Index for Volume 460—continued

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    Pollution control 44w

Non-domestic rates

Non-governmental organisations


North East Economic Forum

North East region

    Dental services 139w

    Regional spatial strategies 83-4ws

North Korea

North Sea oil

North West region

    Regional planning and development 1445w

North Yorkshire


Northern Cyprus

Northern Ireland

    Equal opportunities 198w

    Immigration 82w

    Industrial wastes 448w

    Planning permission 3-4w

    Public transport 676w

Northern Ireland Commissioner for Victims and Survivors

    Public appointments 2-3w

Northern Ireland government

    Ministerial statements (09.05.2007) 159-73

Northern Ireland Office

    Departmental responsibilities 1341-2w

    Information and communications technology 490-2w

    Official hospitality 828w

    Private finance initiative 1374w

    Renewable energy 198w

    Telephone services 447w

Northern Ireland Police Service

    see Police Service of Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland Policing Board

    Public appointments 73ws

Northern Ireland Prison Service

    Disciplinary proceedings 942w

Northern Ireland Roads Service

Northern region

    Mental health services 600w


    Local government 20, (10.05.2007) 366-80

Norwich Prison


Nuclear fuels

Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty

Nuclear power

Nuclear power stations

Nuclear submarines

    Procurement 67w

Nuclear weapons


    Environment protection 1034w


Nursery nurses

Nursery schools


    Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust 1138w

Nursing homes

    see Care homes


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