Memorandum submitted by Geoffrey Garlick, Headteacher, St. John with St. Augustine Church of England Primary School, Accrington
Our Vision is to:
· inspire children to become independent learners and creative thinkers; · inspire all staff teachers to become more inspirational and more effective; · inspire parents to support their children's' learning and believe in them.
I am committed to reviewing and redesigning where necessary the way the curriculum is delivered to reflect learning needs. I believe creative learning is not simply about promoting the arts but enables children to think independently and learn to make connections in ways which are critically important in a rapidly changing world.
I am committed to developing critical thinking skills and approaches to a curriculum which will allow for originality, problem solving and innovative whole school improvement through creativity. I recognise the power of a creative curriculum to develop imaginative and expressive learning whereby children of all abilities will achieve success.
I aim to nurture in our children a lifelong passion for, and appreciation of creativity as participants and discriminating audiences. We will be inclusive in promoting enjoyment of many artistic forms and encourage participation in a wide variety of art activities for all children, particularly the performing arts, across the curriculum.
I believe the most important function of creativity is self-expression. Self-expression allows children to express ideas and feelings about themselves and the world around them. It provides the opportunity to develop their creativity and imagination.
We make every effort to provide our children with opportunities to work with professionals from the arts and creative world and provide artistic experiences outside the classroom. We have a long history of involvement in creativity with drama and dance groups, poets, writers, artists, arts therapists and installation artists working with staff, children and community across the community. Recently we have worked enthusiastically with Creeping Toad, and architectural designs for the 'Panopticons', we have keenly involved our children in performances of dance and drama. We have close associations with Mid Pennine Arts, the University of Central Lancashire and St. Martin's College (The University of Cumbria)
I am committed to the professional development of my staff, together with sharing resources and developing and sharing expertise with other schools and their wider communities.
We are developing a global view of creativity and we are working with schools in Poland and Germany on respecting and valuing diversity and inclusion. With our European partners our aims are to develop and strengthen children's self-esteem. We believe children have to learn to take care of themselves and of others. Only in this way, may democratic and peaceful communities be created. - this encompasses the family, the school community as well as the European and global communities. To accomplish our aims we have proposed the following activities: an introduction to the three school partners' communities - geographical, regional, school systems, differences and similarities in lifestyles etc. Throughout the three academic years, a series of planned 'common' days, 'themed' weeks, when all three schools will deliver on the same a specific lesson, event, activity etc. Those that have been agreed are :A Friendship Day, An International Music and Dance Week, A Healthy European Food Day, A Day of Co-operative Games and a long term project on peer mediation through role playing. (Developing communication skills with pupils in order to resolve conflict).
We have successfully held an International Week of Music and Dance in all three countries involving some 1000 children and their local communities during February. In my school this has resulted in all year groups creating their own choreography for dance routines, becoming familiar with German and Polish texts and recording their achievements within the ICT curriculum.
We are an Associate School within Creative Partnerships and this term we have been working with a digital artist, William Titley on a project titled : 'If I Gave You A Camera What Would You Do With It?'
We believe that the creative use of technology such as digital video, sound recording and graphic design has a powerful motivating effect on children's learning and creativity. For boys, in particular, evidence suggests that making films really does have a marked effect on improving their engagement with learning.
2.2 Our school is aware of the variety of valuable skills that all children need in the light of this ever changing technology both at home and at school, from children as readers of information and children as creators of visual information - across the spectrum from the Foundation Stage to Year 6. These ideas have shaped our project: children in Years 5 and 4 have used notebooks/ laptops, interactive white boards, sound systems and digital video cameras creating storyboards, scripts, record voiceovers, editing and learning how to carry out all that is demanded with regards to production techniques.
2.3 Groups of children, working as teams created, recorded and played the music for the film - and created the necessary 'props', characters, etc.
2.4 Professional practitioners provided the support and training that was necessary. The 'project' ran in tandem with our work on S.E.A.L (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning) and Comenius - the process was all important but a finished product was available to parents and our European colleagues. 2.5 Teaching and support staff also acquired the skills that the children gained by working alongside the practitioner As the project develops, and as a long term aim, older children will cascade their skills to younger children, ensuring the sustainability of these new skills and technologies. 2.6 This project using digital video will inspire all those in the school responsible for teaching and learning to provide creative, innovative ways of motivating and engaging all the children. It will provide tremendous opportunities to work creatively right across the curriculum by providing new approaches to teaching and learning with the support of a creative practitioner. This will be one of many projects that will be sustainable and generate, support and allow colleagues to think and plan outside of the box. 2.5 Those children involved in the film making commented: · that they were all interested in the filming process; · they were excited about acting and would welcome the opportunity to do more. Possibly a drama class which would include acting. script writing, lighting, staging, research, costume, makeup, etc. · they felt that working as a team helped build confidence and that they could feed off each others ideas; · they understood the filming process: scripts, storyboard, timetable, timing of scenes,clapperboard,use of camera (angles,zoom,length of clip,etc) · they would like greater knowledge and involvement in the editing process; · they believed that subjects would be more interesting, particularly English grammar as it would provide them with an awareness of how they speak; · they believed it would help other members of class who would not normally participate; · it helped improve listening skills(they had to listen to each other); · they would like to mentor younger pupils on how to make a movie; · made the group more interested in future drama productions; · felt that it is a good thing to be involved in at primary school and it will prepare them for involvement at high school. 2.6 N, a male Year 4 pupil, helped with planning, storyboard and filmed Ye a section of a contemporary dance sequence in the hall with year 1 pupils. The whole experience had a marked effect upon him, particularly as he has special needs: 'William explained really well about using the camera. It's inspired me to get more involved in filming and acting. It has made me notice what is involved in filming for T.V. I've learned about the clapper board. I understood quite well. I enjoyed working as a member of a team and in small group work. I understand that it is important to work as a team when film making. I would be willing and able to work with younger children. I would like the opportunity to be involved in editing and acting.'
2.7 This project will be sustainable as the skills and knowledge will feed into our next project with Creative Partnerships: 'What a Waste! ' A project involving 3 practitioners working with pupils in Year 2 and Upper Key Stage 2 exploring discarded materials in order to envisage and re-envisage costumes and textiles. 2.8 The objectives of the previous project will feed in to the new one as children and staff document the development of the new project: § to work with professional practitioners to produce a short film based on the children's own original ideas; § to develop technical skills in using a camera, producing sound and digital editing; § to consider how learning can be facilitated by the new technologies; § to consider the children's own response to the school environment with older children taking on a leadership role and helping younger children learn; § to work in a disciplined way according to a timetable that has specific deadlines. July 2007