Select Committee on Culture, Media and Sport Written Evidence

Memorandum submitted by The Cine Guilds of Great Britain

  The Cine Guilds of Great Britain is an organisation which brings together the major "Craft" Guilds of the British Film Industry, thereby representing in excess of 1,500 highly qualified and highly respected practitioners in their various fields. Its Constituent (member) Guilds are:

AMPSThe Association of Motion Picture Sound Sound Technicians & Editors
BFDGBritish Film Designers Guild Production Designers
BSCBritish Society of Cinematographers Lighting Cameramen/Directors of Photography
GBCTGuild of British Camera Technicians Camera Operators/Crew and Script Supervisors
GBFTEGuild of British Film & Television Editors Film, Television and Sound Editors
GLMGuild of Location Managers Location Managers
GSACGuild of Stunt & Action Co-ordinators Stunt Co-ordinators

  Neither the Directors' Guild nor the Writers' Guild is eligible for membership of the CGGB as both act as "trades unions" for their members in some areas of activity, which is a specific disqualification under the Constitution of the CGGB. We do, however, maintain regular contact with the Production Guild, the New Producers' Alliance, BECTU, Skillset and other film "craft" organisations.

  The advent of the so-called "new media" as outlets for film and television production is a matter of considerable interest to many of our constituent guilds.

  We feel that this development could provide a suitable time to review the concept of "authorship" in connection with film-making in order to suitably recognise the input of crew whose efforts have made a production successful in both creative and financial terms.

  In many parts of Europe it is clearly understood that the people who physically make a movie have the right to be recognised as its "auteurs". At present this is not the case in the UK.

  Many film professionals feel very strongly that there this is an anomaly that needs to be addressed, especially when they consider that, for example, stills photographers generally retain the reproduction rights to the pictures even when they have been paid a fee for the original shoot.

21 February 2006

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