Index for Volume 460continued
A Am As B Be Bi Bu By C Ce Co Cr D Dh Dr E Em Ex F Fl Fr G Gi Gu H He Hi Hu I Ip J Ju K Ko L Le Li M Ma Mc Mo N No O Ow P Ph Pr Pu Q R Ri Ru S Sh Sl Sp Sr Su Sw T Ti Tu U V W Wi Wo Y Z
Wicks, Malcolm, Minister for Science and Innovation, Dept of Trade and Industry
Westminster Hall Debates
Industrial diseases, Compensation (23.05.2007) 479-83wh
Written Statements
Arms trade, Export controls 105w
Carbon sequestration, Renewables obligation 477w
Coal operating aid scheme 1004w
Combined heat and power, Building regulations 1444w
Energy Technologies Institute 994-5w
Low carbon buildings programme 481w
Nuclear fuels, Storage 482w
Nuclear power, Pollution control 1446w
Nuclear power, Research 869w
Nuclear power stations, Organs 109-10w
Radioactive materials, Transport 1002w
Radioactive wastes, Waste management 1446-8w
Research, Breast cancer 484w
Utilities, Telephone services 1449w
Wind power, Lancashire 1004w
Widdecombe, Rt Hon Ann
Chamber Debates
Scout Association, Anniversaries (15.05.2007) 592
Wiggin, Mr Bill
International Whaling Commission 1421-2w
International Whaling Commission, Laos 1421w
International Whaling Commission, Poland 383w
Internet, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 1210w
Wild boar
Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981
Willetts, Mr David
Chamber Debates
Further Education and Training Bill (HL), 2R (21.05.2007) 995, 1003-8
Academies, East Anglia 1415
Apprentices, Assessments 285-6w
Employer training pilots 294w
General certificate of secondary education, Standards 361w, 1298w, 1395w
General certificate of secondary education, Truancy 299w
Industrial health and safety, Recreation spaces 1170-1w
Pupil referral units, Special educational needs 317-9w
Schools, Swimming pools 328w
Secondary education, Admissions 506w
Special educational needs 330w
Specialised diplomas, Accountancy 770-1w
State retirement pensions 180-1w
Vocational training, Public sector 775-6w
William Beaumont School Warrington
Williams, Rt Hon Alan
Chamber Debates
Weatherill, Lord, Death (10.05.2007) 309-10
Private finance initiative 977-8
Williams, Mrs Betty
Chamber Debates
Concessionary Bus Travel Bill (HL), 2R (14.05.2007) 402
Williams, Hywel
Chamber Debates
Freedom of Information (Amendment) Bill, Rep and 3R (18.05.2007) 905-6, 930
Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Bill, Rep and 3R (22.05.2007) 1137
Post offices (17.05.2007) 766
Westminster Hall Debates
Doctors, Career structure 1098
Revenue and Customs, Rural areas 292
Williams, Mark
Westminster Hall Debates
Birmingham New Street Station 944w
Digital switchover help scheme, Wales 1177w
Williams, Mr Roger
Chamber Debates
Climate change (08.05.2007) 49
Community hospitals, Petitions (18.05.2007) 879
National Lottery, Petitions (18.05.2007) 879-81
Post offices (17.05.2007) 765
Waste management (24.05.2007) 1476
Westminster Hall Debates
Industrial diseases, Compensation (23.05.2007) 475-7wh
Aircraft carriers, Procurement 1180-1w
Armed forces, Coroners 1046w
Armed forces, Intimidation 1376w
Iraq, Peacekeeping operations 1051w
New Zealand, Sheep meat 661-2w
Williams, Stephen
Chamber Debates
Further Education and Training Bill (HL), 2R (21.05.2007) 1043
Westminster Hall Debates
Higher Education, Finance (15.05.2007) 213-9wh
Democratic Republic of Congo, Tree felling 1402w
Willis, Mr Phil
Heart diseases, Rehabilitation 722-3w
Internet, Home Office 546w
Young offender institutions, Compensation 713-4w
Willott, Jenny
Bio Products Laboratory, Dept of Health 571-2w
Lister Institute, Dept of Health 571-2w
Pensions, Financial assistance scheme 768w
Wilshire, Mr David
Bronzefield Prison, Foreigners 74-5w
Prisoners, Foreigners 437w
Wilson, Robert
Chamber Debates
Further Education and Training Bill (HL), 2R (21.05.2007) 1043-6, 1049
Sight impaired, Health services 1226w
Social security benefits 1363w
Wilson, Sammy
Chamber Debates
Armed conflict (15.05.2007) 556-9
Scottish Parliament, Elections (23.05.2007) 1321
Academies, East Anglia 1414
Assaults on police, Northern Ireland 199-201w
Police Service of Northern Ireland, Finance 1267
Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (England) Regulations 2007 1109w
Wind power
Winnick, David
Chamber Debates
Northern Ireland government (09.05.2007) 166
Private members' bills, Points of order (16.05.2007) 625
Standing Order No 163, Points of order (18.05.2007) 876
Weatherill, Lord, Death (10.05.2007) 314-5
Westminster Hall Debates
Council of Europe, Finance 496w
Serbia, Council of Europe 500-1w
Members, Correspondence 188w
Winter fuel payments
Winterton, Ann
Chamber Debates
Weatherill, Lord, Death (10.05.2007) 319
Armoured fighting vehicles 1378w
Devolution, Scotland 192w
Internet, Ministry of Defence 513w
Lynx helicopters, Procurement 221w
Military aircraft, Helicopters 398
Pension funds, Tax credit 294
Winterton, Sir Nicholas
Chamber Debates
Business questions intervention (24.05.2007) 1446
Northern Ireland government (09.05.2007) 169
Post offices (17.05.2007) 770
Weatherill, Lord, Death (10.05.2007) 311-2
Agriculture, Subsidies 731
Armed forces, Health services 395-6
Correspondence, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1216w
Democratic Republic of Congo, Politics and government 140
Developing countries, Debts 285-6
Doctors, Career structure 622
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence 1090-1
Organised crime, Northern Ireland 1267-8
Youth services, Public participation 1412-3
Winterton, Rt Hon Rosie, Minister of Health, Dept of Health
Chamber Debates
Dental services, CJD (23.05.2007) 1403-6
Written Statements
NHS, Personnel management 70ws
Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, Finance 135w
Bereavement counselling 135w
Breast cancer, Greater London 136w
Breast cancer, Health services 136w
Cancer, Waiting lists 1125w
Clinical psychologists, Manpower 1521w
Compulsorily detained mental patients 1223-4w
Dental health, Children 578w
Dental services, East Riding 579-80w
Dental services, Manpower 138w
Dental services, North East region 139w
Dental services, Waiting lists 1503w
Dental services, West Midlands 1126w
Doctors, Career structure 140w, 582-3w, 725w, 727w, 921w, 1012w, 1018w, 1128w, 1233-4w, 1507-10w
Doctors, English language 139w
General practitioners, Manpower 720-2w
Gynaecology, Training 141w
Health Professions Council, Finance 721w
Health services, Prisons 1511w
Health services, Terrorism 1226w
Health services, Warrington 147w
Heart diseases, Accident and emergency departments 147-8w
Heart diseases, Death 722w
Heart diseases, Medical treatments 148w, 407w
Heart diseases, Portsmouth 148-9w
Heart diseases, Rehabilitation 722-3w
Higher civil servants, Dept of Health 1506-7w
Hospital wards, Essex 1513w
Hospitals, Consultants 1020w
Hospitals, Public transport 150w
Influenza, Vaccination 151w
Kidneys, Transplant surgery 271-2w
Medical records, Disclosure of information 739w
Medical treatments abroad 1016w
Mental Health Bill (HL) 2006-07 1515w
Mental health services 1516w
Mental health services, Children 1103-4
Mental health services, Coventry 1223w
Mental health services, Expenditure 600w
Mental health services, Finance 599w
Mental health services, Hospital wards 1517w
Mental health services, Moseley Hall Hospital 600w
Mental health services, Northern region 600w
Mental health services, Waiting lists 1517w
Mentally ill, Community care 726-7w
Midwives, Vacancies 1518w
Multiple sclerosis, Medical treatments 727-8w
NHS, Conditions of employment 155w
NHS, Labour turnover 721w
Nurses, Recruitment 1227w
Paediatrics, Training 724w
Primary care trusts, Public appointments 1521w
Recruitment, Dept of Health 1023w
Secure Healthcare, Prisons 1512w
Secure Healthcare, Public appointments 1127w
Secure Healthcare, Wandsworth Prison 1129-30w
Strokes, Health services 1138w
Training, Dept of Health 718w
Wishart, Pete
Chamber Debates
Act of Union 1707, Anniversaries 5