Index for Volume 461—continued

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Jack, Rt Hon Michael

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Coastal areas, Regeneration (07.06.2007) 143wh, 151wh


    Armed forces, Health services 1058

    Home energy efficiency scheme 640w

Jackson, Stewart

                  Chamber Debates

    Iraq (11.06.2007) 548

    NHS, Information and communications technology (06.06.2007) 269, 276, 284, 300, 305-7


    Air ambulance services, Finance 1895w

    East coast railway line, Franchises 1798w

    Ethnic minority achievement grant 2000w

    Heart diseases, Consultants 299w

    Motor vehicles, Excise duties 115w

    National insurance 351w

    NHS, Private finance initiative 440-2w

    Peterborough, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 93-5w

    Police, Disciplinary proceedings 1240w

    Private finance initiative 475w

    Pupils, Nutrition 875w

    Schools, Immigrants 2031w

    Unemployment, Peterborough 480-1w

    Vacancies, Peterborough 39w


James, Sian C


    Human trafficking, Females 972-3w

    Railways, Finance 1220

    Railways, Concessions 518w

    Railways, Reading Berkshire 705-6w

    Railways, Wales 724w

    Skin cancer, Health education 878w


Japanese knotweed

Jenkin, Mr Bernard

                  Chamber Debates

    Ministry of Defence, Points of order (21.06.2007) 1532


    Sexual offences, Essex 689w

Jenkins, Mr Brian


    Health services, Armed forces 1058-9

    Physiotherapy, Training 317-8w

    Prison accommodation, Shipping 384w

    Prisoners, Assessments 219w

Jobcentre Plus

Jobseeker's allowance

Johnson, Rt Hon Alan, Secretary of State for Education and Skills

                  Written Statements


    City of Westminster, Dept for Education and Skills 1187-9w

    Guardian, Dept for Education and Skills 1183w

    Public relations, Dept for Education and Skills 1464w

    Publicity, Dept for Education and Skills 1183w

    Travel agents, Dept for Education and Skills 1186-7w

    Vetting, Dept for Education and Skills 1998w

Johnson, Mr Boris

                  Chamber Debates

    Iraq (11.06.2007) 558


    Dartington College of Arts 1144w

    GCE A-level, Standards 2011w

    Higher education, Per capita costs 121-2w

    Student numbers, Higher education 1847-9w

    Vocational training 2046w

    Vocational training, Finance 902-3w

Johnson, Diana R

                  Chamber Debates

    Kingston Upon Hull City Council, Assets (20.06.2007) 1486-9

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Legal aid (12.06.2007) 247wh


    Human trafficking 399

Johnston, Alan

Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation

Joint exercises

Joint Ministerial Committee

Jones, David


    11 Downing Street, Official hospitality 854

    Hospitals, Waiting lists 243-4

    Iran, Nuclear power 122

    Iraq, Peacekeeping operations 457w

    Ministry of Justice Innovation Fund 604-5w

    Nuclear power, International cooperation 1493w

    Olympic Games, Greater London 1828-9w

    Pakistan, Religious freedom 459w

Jones, Helen

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Antisocial behaviour orders, Warrington 419w

    Bus services, Concessions 1022w

    Business questions 413

    Children, Disabled 531w

    Consultants, Dept of Health 284w

    Council tax benefits, Warrington 922w

    Education maintenance allowance, Warrington 1851w

    Higher education, Israel 1465w

    Housing benefit, Warrington 924-5w

    Recycling, Warrington 536w

    Repossession orders, Warrington 227w

    Social services, Warrington 1325w

    Strokes, Health services 1393w

    Travel, Concessions 1026w

    Vocational training 797w

    Vocational training, North West region 1851-2w

Jones, Mr Kevan

                  Chamber Debates

    Armed Forces (Federation) Bill, 1R (06.06.2007) 260-2

    Dept of Trade and Industry (06.06.2007) 343, 345-6, 349

    Regional spatial strategies, North East region (14.06.2007) 959-60, 965


    Army, North East Economic Forum 756w

    Army Board, Official residences 1050w

    Official hospitality, Ministry of Defence 1761-2w

    World War II, Medals 1443w

Jones, Kirsty

Jones, Dr Lynne

                  Chamber Debates

    Members, Points of order (14.06.2007) 884


    Armed forces, Selly Oak Hospital 1807w

    Carbon emissions, Cabinet Office 631w

    Carbon emissions, Dept for Communities and Local Government 1169-70w

    Carbon emissions, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 899w

    Carbon emissions, Dept for Education and Skills 1146w

    Carbon emissions, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 1203w

    Carbon emissions, Dept for International Development 733w

    Carbon emissions, Dept for Transport 1022w

    Carbon emissions, Dept for Work and Pensions 1736-7w

    Carbon emissions, Dept of Health 1554w

    Carbon emissions, Dept of Trade and Industry 1490w

    Carbon emissions, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 538w

    Carbon emissions, Home Office 1505-6w

    Carbon emissions, Ministry of Defence 758w

    Carbon emissions, Ministry of Justice 1128w

    Carbon emissions, Northern Ireland Office 1261-2w

    Carbon emissions, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 723w

    Carbon emissions, Scotland Office 1265w

    Carbon emissions, Treasury 1496w

    Driving tests, Fees and charges 1623w

    Energy, Dept for Education and Skills 1703w

    Energy, Dept for Work and Pensions 1864-5w

    Energy, Ministry of Defence 1355w

    Energy, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 1424w

    Energy, Scotland Office 1599w

    Greenhouse gas emissions, Disclosure of information 639-40w

    Health education, Drugs 1902w

    Infant foods, Labelling 1920w

    Iraq, Peacekeeping operations 645-6w

    Renewable energy, Dept for Education and Skills 1149-50w

    Renewable energy, Ministry of Defence 1354-5w

    Renewable energy, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 1423-4w

    Renewable energy, Scotland Office 1598-9w

Jones, Mr Martyn David



Jowell, Rt Hon Ms Tessa, Secretary of State for Culture Media and Sport


    Cultural heritage, Iraq 524-5w

    English Heritage, Public appointments 525w, 630w

    Members, Correspondence 331w

    Public expenditure, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 629-30w

Joyce, Mr Eric

                  Chamber Debates

    Economic situation, Falkirk (04.06.2007) 107-12

    International Tribunals (Sierra Leone) Bill (HL), 2R and rem stages (13.06.2007) 785

    Iraq (11.06.2007) 578


    Economic situation, Scotland 644

    Exservicemen, Mental health services 1443w

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