Select Committee on Environmental Audit Fourth Report

Pre-Budget 2006: Key tax and spending areas

62. Chapter 7 (entitled "Protecting the Environment") of Pre-Budget 2006 begins with the following summary of the PBR's main environmental announcements:

    This Pre-Budget Report sets out the next stage in the Government's strategy for tackling climate change both domestically and globally, including:

    promoting the development of a global carbon market through the expansion and strengthening of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme and linking it to schemes outside the EU;

    taking further steps towards realising carbon capture and storage technology, including tendering for consulting engineers to help enable a decision in 2007 on whether to support a UK-based demonstration plant;

    an increase in all rates of air passenger duty, with effect from 1 February 2007, in recognition of the environmental costs of air travel;

    an inflation-based increase of 1.25 pence per litre (ppl) in the rate of road fuel duty with effect from midnight tonight; and the same increase of 1.25 ppl in duty for rebated fuels, maintaining the differential with main fuel duty rates;

    a package of measures to encourage the development of the biofuels market and innovative types of biofuels;

    an ambition for all new homes to be zero carbon within a decade with a time-limited stamp duty exemption for the vast majority of new zero-carbon homes;

    legislation to ensure householders installing microgeneration are not subject to income tax on any payment for surplus electricity exported back to the grid; and

    the extension of the Landlords Energy Saving Allowance to 2015 and to corporate landlords.

    The Pre-Budget Report also reports on the Government's strategy for tackling other environmental challenges, including:

    confirmation that the standard rate of landfill tax will increase by £3 per tonne to £24 per tonne with effect from 1 April 2007. The Government will also consider the case for steeper increases in the tax from 2008.[78]

In this section we will concentrate on the announcements made in four main areas: aviation, motoring, waste, and energy (including energy efficiency, microgeneration, and Carbon Capture and Storage).


63. Air Passenger Duty (APD) is levied, with some minor exceptions,[79] on each passenger on flights taking off from UK airports. Between 2000 and 2005, the annual number of chargeable passengers rose by nearly 31 million, or around 43%. Annual carbon emissions from UK aviation (both domestic and international departures) rose alongside this increase, by some 5.4 million tonnes of carbon dioxide (MtCO2) or around 16%.[80] Despite this, receipts from APD fell by 5%, from £940 million to £896 million (Figure 8). The reason for this fall in revenue, even during a significant expansion in the numbers paying the charge, was essentially the impact of the Chancellor's decision, in Budget 2000, to "introduce a new, fairer and lower Air Passenger Duty".[81] Where there had been two rates (£10 for short-haul, and £20 for long-haul flights), this was changed (from April 2001) to four rates, ranging from a new lower rate of £5 for economy flights within the EU to a new higher rate of £40 for first class long-haul flights. The net impact of this reform has, at least up to 2005, been revenue-negative: as the recent expansion in aviation has mainly been in short-haul budget flights, so the introduction of the new lower rate has more than cancelled out the revenue gained from the extra 31 million passengers.

Figure 8 Rates of change, 2000-2005: APD receipts, passenger numbers, and CO2

64. This year's Pre-Budget Report contains the major announcement of a doubling in all rates of APD: passengers on shot-haul flights are now charged £10 (economy) or £20 (first class), while long-haul passengers are charged £40 (economy) or £80 (first class). The PBR gave as a reason for implementing this rise the length of time it was taking for other measures which might help to impose an environmental charge on aviation, such as its inclusion within the EU Emissions Trading Scheme, and international agreement on the taxation of aviation fuel, to be implemented. Indeed, it states: "In the light of this, the Government recognises the role that air passenger duty can play in tackling the climate change impact of aviation. […] This [rise] will deliver carbon savings of around 0.3 MtC [approximately 1.1MtCO2] a year by 2010-11."[82]

65. This statement, and its accompanying rise in APD rates, is particularly noteworthy given the Treasury's previous steadfastness over APD's unsuitability as a measure for helping to tackle the environmental impacts of aviation. Indeed, last year the Financial Secretary was explicit: "the air passenger duty is not an environmental tax; it is not related to a concern about emissions, it is not related to more efficient aircraft, it is not related at all to more efficient use of the aircraft which are flying."[83] We asked the Financial Secretary this year what had prompted the Treasury apparently to change its mind. He disagreed, however, that the Treasury had changed its mind:

    Mr Hurd: What has changed? When you last came before the Committee you were quite clear and you are on record as saying the Air Passenger Duty is not an environmental tax, although you describe it as such today. You were quite robust on some of the inefficiencies of the tax and you were quite resistant to our calls to increase it. What has changed?

    John Healey: Nothing has changed. Air Passenger Duty, probably the Committee would agree, in my view, is not the most environmentally effective tax for aviation but there are very tight legal restrictions on other areas of tax as far as aviation goes - for instance, on fuel. Neither is it the most environmentally effective policy for aviation, which is why our principal concern and our favoured way of dealing with the need for aviation to improve its climate change performance is through its inclusion in the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme. There is a case for using Air Passenger Duty. It is established; it is available and there is a case for using it to make sure that aviation, as Stern argues, as is required of every sector, at least pays for the climate change costs that it imposes. There will be an environmental gain from the rise.[84]

66. The announcement on APD in the Pre-Budget Report did not do much to impress the organisations from which we received evidence. Friends of the Earth, for example, argued that the APD rise was "too small to deliver much environmental benefit", and would "not even stabilise emissions […] let alone reduce them." They argued that the announcement would only "be welcome if it was to be followed up in Budget 2007 by a commitment to an APD escalator, to curb the demand growth for flights. This is particularly necessary now […] it is crucial to stop "air dependency culture" before it becomes entrenched."[85]

67. Another perspective on the APD announcement came from the Association of British Travel Agents (ABTA) who voiced strong criticism as to the manner and timing of the rise in APD rates; announced at the beginning of December, the rises came into effect on 1 February. ABTA argued that:

    Already over 4 million package travel holiday bookings have been made for flights to be taken on or after the 1st February. These will incur real additional costs that will have to be paid to the Government. In some cases the Package Travel Regulations will mean that the customer will not be required to pay the additional levy, and this will fall to the tour operator; other passengers, who have flight only or non-package holidays, may well be asked to pay the additional costs before they fly. For a family of four travelling to the USA this will mean an additional £160 on top of the original cost of their holiday.[86]

68. We share the view of the environmental critics, and have some concerns relating to complaints from the industry. While we welcome the Treasury's decision to double Air Passenger Duty rates, we do not feel this goes nearly far enough. Notably, over 75% of tickets sold each year are for short-haul economy-class flights,[87] on which the APD was previously halved in April 2001, from £10 to £5; thus the doubling of APD rates announced in this PBR is, for the majority of flights, only a restoration of the tax rates of five years ago - and in real terms, of course, it still represents a cut. This rise will do nothing to stabilise aviation emissions, merely slow their growth slightly. Moreover, it does nothing to impose an environmental charge on air freight, which lies outside the APD regime. While the Treasury projects that this rise in APD will save around 1.1 million tonnes of CO2, it is important to realise that this is an estimated reduction from projections of "Business As Usual" growth; in other words, emissions from aviation are not forecast to come down, in absolute terms, by 1.1MtCO2, but rather the rise in emissions to 2010-11 is expected to be 1.1MtCO2 less than it otherwise would have been, in the absence of this tax rise. For context, in 2005 UK aviation emissions had risen by around 5.4MtCO2 over their levels in 2000. For further context as to the need to constrain the growth in aviation in the longer term, Figure 9 adapts Figure 4, to illustrate the difficulty—and, depending on certain growth projections—impossibility of meeting tough carbon reduction targets for 2050 and accommodating the ongoing expansion in flights.

Figure 9 Projected growth of aviation to 2050 in a declining national carbon budget

69. To address these problems, the Treasury should once more look at reforming Air Passenger Duty, possibly levying it per flight rather than per passenger, a reform which would capture air freight (and empty flights), and might also incentivise airlines to increase the efficiency of their passenger loading further. Equally, the Treasury should look at varying APD rates according to the emissions of each flight; if this is not to be adopted, the Treasury should give a clear reason why not. Above all, however, the Treasury should increase APD so that it becomes more effective in curbing the demand for flights. To inform and embed this approach, the Treasury should look very seriously at proposals outlined by the Oxford University Centre for Environmental Change for introducing an annual APD escalator.

70. We are also concerned by the manner of the Pre-Budget's raising of Air Passenger Duty rates. The travel industry has argued strenuously against the timing of this rise, coming into effect less than two months after its announcement. This contrasts with the previous reform of APD, for example, which was announced in Budget 2000 but not implemented until April 2001. Our main concern here is that in its handling of this rise, the Treasury may have caused unnecessary antagonism, with the potential consequence of provoking more opposition to environmental tax rises.

71. One further issue on aviation and taxation which we considered in this inquiry was the VAT status of aviation. This is a much larger issue than the fact that the Government does not impose VAT on air tickets. As Transport 2000 explained in their memo, because aviation is classified as zero-rated for VAT, airlines and other companies in the UK aviation industry are able to reclaim the VAT they pay on a high volume of goods and services:

    When VAT was introduced in the UK in 1973 public transport was zero-rated on the grounds that trains and buses were mainly used for travel to work, and that therefore, like food, public transport was 'essential'. […] Since air travel is provided by private companies at a full market price there is no logic in giving it the benefit of zero rating for VAT solely on the grounds that it is 'public transport'. […]

    Zero rating

    Zero rating is even more favourable than exemption from VAT. Exemption takes a sale out of the VAT system, and so VAT paid on supplies ("input tax") cannot be reclaimed. Zero rating, on the other hand, means that VAT is regarded as charged, but at 0%, and VAT input tax can be reclaimed.

    Thus, for aviation, airlines and other providers of air travel can reclaim VAT input tax paid on supplies such as aircraft and other goods and services (including imported items, on which VAT is normally charged). It is not generally realised that, in addition to air travel not bearing VAT, airlines, unlike almost all other companies, can reclaim VAT in their aircraft, vehicles and general supplies for passenger services. […]

    The cost of the VAT relief

    One difficulty faced by those who have studied this issue in recent years has been the adamant refusal of the Treasury to give any figure for the cost to the revenue of the zero-rating of air transport. This refusal has been based on the difficulties of defining how the tax would operate (and also sometimes on the Chancellor's pledge not to increase VAT).[88]

72. We put these points to the Financial Secretary:

    Mr Caton: Transport 2000 have criticised the effects of the zero VAT rating for the aviation industry which lets airlines claim back the VAT they pay on various goods and services. What does that cost the Exchequer and are you consider ending what does appear to be an anomaly?

    John Healey: No, we are not considering ending it firstly because we have a manifesto commitment to maintain the current zero rate the UK has on passenger transport tax. Secondly, because like virtually every other Member State we treat aviation in the same way as other forms of public transport for VAT purposes. On the specific question of how much VAT costs, here we are talking of course about VAT on domestic aviation ticketing and fares, the standard rate on that in the UK would be about £160 million. To put it in perspective, the total value of our zero rating for public passenger transport fares is probably worth about £2.25 billion. […] If I may say so, I think it would have such a limited impact and be a significant change in the approach that we have taken both to VAT but also to public transport fares that I am a little surprised that organisations like Transport 2000 spend such time pressing the case.[89]

73. It appears to us that the Financial Secretary was referring purely to the costs to the Exchequer of not charging VAT on domestic air tickets. That still leaves the wider issue of aviation's VAT status. We cannot understand why the entire aviation industry is zero-rated for VAT, meaning that airlines and other aviation companies are able to reclaim the VAT they pay on a whole range of goods and services. As a first step towards greater public consideration of this issue, and to aid Parliamentary scrutiny, the Treasury should publish figures of the full costs to the Exchequer of reimbursing aviation companies in this manner.

74. Finally, we would repeat the recommendation we made in our report last year on Reducing Carbon Emissions from Transport, that the Treasury should end the anomaly by which airport vehicles are allowed to use "red diesel", taxed at 7.69 pence per litre, rather than ordinary road fuel, carrying the normal duty rate of 48.35ppl.[90] While airport vehicles may not indeed be running on public roads, it seems utterly perverse to offer them such a large tax reduction, considering the large impacts of airports, not just on global warming, but on local air quality.


75. The most high profile announcement in PBR 2006 concerning motoring was that fuel duty would be raised by 1.25 pence per litre, to keep it in line with inflation. This is only the second time since 2000 that fuel duty has even been revalorised; it has not actually been increased above inflation since the fuel duty escalator was abolished in 1999. This is despite the PBR's confirmation that "It is the Government's policy that fuel duty rates should rise each year at least in line with inflation as the UK seeks to reduce polluting emissions and fund public services." The reason successive PBRs have given for not doing so is "sustained oil market volatility", which seems to be used to mean rising oil prices. Certainly, the Financial Secretary told us that: "If you look over the last three years, because of world energy changes and oil prices, the price at the pump of petrol or diesel has gone up by about 18 pence a litre. That is a price effect with demand consequences, with an impact on the environment".[91] As for why fuel duty was revalorised this year, the reason given by PBR 2006 was that petrol prices had declined again, after hitting a peak in July 2006.

76. We put the point to the Financial Secretary that the conclusions of the Stern Review argued for a much bolder approach to fuel duty. However, he countered by pointing to the negative economic and social impacts of raising the cost of road fuel,[92] before arguing that:

    John Healey: […] Stern says the costs are in the end only manageable if we build much flexibility into the way that we reduce emissions and take policy decisions and if we work principally internationally rather than simply seeing our concern as to what is happening in the UK.

Finally, he and Beth Russell, Head of Environmental and Transport Tax at the Treasury, argued that fuel duty was already at a much higher level than would be calculated from the Government's current Social Cost of Carbon, and seemed to suggest that it would still be significantly higher than if calculated with reference to Stern's suggested higher SCC.[93]

77. Overall, we are disappointed with the Treasury's arguments surrounding its fuel duty policies. What was widely reported as a rise in fuel duty in this year's Pre-Budget Report was only a rise in line with inflation, and this was only the second time it had been revalorised since 2000. As the PBR confirmed, what this means is that fuel duty is 15% lower in real terms than in 1999; and, that moreover, this real terms cut has offset the rise in oil prices over this period.[94] The PBR also confirmed that the overall costs of motoring have fallen since 2000, and, that when measured as a share of household disposable income, they "have fallen considerably in the last ten years, as incomes have grown on the back of sustained economic growth". This contrasts with the increasing costs of public transport, with the real cost of bus and train fares rising by 31% and 16% respectively from 1996-2005, with bus fares in fact outpacing the rise in disposable income to make them absolutely less affordable than before, not merely less affordable relative to other modes of transport.[95] Finally, we have some doubts that using Stern's Social Cost of Carbon might imply a reduction from current fuel duty levels. But even irrespective of this, given that we look like falling well short of the UK's 2010 target for reducing carbon emissions, given the fact that the fuel duty escalator is still listed as the Government's sixth-largest carbon saving measure despite having been abolished seven years ago, and given the need to begin a steeper trajectory of reductions highlighted by Stern, there is surely a strong case for building on what instruments are already available and which could achieve rapid results—ongoing, real terms rises in fuel duty being one of the prime examples.

78. Aside from the change to fuel duty, itself very modest, there was very little else regarding motoring in the environmental section of the PBR. There were some limited announcements on biofuels: for instance, the PBR confirmed that the 20 pence per litre duty differential for biodiesel and bioethanol would continue until 2008-09, and signalled the Government's expectation that the Renewable Transport Fuels Obligation (RTFO) would increasingly take over as the principal instrument for increasing biofuels take-up after that. It also made a number of small announcements, such as a reduction in duty for biofuels used in railway engines (in a number of pilot programmes). It also announced the UK's initiation of "a joint Task Force with Brazil, South Africa and Mozambique to promote the development of a sustainable regional biofuels industry in Southern Africa"; but did not say any more about ensuring that imported biofuels come from sustainable sources.

79. In the evidence we received concerning biofuels, there were largely two main arguments. The first was typified by Greenpeace, who sounded a strong warning as to the wider environmental impacts of increased imports of biofuels:

    We do not believe biofuels should be incentivised or given a target under the Renewable Transport Fuels Obligation until mechanisms are in place to prevent perverse outcomes of biofuel promotion. EU promotion of biofuels is about providing an income stream for farmers and reducing CO2 emissions. However, inadequate implementation of climate and sustainability certification would very likely lead to opening of a commodity international trade in biofuels grown under 'lowest common denominator' standards, encouraging the conversion of ancient forests in Indonesia or savannah grasslands in Latin America. Greenpeace has written to Rt. Hon. David Miliband together with FoE, RSPB and WWF to say that we cannot support the proposed RTFO because it has inadequate safeguards. Indeed without these safeguards, Greenpeace would advocate a ban on imports from countries where forest and ancient grassland habitat 'conversion' is taking place. We do not regard it as appropriate for biofuels to be the subject of concessional tax arrangements.[96]

The other argument concerned the fiscal support available for high-blend biofuels in the UK, essentially the E85 fuel (85% bioethanol, 15% petrol) which can be used in "Flex Fuel Vehicles" (FFVs), which also have the option of using conventional petrol. Somerset County Council outlined the issues here from their vantage point as co-ordinating organisation of the Somerset Biofuel Project and the UK co-ordinator of the EU-funded BioEthanol for Sustainable Transport (BEST) Project—related programmes, "designed to implement the use of bioethanol in road transport fuels to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases and to improve security of fuel supply." Their essential argument was that the fuel duty derogation should be increased for E85, taking it to 33.1ppl, in order to make it cost-competitive with ordinary petrol. This argument was echoed by General Motors (GM), manufacturers of Saab FFVs, who summarised the reason for the extra derogation as being that (because bioethanol contains less energy than petrol) E85 provides around 25-30% less in terms of miles per gallon than ordinary petrol. As they then argued:

    If consumers are to be encouraged to drive higher blend biofuel cars, we submit that there is a strong case for increasing the fuel duty rebate when applied to higher blend biofuels in order to offset the increased costs associated with running the car on bioethanol E85. Sweden has put in place a fuel duty rebate of around 30 pence per litre at the pump, keeping running costs on E85 roughly equivalent to the cost of running the car on petrol.[97]

GM also argued strongly that the Company Car Tax and Vehicle Excise Duty regimes ought to be reformed to better recognise the wider carbon lifecycle savings available from FFVs which are able to run on high-blend biofuels. Both GM and Somerset County Council argued for greater assistance to speed the growth of a national E85 fuelling network, again pointing to the example of Sweden.

80. Biofuels raise a number of complex and potentially conflicting issues, notably concerning the relative environmental impacts of different biofuels types and sources, which we have not so far studied sufficiently closely to make detailed recommendations to the Government. Notwithstanding this, we recognise the environmental benefits of a properly sustainable and well-regulated expansion in the use of high-blend biofuels such as E85. Under the current fiscal regime, however, it is unlikely that the market for high-blend biofuels will take off, due to its increased costs. The Treasury should therefore increase the duty differential available to high-blend biofuels in order to make them cost-competitive. Overall, however, our over-riding concern regarding biofuels is that in increasing the volume of biofuels imported into the UK, the Government must ensure that these come from sustainable sources, do not encourage deforestation of tropical rainforests to be replaced with biofuel crops, and minimise the carbon inputs which go into growing the crops and transporting and refining the resulting fuel. On this point, given that a coalition of major environmental organisations has such reservations that it is refusing to support the Government's Renewable Transport Fuels Obligation—in stark contrast, for instance, to their support for the Renewables Obligation in energy generation—we cannot but be disquieted. The Government must do more to implement a truly effective and convincing international sustainability assurance scheme for biofuels. We may look more closely at biofuels policy in its full complexity in a future inquiry.

81. One further point relating to motoring which we would highlight concerns Vehicle Excise Duty (VED) rates. PBR 2006 contained no announcements regarding VED. This is perhaps not surprising given that significant reforms were made to VED in the last Budget, mainly the creation of a new top band, Band G, for the highest emitting cars (in terms of grammes of carbon dioxide per kilometre, or g/km), and the reduction of VED rates to £0 for the lowest emitting cars in Band A. On the other hand, as we argued in our report last year into Reducing Carbon Emissions from Transport, there remain significant weaknesses in this VED regime. Notably, we observed that tax differentials between higher and lower carbon cars must be made much wider if they are to drive market transformation, and cited research by the Sustainable Development Commission on the transformation that might follow the increase of band differentials to £300 per band. In particular, we concluded:

    […] the new Band G is ineffective—given that it is so wide and represents so little of the purchase price of the vehicles it covers—and needs to be substantially raised in cost. As things stand […] the VED paid by the highest emitting 4x4s and luxury saloons in Band G represents a lower percentage of their sales price, and works out at half the cost per gramme CO2 emitted, than lower emitting hatchbacks in Band C. To take an extreme example, the VED on a Bentley Arnage V8 (495 g/km) works out at 0.1% of the sales price, and £0.42 per g/km, where for a Smart forfour diesel (121 g/km) the figures are 0.9% and £0.89 respectively. If VED were designed effectively to weight purchases towards lower carbon cars, we might expect the charge per g/km to shift down markedly as it moves through the bands. This is clearly not the case—other than for the newly reformed Band B, which EST singled out for praise.[98]

82. Our recommendation, this time to the Treasury, is that Vehicle Excise Duty ought to be reformed to widen the differentials between each band. Band G in particular ought to be raised substantially in cost. The Treasury should at least publish its rationale for the VED differentials it adopts, in terms of the overall impact on the new car market and on average CO2 emissions per kilometre of new cars it seeks to achieve, and also in terms of the VED charge as a proportion of an average car's sales price and g/km for each VED band. The Treasury should also examine whether differential rates of VAT can be charged on new cars to benefit lower carbon models.


83. The PBR's main announcement on waste policy was a confirmation that the Landfill Tax escalator would apply once more at the rate of £3 per tonne, raising Landfill Tax to £24 per tonne "as part of the Government's medium to long-term aim of reaching a rate of £35 per tonne." Overall, the PBR was extremely positive about the impacts of the tax so far, commenting: "The landfill tax has been very successful: overall quantities of waste recorded at landfill sites registered for the tax fell from around 96 million tonnes in 1997-98 to around 72 million tonnes in 2005-06, a reduction of around 25 per cent." Even so, the PBR stated that the Government "will also consider" whether the standard rate of Landfill Tax needs to increase more steeply from 2008 onwards, or indeed go beyond the £35 per tonne level.[99]

84. While the evidence we received stressed the positive contributions of Landfill Tax, there were several doubts expressed as to the exact impact of the tax in itself, and several calls for Landfill Tax to be raised much more steeply. The National Industrial Symbiosis Programme (NISP) drew attention to some of the indirect benefits of Landfill Tax, in the form of its own work—helping firms limit their waste and find industrial uses for waste products—which is funded out of the tax. Peter Laybourne, Director of NISP, stated that: "In the 18 months since the project started it has diverted 1.13 million tonnes of waste from landfill", as well as having reduced "hazardous waste by 123,000 tonnes; brought CO2 down by 1.33 million tonnes, [and] brought industrial water use down by over 1.13 million tones".[100] Nevertheless, NISP told us: "The amount of waste still being sent to landfill is alarming and greater increases in landfill tax are needed."[101] Biffa Waste Services reinforced this point, arguing that while amounts sent to landfill had indeed declined, the Landfill Tax was still too low to be driving this directly, and that rather the reduction in landfill was being at least partly driven by other factors, not least grants to local authorities to pay for household recycling boxes.[102]

85. While we welcome the ongoing decreases in amounts of waste going to landfill, we remain unsure as to the direct impact of the Landfill Tax at current levels in terms of disincentivising landfill use. To aid Parliamentary scrutiny of the workings of this tax, the Treasury should publish analysis which clearly isolates and accounts for the direct disincentivising impacts of Landfill Tax to date. The rate of Landfill Tax should then be increased, steeply, to the level at which it imposes an effective driver against landfill use in its own right.

86. We heard calls from Biffa and Green Alliance for a much more coherent approach from the Government towards waste, including an expanded form of Landfill Tax. Green Alliance, for example, called for the reform of Landfill Tax to impose a charge not just on landfill but on incineration; they argued that this was particularly important in order to promote greater recycling, rather than see an unthinking growth in incinerators simply as the default alternative to landfill, as this became more expensive.[103] Biffa, meanwhile, called for an overarching strategy from the Government on energy from waste, including clear cost incentives based on which alternative technologies would generate least greenhouse gases.[104]

87. Without having studied these proposals in detail, we are sympathetic to the idea of a broader use of Landfill Tax, or other financial instruments, to guide the development of waste disposal, in particular to incentivise the organisation of waste so as to maximise the material which is recycled, and maximise the energy that can be gained from the rest while minimising the resulting emissions. As a first step, the Treasury should consult on the introduction of an Incineration Tax. We may choose to look in much greater detail at the issues of maximising the efficient and lowest emitting use of waste following the forthcoming publication of Defra's waste strategy.

88. A further issue which we discussed with Green Alliance, and then with the Financial Secretary, was the potential for targeted taxes on selected resource-inefficient products, to discourage their use. As Green Alliance described such taxes:

    Ms Hill: There are a number of possible models and mechanisms in use in different places all of which bear scrutiny. VAT exemption is one, higher VAT for certain products is another, and eco tax which allows a differentiation between project types, for instance disposal and non-disposal razors—some countries have levied disposable razors to the point where it has become uneconomic to have them and they disappear from the market—or a levy to fund greater recycling such as those used on containers like Tetrapak. There are a number of models but the overriding point is the need to use these kind of instruments to single out what are better or worse products. No product is wholly good and probably none is wholly bad but there are things that we now want to discriminate between and that is an obvious way of doing that.[105]

Prominent examples that have been implemented in other countries in recent years include the Swedish tax on non-recyclable batteries and the Irish tax on plastic bags. Perhaps most prominently, Australia has in the last weeks announced plans to go even further and ban outright the sales of conventional incandescent lightbulbs.[106]

89. It was the Irish tax on plastic bags which the Financial Secretary focused on in his discussions on this issue with us.

    John Healey: Yes, but plastic bags are less than one per cent of the waste stream. There have been some perverse consequences of what they have done in Ireland. It is not necessarily the right thing for us to be doing in the UK, which is why we have not yet decided that it is the right thing for us to do.[107]

Following this session, he sent us a written note, setting out "what information and analysis we have on the impact of that [tax] at the moment."[108] This set out that the Irish Environment Department had estimated that the tax had reduced use of supermarket plastic bags by 90%; but that it may have been accompanied by a rise in the purchasing of bin liners, with some anecdotal evidence of an increase in shoplifting—"with some customers not using any sort of bag, it is difficult to be sure that the goods have been paid for".[109]

90. We are not especially convinced by the Treasury's reasons for failing to introduce any taxes on environmentally inefficient products, such as plastic bags, non-recyclable batteries, and incandescent lightbulbs. There would be a double purpose to such taxes: not only would they disincentivise the use of such products in themselves in favour of more efficient alternatives, but they would help to raise awareness generally as to the desirability to shift whole arrays of purchasing decisions and other daily habits in an environmentally friendly direction. Such taxes would surely not harm the economy or provoke great popular opposition. In cases such as this, the onus should be on the Treasury to provide a convincing reason why not to introduce such taxes.


91. We did not focus in great detail on energy (taking this to mean energy generation and household energy efficiency) in this year's inquiry, partly through lack of time, but partly through a relative lack of concrete initiatives in this year's Report (see Figure 10). Indeed, our main verdict on the PBR's new announcements on energy policy is that these were welcome but only small steps in the right direction, and that much swifter and bolder action is required. The new measures in this PBR tended to be either well-defined but rather modest in aim, or ambitious but rather vague or lacking in teeth. On Carbon Capture and Storage, for instance, the main announcement is of an intention to issue a tender for consultants to help the Government assess whether to fund one demonstration project. As for the headline announcement on household energy efficiency, that all new homes are to become "zero carbon" by 2016, we note that the PBR refers to this as an "ambition", and that the building regulations which are to make it happen will only be "progressively strengthened". Overall, these measures do not represent the kind of radical acceleration of policies and funding we would expect to see following the Stern Review.

Figure 10 New announcements in energy policy in the environmental chapter of PBR 2006
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)
  • "The Government […] will shortly tender for consulting engineers to ensure that the Government's understanding of the costs of a CCS plant based in the UK is robust, and to help the Government assess whether supporting one through a challenge fund or other mechanism would provide value for money. The details of any support package will be subject to further analysis and consultation. These actions will enable a decision in 2007 on whether to support a UK-based demonstration plant."
  • "the UK and Norway have agreed the terms of reference for a joint study of the infrastructure needed to transport and store carbon dioxide below the North Sea and will work together on an analysis of the appropriate market framework and value chain which can help deliver this. The outcome of this and other collaborative work will be published by July 2007. [… A] joint Government and industry working group will examine the fiscal implications of the current North Sea tax regime in relation to the changed and dual use of North Sea infrastructure including for CCS."


  • "[T]he Government will legislate in Finance Bill 2007 to confirm that, where an individual householder installs microgeneration technology in their home for the purpose of generating power for their personal use, any payment or credit they receive from the sale of surplus power is not subject to income tax, and they are not required to include it in their income tax return."

Household energy efficiency

  • "It is the Government's ambition that, as a result of this strengthening [of building regulations in the Code for Sustainable Homes], by 2016 all new homes will be 'zero-carbon', meeting the highest Code standard for energy efficiency. To bring forward progress towards this aim, the Pre-Budget Report announces that a stamp duty exemption for the vast majority of new zero-carbon homes will be introduced in 2007."
  • "[T]he Pre-Budget Report announces new investment of £7.5 million to improve the coordination between, and effectiveness of, Warm Front [a grants programme targeted at alleviating fuel poverty] and the Energy Efficiency Commitment [targeted at improving household energy efficiency]. This will fund projects using an area-based approach to identify households and provide the right coordinated set of advice and measures for them."
  • "In Budget 2004, the Government took action […] by introducing the Landlords Energy Saving Allowance (LESA) which provides an allowance of up to £1,500 for landlords who invest in cavity wall and loft insulation. […] The Government therefore announces, subject to any necessary State aids clearance: the expansion of LESA to corporate landlords; an extension to the existing sunset clause from 2009 to 2015; the application of the allowance per property rather than per building, ensuring that even smaller properties have access to the full allowance; and the addition of the acquisition and installation of floor insulation as qualifying investment."
  • "To encourage more households to become low-carbon, and to develop the energy services model, the Government will examine the possibility of establishing new methods of financing energy audits and energy-saving measures that could over time pay for themselves in lower fuel bills."
Source: Chapter 7, Pre-Budget Report 2006, HM Treasury

92. One point that we would re-emphasise following our recommendation on the subject last year is that the Treasury must ensure that its policies on alleviating fuel poverty and on improving household energy efficiency are bound together. Where grant monies are distributed to subsidise heating bills or to subsidise the installation of central heating, this must be complemented in all cases by programmes to make energy efficiency improvements to the same properties. This year's PBR contains a welcome announcement of "£7.5 million to improve the coordination between, and effectiveness of, Warm Front and the Energy Efficiency Commitment". However, when we asked the Treasury whether this means that all households which receive warm front grants will have energy efficiency measures fitted as well, the answer did not suggest such universal coverage:

It seems clear to us that the Treasury, for reasons not just of reducing carbon emissions but of social equity and simple value for money, should do more to ensure that grants to subsidise central heating are always paired with energy efficiency improvements. Otherwise, public money will be leaking through doors and rooftops as surely as warm air.

93. Another aspect of the Government's energy policy which is discussed in the PBR is financial assistance for new and low carbon technologies. The PBR refers to both the Environmental Transformation Fund (ETF) and the Energy Technologies Institute (ETI). The ETF is set to commence from 2008, and will "support renewable energy, biofuels and other non-nuclear, low-carbon technologies including CCS." The ETI, meanwhile, is "a 50:50 public private partnership, to deliver a step change in the funding, strategic direction and outcome of UK energy science and technology", which has raised "£550 million in public and private contributions […] so far". These programmes are noteworthy for their alignment with the Stern Review's second recommended approach to mitigation, the increase in public and private investment in new technologies. We have not looked at the ETI in detail, and so we cannot comment on whether the scale of investment is in keeping with Stern's recommendations. As for the ETF, the Government has so far published very little detail as to its aim and design. Indeed, with only a year to its scheduled commencement, the Government should urgently clarify the funding and objectives of the new Environmental Transformation Fund; when it does so, this needs to feature detailed evaluations of where its funding will be most effective.

94. We may look in much greater detail at many of these issues, notably funding for low carbon technology, and regulations and incentives for new buildings, in subsequent inquiries. In this inquiry we received some very detailed and interesting evidence, outlining many criticisms of and suggestions for Treasury policy from a number of organisations, not least the Micropower Council, Centrica, the Carbon Capture and Storage Association, and Greenpeace. We may draw on this material in such future work.

78   HM Treasury, Pre-Budget Report: Investing in Britain's Potential, December 2006, Cm 6984, p 155 Back

79   Exemptions include young children; and passengers on flights taking off from airports in the Scottish Highlands and Islands. Air Passenger Duty, HMRC Reference: Notice 550, HM Revenue & Customs, January 2003, Back

80   Table 5, "Estimated emissions of carbon dioxide by IPCC source category, type of fuel and end user: 1970 - 2005",
Defra, 31 January 2007, 

81   HC Deb, 21 March 2000, col 869 Back

82   Cm 6984, p 176 Back

83   Environmental Audit Committee, Pre-Budget 2005: Tax, economic analysis, and climate change, Q 222 Back

84   Q 133 Back

85   Ev 14 Back

86   Ev 64 Back

87   HM Revenue & Customs, Air Passenger Duty Bulletin, February 2007, Back

88   Ev 100-1 Back

89   Q 141, Q 143 Back

90   "Current Hydrocarbon Oil duty rates", Back

91   Q 145 Back

92   Qq 145-6 Back

93   Qq 147-9 Back

94   Cm 6984, p 169 Back

95   Environmental Audit Committee, Ninth Report of Session 2005-06, Reducing Carbon Emissions from Transport, HC 981-I, para 25 Back

96   Ev 35 Back

97   Ev 86 Back

98   Environmental Audit Committee, Reducing Carbon Emissions from Transport, para 53 Back

99   Cm 6984, p 176 Back

100   Q 56 Back

101   Ev 26 Back

102   Q 58 Back

103   Green Alliance, Beyond Stern, p 31 Back

104   Ev 25-6 Back

105   Q 94 Back

106   "Australia switches on to light bulb change", The Guardian, 20 February 2007 Back

107   Q 161 Back

108   Q 160 Back

109   Ev 58 Back

110   Q 166 Back

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