Index for Volume 465—continued

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Ibrahim, Muktar Said

Iddon, Dr Brian


    Benzodiazepines, Misuse 545w

    Prostitution, Prosecutions 485w

Identity cards

Illegal immigrants

    Educational institutions 1261w

Illsley, Mr Eric


    Dementia, Drugs 288


    Fees and charges 16ws


Immigration and Nationality Directorate

Immigration controls

Immigration officers

Import duties

Incapacity benefit

Income tax

    Tax rates and bands 897w


Independent Advisory Committee for Development Impact

Independent Insurance

Individual savings accounts


    Waste management 42w

Industrial diseases

Industrial disputes

    Postal services 707w

Industrial health and safety

    Institute for Animal Health 306w

Infant foods

Infant mortality

Infectious diseases


    Stockport Primary Care Trust 558-60w

Information and communications technology

    Dept for Children Schools and Families 1130w

    Dept for Work and Pensions 59w

    Ministry of Defence 963w

    Scotland Office 327w

Information officers

    Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council 785w

    English Heritage 39w

    General Social Care Council 1023w

    Natural Environment Research Council 788w


Inheritance tax

Inland Revenue and Customs Service

    see Revenue and Customs

Inland waterways

    Departmental coordination 724w



    Conservation 85w

Inside Justice week


Institute for Animal Health

    Industrial health and safety 306w


    Driving offences 146w

Intellectual property

Intelligence services

Intergovernmental Conference 2007

    Ministerial statements (22.10.2007) 19-38

Internally displaced persons

    Northern Cyprus 819w

International assistance

International Atomic Energy Agency

International cooperation


    Dept for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform 490-1w, 1324w

    Dept for Children Schools and Families 213-4w

    Dept for Culture Media and Sport 631-2w

    Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 79w

    Ministry of Justice 800w




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