| Current Public Commitment
| Proposed Public Milestones for 2007
Maritime | Submarine flotilla: start negotiations to achieve a programme-level partnering agreement with a single industrial entity for the full lifecycle. Complete in time for the contract for the fourth Astute class submarine, matched by the implementation of a unified submarine programme management organisation within the MOD.
| Agree a route map to a Long-Term Collaboration Agreement between MOD and key Industrial Partners covering full submarine life-cycle by Summer 2007.
| For surface ship design and build aim by June 2006 to arrive at a common understanding of the core load required to sustain the high-end design, systems engineering and combat systems integration skills.
| Agree the core load required to sustain the high-end design, systems engineering and combat systems integration skills by Summer 2007.
Achieve an affordable programme following robust industry commitments to consolidation and performance improvement by Summer 2007.
| | Industrial restructuring for Surface Ships which delivers potential cost improvements across the maritime programme Summer 2007.
Validate the core load requirement against the surface build programme and rationalisation proposals for build capability by Autumn 2007.
| For surface ship support (SSS), start negotiations with the industry with the aim of exploring alternative contracting arrangements and the way ahead for contracting the next upkeep periods, which start in the autumn of 2006.
Note: Currently it is anticipated that contracts for 12 upkeep/docking periods will be let.
| Throughout 2007 and early 2008, complete individual contract negotiations for the refits and docking periods (known locally as the "Gloucester X" upkeeps) due to commence between Spring 2007 and Spring 2008.
By Spring 2008, subject to both approvals and consultation, establish the Surface Ship Support Alliance (SSSA).
| Key maritime equipment industrial capabilities will be supported by the production of a sustainability strategy for these key equipments by June 2006.
| Arrive at a sustainability strategy for
key Maritime industrial capabilities by
Summer 2007.
Fixed Wing | Commence negotiations with BAE Systems on the terms of the business rationalisation and transformation agreement required to facilitate the effective sustainment of the industrial skills, capability and technologies important to our ability to operate, support and upgrade our fast jet combat aircraft through-life. Work with the company during 2006 to agree the way ahead and to implement it from 2007.
| Achieve signature of a Foundation Contract to establish the feasibility of and de-risk the proposed long-term partnering agreement (LTPA) by Early 2007.
Reach a firm decision on the viability, shape and scope of the proposed LTPA by the End of 2007 and be positioned to place relevant supporting contracts as appropriate.
| Move ahead with a substantial Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Technology Demonstrator Programme in 2006.
| Completed. TDP now underway. |
Armoured Vehicles | With BAE Systems give effect to the long-term partnering arrangement required to improve the reliability, availability and effectiveness through life of our existing AFV fleets. Establish a joint partnering team within the early part of 2006 and to establish a business transformation plan underpinned by a robust milestone and performance regime.
| Agree a strategy for sustaining the current [and future] AFV fleet by Spring 2007.
Implement the strategy for procurement of the FRES system by Spring 2007 including initiation of a competition to provide the FRES Utility Variant.
Helicopters | By Spring 2006, subject to value for money having been demonstrated, reach agreement on a Strategic Partnering Arrangement (SPA) which will be focused on activities to sustain the design engineering skills and knowledge of UK military demands and safety standards within Agusta Westland necessary for them to provide effective through-life support to those elements of the in-service helicopter fleet for which they are the DA.
| Continue to build upon early success with the SPA to improve efficiency and reduce dependency on UK Government contracts for its long-term viability. Ongoing.
Reach decision on preferred bidder and transfer of responsibility for operation of DARA (RW and Components Business Units) and initiate action to place appropriate contracts and agreements by Summer 2007.
Complex Weapons | Establish a multi-disciplinary team to establish how we might seek both to meet our ongoing requirements and sustain in an industrially viable manner the critical guided weapons technologies and through life support capabilities. Have a clear way ahead by mid-2006.
| Issue the Complex Weapons Sector Strategy in Early 2007.
Achieve Signature of a Complex Weapons SPA by Summer 2007.
General Munitions | Take forward Project MASS, with a view to making decisions on how best to sustain our required access to general munitions in the Summer of 2007, building on the joint working arrangements enshrined in the existing Framework Partnering Agreement as reinforced by the recently agreed MOD/BAE Systems LS partnering principles.
| Confirm the preferred commercial strategy for meeting this requirement in Summer 2007.
Achieve contractual commitments in support of this before Spring 2008.
CBRN | None declared publicly in 2006.
| Complete the CBRN Industry Capability Matrix and share the findings with the Home Office in Early 2007.
Continue to build on the concept of Team CBRN by creating a Joint Focus Group which delivers an Initial Gate Business Case for CBRN sector transformation by Mid 2007.
Defence Commercial Director
| The appointment of the DCD has paved the way for changes in the way in which the MOD behaves as a customer and changes to the relationship between MOD and Industry.
| Complete the review of our approach to SME in acquisition and implement necessary policy changes to improve SME engagement by Summer 2007.
Issue proposed terms of business for major defence contractors wishing to work with MoD for industry consultation by Summer 2007.
Issue best practice on contracting of
long-term partnering agreements by Summer 2007.
Defence Technology Strategy
| All previous public commitments have now been met.
| Award contracts for funded Grand Challenge teams to be announced summer 2007. Final trials 2008.
Award contract awarded for Competition of Ideas by Spring 2007.
Publish Strategy to Stimulate Innovation. Summer 2007.
Publish People Skills Roadmap. Summer 2007.
Investment in S&E skills. Start scheme Summer 2007.
Publish R&D Business Models for Investment. Autumn 2007.
Transparency | Defence Industrial Strategy Chapter A8 committed the department to significant increases in the quality and quantity of planning assumptions and data shared with Industry.
| Complete the consultation process with Industry and issue formal guidance on Transparency in Early 2007.
Following the outcome of the annual planning round, issue relevant planning assumptions to industry by Summer 2007.
DACP | The establishment of an integrated procurement and support organisation, removing barriers to integrated delivery of equipment and support.
| The DPA and DLO will be merged into a single organisation with a mission to equip and support our armed forcesDefence Equipment & Support (DE&S)April 2007.
| Unity of purpose and agility of the MOD customer.
| A new Capability Planning Group (CPG) regime will be in operation using consistent processes and structures. Each group will bring together key stakeholders who will ensure the delivery of enduring military capability within their area of responsibilityApril 2007, with the remainder of 2007 being used to test, develop and embed the new arrangements.
| New departmental planning processbringing together previously separate plans for equipment and equipment support
| Planning Round 2008 (starting Spring 2007) will be significantly different from previous years. Responsibility for programming equipment support costs will transfer from the DLO to the Sponsor and the Front Line TLB (FLTLB)s, thereby aligning programming responsibility with those organisations which have the ultimate responsibility for delivering coherent future equipment capability (the Sponsor) and for integrating the DLoDs to deliver military capability (the User)April 2007.
| | Equipment support resources will be programmed in detail over ten years. Front Line Commands will programme the costs of support for in-service equipment for Years 1-4, and the Sponsor will programme the costs of support of all new equipment and for in-service equipment over Years 5-10April 2007.
| Streamlining of decisions
| A revised approvals process will be applied progressively to projectsApril 2007.
29 January 2007 | |