Memorandum submitted by Marish Primary School


Marish School was a newly formed primary school which opened in September 2004 with 650 children on roll. The school was created by amalgamating Marish Infant and Nursery school with Marish Junior School. Both schools had been at the heart of the community since 1955.


With the amalgamation came all the associated problems of merging two staffs, establishing new procedures and expectations coupled with the overriding need to raise standards and to forge productive and trusting links with the community.


Working with Creative Partners the school has:

Ø accessed expertise in the arts to support a very new and inexperienced staff.

Ø maximised performance opportunities enhancing pupil self esteem and confidence.

Ø raised expectations of pupils and staff.

Ø motivated pupils with new and exciting experiences.


From the very first day of our opening the school, when a dramatist worked with our new staff to "break the ice" C P has been an invaluable partner with the school to achieve our aims:


"At Marish, we value every child equally, irrespective of their ability, gender or race. We believe in providing, an exciting challenging, creative curriculum which is differentiated to motivate all children to become independent life long learners. All pupils will be encouraged to maximise skills and knowledge, within a safe environment, which will enable them to develop a healthy lifestyle and positive relationships as citizens of the future. "



The following projects have stimulated pupil involvement, enhanced experiences and supported staff to take risks in areas of the curriculum in which they lack confidence.


Autumn 2004 and Spring Term 2005 - Year 5 Drama Project

The focus of the project was to increase pupil self esteem and motivation towards learning. Provide class teachers with drama strategies which could be applied across the whole curriculum.



Spring Term 2006 - Year 6 Song Writing and Performance

The focus of the project was to provide teachers with ideas for teaching music in Year 6 whilst enabling pupils to write and perform their own music.




Autumn Term 2006 - Year 4 - Music and science

The focus of the project was to incorporate the teaching of Science through music. The topic 'Water' was explored and a visit arranged on the river for pupils to experience the real world within their learning. The project resulted in a successful performance, where pupils demonstrated understanding of the project through music.

Spring Term 2007 - Year 1 Science through Music and Film Making

The focus of the project was to make cross curricular links across the Year One curriculum building upon the Year 4 project. A whole terms' work was devoted to 'Materials' and every subject linked to the topic. The pupils made films to demonstrate their understanding of materials at the end of the project.


July 2007