Index for Volume 461—continued

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Knight, Rt Hon Greg

                  Chamber Debates

    Digital Switchover (Disclosure of Information) Bill, Lords amendts (14.06.2007) 886-7, 890

    Floods, Points of order (15.06.2007) 988

    Human Rights Act 1998 (Meaning of Public Authority) Bill, 2R adjourned (15.06.2007) 1037, 1044

    Serious Crime Bill (HL), 2R (12.06.2007) 663


    Business questions 871

    Coastal erosion 832w

    Lorries, Tachographs 107w

    Motorways, Driving offences 1800-1w

    Motorways, Safety measures 728-9w

    Park and ride schemes, Bridlington 910w

    South West Trains, Fares 398w

Knight, Jim, Minister of State, Dept for Education and Skills


    Autism, Greater London 116w

    Building schools for the future programme, Leicester 489-90w, 1184w

    Children, Eating disorders 495w

    Citizenship, Teachers 2040w

    Class sizes, Middlesbrough 1996w

    Classroom assistants 1996w

    Education, Assessments 1189w

    Education, Greater London 118w

    Education, Travelling people 495-6w

    Ethnic minority achievement grant 2000w

    Faith schools, Catholicism 787w

    Faith schools, Islam 787w

    GCE A-level, Private education 1355-6w

    GCE A-level, Standards 2011w

    General certificate of secondary education, Stratton Upper School and Community College Biggleswade 2043w

    General Teaching Council, Finance 1152-4w

    Headteachers, East Sussex 1354w

    Home education, Greater London 1354-5w

    International general certificate of secondary education 2013w

    Languages, General certificate of secondary education 2011-2w

    Languages, Secondary education 2013w

    Literacy, Computer software 1190-1w

    Local education authorities, Public transport 1355w

    Mandarin, Curriculum 792w

    Mandarin, General certificate of secondary education 2012w

    Mathematics, Classroom assistants 783w

    Numeracy, Primary education 498w

    Office for Standards in Education Children's Services and Skills 123-5w

    Office for Standards in Education Children's Services and Skills, Legal costs 2014-5w

    Office for Standards in Education Children's Services and Skills, Pay 2015w

    Personal social and health education 371w

    Pupil referral units, Curriculum 1356w

    Pupil referral units, Special educational needs 129w

    Pupils, Compensation 1998w

    Pupils, Counselling 1160w

    Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, Business interests 1356w

    Reading, Classroom assistants 507-8w

    Schools, Biometrics 136w

    Schools, Closures 798w

    Schools, Complaints 1357w

    Schools, Construction 509w

    Schools, Greater London 122-3w

    Schools, Industrial health and safety 137w

    Schools, Microgeneration 136-7w

    Schools, Middlesbrough 2031w

    Schools, Playing fields 2031w

    Schools, Private finance initiative 508-9w

    Schools, Sustainable development 802-3w

    Schools, Worcestershire 793w

    Schools, Yorkshire and Humberside 1358w

    Science, General certificate of secondary education 790w

    Science, Headteachers 2012w

    Secondary education 801w

    Secondary education, Curriculum 137-8w

    Social Enterprise Studies 138w

    Special educational needs 797w

    Special educational needs, Dyspraxia 373w

    Special educational needs, Finance 1192w

    Special educational needs, Hearing impaired 2013w

    Specialised diplomas 157w

    Statistics, Dept for Education and Skills 138-42w

    Teachers, Primary education 373w

    Teachers, Sick leave 154w

    Teachers, Termination of employment 2041-2w

    Thomas Telford School Shropshire, Admissions 2043w

    Vocational training 1358w

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