Index for Volume 465—continued

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Bedfordshire Police


Begg, Miss Anne

                  Chamber Debates

    Elections, Scotland (23.10.2007) 178


    Olympic Games, Greater London 523-4

Beith, Rt Hon A J

                  Chamber Debates

    British constitution (25.10.2007) 416

    Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Bill, Lords amendts (24.10.2007) 317-20, 329, 331, 343-5, 359

    Schools, Berwick-Upon-Tweed (23.10.2007) 259-64, 266


    Alnwick, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 1095-6w

    Greenwich Hospital Estates, Belford 175-6w

    Local government, Northern region 377w

    Local government, Northumberland 1161w

    Written questions, Regional ministers 354w


    Politics and government 816w


    Greenwich Hospital Estates 175-6w


    Military aid 12w

Bell, Sir Stuart, Second Church Estates Commissioner

                  Chamber Debates

    Intergovernmental conference 2007 (22.10.2007) 29-30


Bellingham, Mr Henry

                  Chamber Debates

    Legal Services Bill (HL), Lords amendts (24.10.2007) 305-6


    Accountancy, Ministry of Justice 283w

    Armed forces, Housing 5w

    Doctors, Disciplinary proceedings 264w

    Forensic science, Standards 1069w

    Legal Services Commission, FirstAssist Insurance 362w, 364w

    Litvinenko, Alexander 1069w

    Non-profit making associations 159

    Offenders, Foreigners 1069w

    Prison Service, Disciplinary proceedings 286-7w

    Prison Service, Working hours 810w

    Prisoners, Exservicemen 292w

    Prisoners, Fingerprints 368w

    Prisoners' release 284w

    Prisons, Health services 266-7w

    Railways, Overcrowding 227w

Bellwin scheme

Benn, Rt Hon Hilary, Secretary of State for Environment Food and Rural Affairs

                  Written Statements

    Climate Change Bill (Draft) 23-5ws


    Foot and mouth disease, Disease control 387-91, 521w

Benyon, Richard


    Defence Export Services Organisation, Diplomatic service 823-4w

    Defence Export Services Organisation, Resignations 958-9w

    Defence Export Services Organisation, UK Trade and Investment 710-1w, 1341w


Bercow, Mr John

                  Chamber Debates

    Burma, Points of order (23.10.2007) 183

    Business questions (25.10.2007) 426, 433

    Ministerial statement intervention (25.10.2007) 418


    Non-profit making associations 160


    Acceptable behaviour contracts 337-8w

    Dental services 999w

    National insurance 61w

    New deal for young people 535-6w


    Dept for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform 689w

Berry, Mr Roger


    Export credit guarantees 694w



    Accident and emergency departments 1206w

Big Lottery Fund


    Severn Trent Water 90w

Binley, Brian

                  Chamber Debates

    British constitution (25.10.2007) 421-2

    House of Commons, Reform (25.10.2007) 473-7, 484

    Ministerial statement intervention (25.10.2007) 420

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Churches, Repairs and maintenance 530


    EC grants and loans 1090w


Blackman, Mrs Liz, Vice Chamberlain of Her Majesty's Household

                  Chamber Debates

    Electoral Commission (22.10.2007) 1

Blackman-Woods, Roberta

                  Chamber Debates

    Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Bill, Lords amendts (24.10.2007) 321, 327, 355-6


    Council tax benefits, Durham 318w

    Local Transport Bill (Draft) 228w


    Nursery schools 410w


Blair, Rt Hon Tony

Blears, Rt Hon Hazel, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government


    Public participation, Dept for Communities and Local Government 1160-1w


    see Sight impaired


Bluetongue disease

Blunt, Mr Crispin


    Armed forces, Deployment 3-4

    Iraq, Peacekeeping operations 334w

    Israel, Syrian Arab Republic 52w

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