Index for Volume 461continued
A Am As B Be Bh Br Bu By C Ce Ci Cr Cz D De Dh Dj Du E Em Ev F Fl Fo Fu G Gh Gr Gw H He Hi Hu Hy I Ir J Ju K Kn Ko L Le Li Lu M Ma Me Mi Mo N Ni O Oi P Pe Ph Pr Ps Q R Ri Ru S Se Si Sn Sr Su Sw T Th Tr Tw U V W We Wo Wy X Y Z
Sri Lanka
Internally displaced persons 1611w
Politics and government 461w
Stamp duties
Standards of Conduct in Public Office Standing Committee
see Committee on Standards in Public Life
Standing Order No 163
Starkey, Dr Phyllis
Chamber Debates
Business questions intervention (21.06.2007) 1517
Dental services, Points of order (13.06.2007) 776
Westminster Hall Debates
Administration of justice 946w
Health services, Milton Keynes 750-1
Home information packs 648
Landfill, Greater London 555-6w
Official engagements, Prime Minister 750
State retirement pensions
State Veterinary Service
Dept for Education and Skills 138-42w
Steen, Mr Anthony
Border and Immigration Agency, Interpreters 1961w
Ethiopia, Political prisoners 843w
Fisheries, Carbon emissions 1207w
Human trafficking, Conferences 2205w
Human trafficking, Deportation 677w
Legal aid, Interpreters 1402w
Manufacturing industries, Totnes 396-7
Turkey, Religious freedom 983w
Stem cells
Stewart, Ian
Chamber Debates
Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Bill, Lords amendts (05.06.2007) 151
Vaccination, Side effects 1938w
Stoate, Dr Howard
Care homes, Standards 1386w
Community care, Expenditure 1551-2w
Community care, Fees and charges 991w
Electromagnetic fields, Health hazards 292w
Muscular dystrophy, Drugs 1390w
Muscular dystrophy, Research 1568w
Stoke on Trent
Stop and search
Stratton Upper School and Community College Biggleswade
General certificate of secondary education 2043w
Straw, Rt Hon Jack, Lord Privy Seal and Leader of the House of Commons
Chamber Debates
Disclosure of information, Points of order (21.06.2007) 1532
Written questions, Points of order (14.06.2007) 884
Consultants, Leader of the House of Commons 1w
Members, Per capita costs 1436w
Official residences, Leader of the House of Commons 725w
Parliamentary questions 21-2
Political parties, Finance 485w
Streeter, Mr Gary
Chamber Debates
Exservicemen, Military decorations 1990-1w
General certificate of secondary education, Standards 119-20w
Stringer, Mr Graham
Westminster Hall Debates
Bus services, Concessions (13.06.2007) 320-3wh
Regional development agencies, Marketing 337w
Sutton and Merton Primary Care Trust 2197-8w
Stuart, Ms Gisela
Chamber Debates
Armed forces (21.06.2007) 1544-5
Intellectual property, India 1492w
Stuart, Graham
Westminster Hall Debates
Developing countries, Trade 744
East Riding, Prime Minister 1263-4w
East Riding, Treasury 1883w
East Riding of Yorkshire Primary Care Trust, Management consultants 1562w
Health services, East Riding 1563w
NHS, Crimes of violence 2189w
Schools, Admissions 1191w
Welfare tax credits, Telephone services 83-4w
Student numbers
Student wastage
Petitions (13.06.2007) 816
Stunell, Mr Andrew
Bovine tuberculosis, Disease control 1359w
Departmental responsibilities, Dept for Communities and Local Government 527w
Life imprisonment, North West region 1715w
Sexual offences, Rehabilitation 953w