007) 317-8
Westminster Hall Debates
Industrial diseases, Compensation (23.05.2007) 467-9wh
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam 1484w
Sri Lanka, Peace negotiations 1488w
Sri Lanka, Politics and government 1489w
Supermarkets, Packaging 724
Local Better Regulation Office
Local child curfew schemes
Local government
Voluntary organisations 795w
Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Bill 2006-07
Chamber Debates
Programme motion (17.05.2007) 773-4
Local government finance
Local Transport Bill (Draft)
Written Statements
London Local Authorities Bill (HL) 2004/05
Chamber Debates
Lone parents
Jobseeker's allowance 522w
Social security benefits 526w
Lord Chancellor (Modification of Functions) Order 2007
Chamber Debates
Lorry drivers
Loughton, Tim
Chamber Debates
Hewitt, Patricia (23.05.2007) 1384-9
Accident and emergency departments 1227-8w
Children, Dental health 578w
Children, Protection 899w
Community Service Volunteers, Finance 266w
Hearing impaired, Health services 1513w
Mentally ill, Juries 1144w
Nightwear (Safety) Regulations 1985 1040-1w
Schools, Sanitation 1080w
Vetting, Social services 960w
Vetting, Young people 908w
Love, Mr Andrew
Employment, Discrimination 520-1w
Multiple sclerosis, Research 602-3w
Olympic Games, Greater London 1113w
Uganda, Commonwealth Heads of Government Conference 384-5w
Uganda, Politics and government 241w
Low carbon buildings programme
Low incomes
Lucas, Ian
Chamber Debates
Home Information Pack Regulations (16.05.2007) 630-1
Westminster Hall Debates
International cooperation, Schools 610
Ipsen Biopharm, Wrexham 149
Railways, Franchises 458-9
Luff, Mr Peter
Chamber Debates
Energy supply (23.05.2007) 1287-8
Post offices (17.05.2007) 759-60
Iraq, Peacekeeping operations 153-4
Lung cancer
Lynx helicopters