Offender Management Bill

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Clause 24

Detention and training orders: early release
Mr. Garnier: I beg to move amendment No. 22, in clause 24, page 17, line 39, leave out subsection (2).
I shall be relatively brief in dealing with this amendment, which stands in my name and those of my hon. Friends. Subsection (2) reads:
“The amendments made by subsection (1) apply in relation to an offender detained under a detention and training order which comes into force before this section comes into force as they apply in relation to an offender detained under a detention and training order which comes into force after this section.”
I want to point out some of the complications and difficulties that arise under the current sentencing regime. I have here a Crown Court Bench Book, which is given by the Judicial Studies Board to full-time judges and also to recorders. I possess it. Whether or not it belongs to the Lord Chancellor, I do not know.
The Chairman: You nicked it.
Mr. Garnier: I do not think I can be accused of having nicked it, as Mr. Atkinson so kindly suggests.
Mr. Coaker: Allegedly.
Mr. Garnier: Allegedly. It is a very valuable compendium of sentencing powers and the forms of words that judges are recommended to speak when sentencing an individual. I do not want to go through all of that. I simply want to point out to the Minister that the whole sentencing regime, as created by this Government over the past 10 years, is incredibly complicated. It does not make clear to the defendant the sentence they will get and it does not make it clear to the public, and more particularly the victim of the offence, what the defendant is about to receive.
Let us look at several headings which relate to sentences for defendants aged under 18 on conviction. For custodial sentences, we have detention and training orders. We have detention under section 91 of the Powers of the Criminal Court Sentencing Act 2000 for less than 12 months or for 12 months or more. We have a required minimum sentence of detention under the Firearms Act 1968. We have an extended sentence of detention under the Criminal Justice Act 2003. We have detention for public protection under the Criminal Justice Act 2003 and we have detention for life under the Criminal Justice Act 2003.
Under non-custodial sentences, we have youth community orders of a general nature. There are curfew orders, exclusion orders, attendance centre orders, supervision orders, action plan orders, community rehabilitation orders, community punishment orders, community punishment and rehabilitation orders and drug treatment and testing orders. That is as of January 2006. No doubt it has changed several times since then. Do not worry—I am sure that I will be on a Judicial Studies Board course to correct any mistakes that I have made before very long.
The detention orders early release aspect of this is complicated. It is complicated even more by the context in which one has to understand it. The purpose of my amendment is to get the Minister publicly to explain precisely what is intended by clause 24 and how it fits into common sense and honesty in sentencing.
Mr. Sutcliffe: The hon. and Learned Gentleman makes a wider point again about sentencing policy and the advice that is given. He will be aware that the Home Secretary announced in July that we were looking at all of this and that there is a consultation process taking place at the moment about sentencing. We do want to see greater clarity in the sentencing provisions, but we also want the public to understand clearly what sentencing is about.
Clause 24 makes a minor technical adjustment to the arrangements for early release from a detention and training order. At present, a trainee who is granted early release must be released on a particular date. If for some reason that date is missed, the trainee must stay in custody for a further month. This can happen for a number of reasons. Problems with finding accommodation suitable for electronic tagging is a notable example. Clause 24 introduces greater flexibility by allowing the release to take place on any day after the early release point has passed.
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The amendment will prevent trainees sentenced before the new arrangements come into force from being released in accordance with them. The Government see no reason for delaying the effective introduction of the more flexible arrangements in this way. We are not proposing any change in general practice. Trainees serving between eight and 18 months who qualify for early release will continue to be released one month before the mid-point of the order. Qualifying trainees serving 18 months or more will be released one or two months before the mid-point. If for some reason the early release date is missed—for example because of a delay in finding accommodation suitable for electronic tagging—it will be possible to release a trainee later without having to keep him or her in custody for a full extra month. There is no point in keeping trainees who are qualified for and being granted early release in custody for an extra month unless there is a substantive reason for doing so.
The clause is highly appropriate and will give us flexibility. The amendment would not, and in our view it would make matters worse. I understand why the hon. and learned Gentleman raised the matter—he wanted to discuss the wider issue of sentencing guidelines. He is assiduous and I am impressed by his ability to deal with his roles as a judge and a Member of Parliament. He is clearly an exceptional person.
Mr. Garnier: I remember once advising the Prime Minister of a foreign country on a matter of defamation law. After I had advised him not to take action against a particular publication, he thanked me and gave me a set of first-day covers from his country. I was about to pocket them, hoping that a cheque for my fee would follow shortly thereafter, when my instructing solicitor took them away from me and said that he would have them on the basis that philately would get the Prime Minister everywhere.
I am afraid that the Minister is good at flattery—I expect first-day covers to head my way shortly—but the clause seems to be a means for the Government to get around the custody overcrowding problem. That is at the heart of the problems faced by the Prison Service and the custody system. Until the Government sort out the overcrowding problem and stop pretending that early releases are for criminal justice reasons rather than to make space for the queue of people coming into our prisons and young offender institutions, confidence in their ability to manage this aspect of public policy will be diminished.
Today is not the day for a prolonged debate on the matter. The Opposition will constantly return to it, but for present purposes, I beg to ask leave to withdraw the amendment.
Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.
Clause 24 ordered to stand part of the Bill.

Clause 25

Accommodation in which period of detention and training to be served
Mark Williams (Ceredigion) (LD): I beg to move amendment No. 40, in clause 25, page 18, line 25, leave out subsection (5).
The amendment stands in my name and that of my hon. Friend the Member for Cheadle. I think that the appropriate expression may be that I have been left holding the baby, but I shall proceed. Clause 25(5) allows the Secretary of State to direct that some young people be removed from young offender institutions into adult prisons once they have reached the age of 18. We seek to remove that subsection from the Bill.
The Government are attempting to enact an idea to which many groups, such as Rainer, the Prison Reform Trust and the Howard League for Penal Reform, are opposed. I cite the views expressed by Her Majesty’s chief inspector of prisons in her 2004-05 annual report, which stated:
“Our reports continue to document the inadequate provision for young adults”.
Is prison the best place for 18 to 20-year-olds? This age group suffers severe difficulties and therefore requires special attention. The Prison Reform Trust found that 78.4 per cent. of young men released from prison in 2002 were reconvicted within two years of release.
We have heard about the general problems of mental health from which young people suffer proportionately more highly than others. To deal with the problems of education and training as well as mental health problems, special provision is needed to accommodate such needs. Reducing reoffending in this age group requires us to prepare young offenders for the world and to teach them skills that we often take for granted, such as how to organise personal finances and how and where to look for employment. We have often discussed such needs in the Committee. Without being taught those skills and receiving other treatment for drug abuse and mental health problems, young adults will remain as likely as ever to reoffend. Crucially—the Minister showed his personal commitment to this in his evidence to the Welsh Affairs Committee—that cannot be done in prisons.
The 2004-05 report of Her Majesty’s chief inspector of prisons stated:
“The poorest provision at present is to be found in establishments that hold young adults within an adult population.”
Different age groups have different needs, but there is inadequate funding in prisons to take account of such needs. The Prison Reform Trust report “A Lost Generation: the experiences of young people in prison” revealed that far too many 18 to 20-year-olds were being moved around an overcrowded system and experiencing impoverished regimes involving long hours locked up without the support and supervision that they require, causing disruption and distress.
Will the provision as drafted make the situation worse? Will it not be a case of having no room for young adults in secure training centres because resources are a big issue, which means that they will be put into prisons instead? The Minister knows that there is a problem in Wales, as his evidence to the Welsh Affairs Committee showed. The hon. and learned Member for Harborough referred to the matter in his contribution on mental health issues. Can the Minister assure us that the measure will not be used as an excuse to free up space in the already overcrowded youth custody system?
Mr. Garnier: The hon. Gentleman may be reassured that the measure is not being put in place to relieve overcrowding in the young offender detention system by placing such offenders in the adult prison system, because the adult prison system is itself overcrowded. One does not cure one bit of overcrowding by further overcrowding an already overcrowded adult prison estate.
There is a young offender institution and an adult prison in my constituency, and I have visited several young offender institutions and adult prisons in the past 18 months or so. Young offender institutions take people up to the age of 21, and there are often people of 19 or 20 in those institutions who look about 13 or 14, yet some people aged 16 or 17 in custody look 25. Some foreign nationals in young offender institutions do not have accurate records of when they were born, so they may be over 21. However, I am told by people who work in young offender institutions that such detainees often say that they are under 21 in order to be imprisoned in the young offender institution rather than the adult prison. There is a huge problem of actual age as compared to maturity, and the slightly lesser problem of older foreign prisoners being housed in the young offender estate.
I am concerned about what considerations the Secretary of State takes into account in deciding whether a person who is 18 but not yet 21 is to be considered for detention in a prison as opposed to a YOI. Clearly the Secretary of State will not personally make that decision. I do not imagine that even the Minister with responsibility for prisons will make that decision; it will be delegated to people within the Prison Service or in the private prison estate. We need to be extremely careful that prisoners who are vulnerable young people in some respects—yes, they have committed serious crimes, otherwise they would not be in custody; I do not shed a tear about that—are not pushed into the adult estate when they are not suitable and could not cope either physically or mentally with the conditions of an adult prison.
Prison is not a nice place to be. Young offender institutions are not nice places to be. I am afraid that sometimes people have to be sent to them because they have committed serious crimes, but we need to be careful about treating people badly within the prison system by sending unsuitable youngsters into the adult system, for example, because it could lead to more damage than the Minister would want.
Mr. Sutcliffe: I am grateful to the hon. Member for Ceredigion for speaking to the amendment and for the comments from the hon. and learned Member for Harborough. I wholeheartedly agree that we have tobe careful about this issue. I want to reassure the Committee and, I hope, the hon. Member for Ceredigion that we are seeking a contingency for the reasons that he outlined. Clearly there will have to be a great deal of discussion, and I will come to some of the things we are already doing in terms of adult offenders and what needs to happen.
A project was set up as part of the National Offender Management Service offender management programme to look at management and standards for young adult offenders by March 2007. It is talking to the stakeholders that the hon. Gentleman quoted, including Rainer and a variety of bodies. The project has carried out four reviews of matters relating to young adult offenders: age range; legislative arrangements for their management; custodial estate provisions; and community provisions. Each review was informed by an examination of recent publications, analysis of statistical data, workshops and focus groups, and in addition meetings were held with operational staff and offender policy leads, the voluntary community and private sector, leading interest groups, inspectorates and the prison and probation ombudsman. The team also visited a number of prisons, youth offender institutions and probation areas, including the north-west pathfinder for offender management. The project has worked closely with the Youth Justice Board throughout.
The age range review has examined the practice across all Departments, good practice overseas and research evidence in relation to offending patterns and maturity. There is an emerging argument in favour of looking to realign our age definitions in line with other agencies, but the full implications need further exploration before any firm recommendations are put to Ministers. As yet, no firm decision has been made. Decisions on legislative changes, if necessary, will be made once any change options have been decided; for example in respect of YOI age range definitions.
The custodial and community reviews have been based on an assessment of the way forward on the key characteristics of the young adult offenders age group and, consequent on those, the development of a regime to reduce the reoffending. The review of the custodial estate has identified options for the future management of young adult offenders. The priorities of public protection and reducing reoffending while ensuring that vulnerable offenders are protected will determine the preferred option, dependent on the offender need profile and the outcome of the cost-benefit analysis.
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I hope that that underlines what the Government are trying to do with young adult offenders and young people provision across Government, focusing on prevention and then dealing with reoffenders. I have been impressed with the work of organisations such as SmartJustice, in the deflections that they are trying to achieve in the development of young offenders. We are attempting not to put 18-year-olds in prison but to enact a contingency that is required under current legislation.
Subsection (5) allows detention and training order trainees who become 18 during the course of their sentences to be placed in an adult prison, which is a necessary provision for a situation that might arise when section 61 of the Criminal Justice and Court Services Act is brought into force. Section 61 abolishes the sentence of detention in a young offenders institution that is currently available for 18 to 20-year-olds. Following that change, if we then decided that young offenders institutions would no longer be provided for 18 to 20-year-olds, that would create a problem for the under-18 estate, because moving an 18-year-old trainee to a young adults institution would no longer be possible. Clause 25 would instead enable him or her to be placed in an adult prison.
I might be asked why 18-year-old DTO trainees cannot stay in the juvenile estate until the end of their sentences. There is no difficulty in a trainee remaining for a reasonable period, but an offender who is just under 18 at the time of conviction may be over 18 by the time sentence is passed and may then have to serve up to 12 months in custody. He or she could then well be over 19 by the end of the custodial period. An even more extreme case would be if the trainee was then released from custody but subsequently breached the terms of the notice of supervision. He or she could be sent back to custody by the court. By that time, the trainee could be over 20.
Forcing the Youth Justice Board to place 19 or 20-year-olds in the under-18 estate, where they would be mixing with 15-year-olds and so on, is clearly not desirable. There are obvious safeguarding implications. As I have tried to make clear, the policy on young adult offenders in custody is currently under review and no decision on the way forward has yet been taken. We are listening to the groups—experts in the area—that the hon. Member for Ceredigion asked us to.
If and when there is a need to place DTO trainees in prison, policy guidelines will be in place to ensure that the transfer to prison happens only in appropriate cases, with due consideration to the requirements of the Human Rights Act 1998 and to meeting the needs of individual vulnerable people. I should emphasise that, unless detention in a young offenders institution is abolished and the age of adult imprisonment consequently reduced to 18, we have no intention of placing DTO trainees in adult establishments. The subsection is purely a contingency arrangement. With that explanation and commitment, made in Committee and Select Committee, the hon. Member for Ceredigion knows what we are trying to achieve and should be able to withdraw the amendment.
Mark Williams: I thank the Minister for that generous response. Again, he has assured me that there is a precautionary principle at work here, but my hon. Friend the Member for Cheadle and I wanted to flag up the needs of this very different group. The Minister has assured me that the Government share, at least in part, that concern. I beg to ask leave to withdraw the amendment.
Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.
Clause 25 ordered to stand part of the Bill.
Clause 26 ordered to stand part of the Bill.
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