Defence - Ninth Report
Here you can browse the report together with the Proceedings of the Committee. The published report was ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 27 February 2007.
Terms of Reference
1 Introduction
2 The UK's nuclear deterrent
Components of the UK's nuclear deterrent
Operating posture of the UK's nuclear deterrent
3 The timingof decisions
The Government's assessment of the timing of decisions
The life of the Vanguard-class submarine
The submarine procurement timeframe
Views on the White Paper's timing assumptions
The life of the Vanguard-class submarine and the procurement timeframe
The Government's response
The timing of decisions on the Trident II D5 missile
4 The scale of the UK's nuclear deterrent
The Government's policy on nuclear weapons
Reductions announced in the scale of the UK's nuclear deterrent
Significance of the reductions
5 Nuclear deterrence in the 21st Century
The Government's approach to nuclear deterrence
The context of nuclear deterrence
Circumstances of use
A sub-strategic role
The UK's nuclear deterrent and NATO nuclear forces
The Government's rationale for retaining a nuclear deterrent
An insurance against an uncertain future
State-sponsored terrorism
6 International legal and treaty aspects
The legality of the White Paper's proposals
The Government's position
Challenges to the Government's position
The NPT and nuclear proliferation
7 Deterrent options and costs
The Government's proposals
Response to the Government's choice of options
Costs and funding
The cost of extending the life of the Vanguard-class submarine
Procurement costs
In-service costs of the nuclear deterrent programme
Costs of decision not to replace Trident submarines
Decommissioning costs
The cost of the Trident D5 life extension and replacement programmes
Industrial aspects
Future decisions
Three or four submarines?
The submarine design
A replacement missile
A future warhead
Timeline for future decisions
Conclusions and recommendations
List of Abbreviations
Annex 1: Conclusions of the Committee's earlier Reports on the Future of the UK's Strategic Nuclear Deterrent
Annex 2: Exchange of letters between the Prime Minister and the President of the United States of America
Formal minutes
List of witnesses
List of written evidence
List of unprinted written evidence
Defence Committee Reports in this Parliament
Tuesday 16 January 2007
Tuesday 23 January 2007
Tuesday 30 January 2007
Tuesday 6 February 2007
Written Evidence