1 Introduction
1. This is the Culture, Media and Sport Committee's
report on its work during 2005-06 and covers the Committee's activities
since its appointment in July 2005. It is designed to illustrate
the ways in which the Committee's work has met the objectives
for select committees drawn up by the Liaison Committee following
a resolution of the House on 14 May 2002. It also provides a commentary
on working methods used.
2. Information on the decisions of the Committee
can be found in its Minutes of Proceedings, updated weekly and
available on the Parliamentary website at http://www.parliament.uk/parliamentary_committees/culture__media_and_sport.cfm.
A more detailed set of statistics on members' attendance, numbers
of meetings, publications, staffing and other matters can be found
in the Sessional Return for 2005-06, to be published shortly.[1]
1 HC 1, Session 2006-07 Back