Past reports from the Environmental Audit
Committee since 1997
First The
UN Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, HC 77
Second The EU Emissions Trading Scheme:
Lessons for the Future, HC 70
Third Regulatory Impact Assessments and
Policy Appraisal, HC 353
2005-06 Session
First Greening Government: the 2004 Sustainable
Development in Government Report,
HC 698
Second Sustainable Timber, HC 607
Third Sustainable Procurement: the Way Forward,
HC 740
Fourth Pre-Budget 2005: Tax, economic analysis,
and climate change, HC 882
Fifth Sustainable Housing: A follow-up report,
HC 779
Sixth Keeping the lights on: Nuclear, Renewables,
and Climate Change, HC 584
Seventh Sustainable Development Reporting
by Government Departments, HC 1322
Eighth Proposals for a draft Marine Bill,
HC 1323
Ninth Reducing Carbon Emissions from Transport,
H C981
Tenth Trade, Development and Environment:
The Role of DFID, HC 1014
Eleventh Outflanked: The World Trade Organisation,
International Trade and Sustainable Development,
HC 1455
Twelfth Transport Emissions: Government
Response to the Committee's Ninth Report of
Session 2005-06 on Reducing
Carbon Emissions from Transport, HC 1718
2004-05 Session
First Housing: Building a Sustainable Future,
HC 135
Second Corporate Environmental Crime, HC
Third World Summit on Sustainable Development
2002: A UK Progress Report, HC 381
Fourth The International Challenge of Climate
Change: UK Leadership in the G8 and EU, HC 105 (Reply Cm6617)
Fifth Environmental Education: Follow-up to Learning
the Sustainability Lesson, HC84 (Reply Cm6594)
Sixth Sustainable Public Procurement , HC 266
Seventh Pre-Budget 04 and Budget 05, HC 261 (Reply
HC 528)
2003-04 Session
First Annual Report 2003, HC 214
Second GM Foods - Evaluating the Farm Scale
Trials, HC 90
Third Pre-Budget Report 2003: Aviation follow-up,
HC 233
Fourth Water: The Periodic Review 2004 and
the Environmental
Programme, HC 416 (Reply, HC 950)
Fifth GM Foods - Evaluating the Farm Scale
Trials, HC 564
Sixth Environmental Crime and the Courts,
HC 126 (Reply, HC 1232)
Seventh Aviation: Sustainability and the Government
Response, HC 623 (reply, HC1063)
Eighth Greening Government 2004, HC 881
(Reply, HC 1259)
Ninth Fly-tipping, Fly-posting, Litter,
Graffiti and Noise, HC 445 (Reply, HC 1232)
Tenth Budget 2004 and Energy, HC 490 (Reply,
HC 1183)
Eleventh Aviation: Sustainability and the Government's
second response, HC1063
Twelfth Environmental Crime: Wildlife Crime,
HC 605 (Reply, HC 438)
Thirteenth Sustainable Development : the UK Strategy,
HC 624
2002-03 Session
First Pesticides: The Voluntary Initiative,
HC100 (Reply, HC 443)
Second Johannesburg and Back: The World Summit
on Sustainable Development-Committee delegation report on proceedings,
HC 169
Third Annual Report, HC 262
Fourth Pre-Budget 2002, HC 167 (Reply,
HC 688)
Fifth Waste - An Audit, HC 99 (Reply,
HC 1081)
Sixth Buying Time for Forests: Timber Trade and
Public Procurement -The Government Response, HC 909
Seventh Export Credits Guarantee Department and
Sustainable Development, HC 689 (Reply, HC 1238)
Eighth Energy White Paper - Empowering Change?,
HC 618
Ninth Budget 2003 and Aviation, HC 672 (Reply,
Cm 6063)
Tenth Learning the Sustainability Lesson,
HC 472 (Reply, HC 1221)
Eleventh Sustainable Development Headline Indicators,
HC 1080
(Reply, HC 320)
Twelfth World Summit for Sustainable Development
- From rhetoric to reality, HC 98 (Reply, HC 232)
Thirteenth Greening Government 2003, HC 961 (Reply,
HC 489,2003-04)
2001-02 Session
First Departmental Responsibilities for
Sustainable Development, HC 326
(Reply, Cm 5519)
Second Pre-Budget Report 2001: A New
Agenda?, HC 363 (HC 1000)
Third UK Preparations for the World Summit on
Sustainable Development, HC 616 (Reply, Cm 5558)
Fourth Measuring the Quality of Life: The Sustainable
Development Headline Indicators, HC 824 (Reply, Cm 5650)
Fifth A Sustainable Energy Strategy? Renewables
and the PIU Review, HC 582
(Reply, HC 471)
Sixth Buying Time for Forests: Timber
Trade and Public Procurement, HC 792-I ,
(Reply, HC 909, Session 2002-03)
2000-01 Session
First Environmental Audit: the first
Parliament, HC 67 (Reply, Cm 5098)
Second The Pre-Budget Report 2000: fuelling
the debate, HC 71 (Reply HC 216, Session 2001-02)
1999-2000 Session
First EU Policy and the Environment: An
Agenda for the Helsinki Summit, HC 44
(Reply, HC 68)
Second World Trade and Sustainable Development:
An Agenda for the Seattle
Summit, HC 45 (Including the Government response
to the First Report
1998-99: Multilateral Agreement on Investment, HC
58) (Reply, HC 69)
Third Comprehensive Spending Review: Government
response and follow-up,
HC 233 (Reply, HC 70, Session 2000-01)
Fourth The Pre-Budget Report 1999: pesticides,
aggregates and the Climate
Change Levy, HC 76
Fifth The Greening Government Initiative:
first annual report from the Green
Ministers Committee 1998/99, HC 341
Sixth Budget 2000 and the Environment etc.,
HC 404
Seventh Water Prices and the Environment,
HC 597 (Reply, HC 290, Session 2000-01)
1998-99 Session
First The Multilateral Agreement on Investment,
HC 58 (Reply, HC 45, Session 1999-2000)
Second Climate Change: Government response
and follow-up, HC 88
Third The Comprehensive Spending Review
and Public Service Agreements,
HC 92 (Reply, HC 233, Session 1999-2000)
Fourth The Pre-Budget Report 1998, HC 93
Fifth GMOs and the Environment: Coordination
of Government Policy, HC 384
(Reply Cm 4528)
Sixth The Greening Government Initiative
1999, HC 426
Seventh Energy Efficiency, HC 159 (Reply,
HC 571, Session 2000-01)
Eighth The Budget 1999: Environmental Implications,
HC 326
1997-98 Session
First The Pre-Budget Report, HC 547 (Reply,
HC 985)
Second The Greening Government Initiative,
HC 517 (Reply, HC 426, Session 1998-99)
Third The Pre-Budget Report: Government
response and follow-up, HC 985
Fourth Climate Change: UK Emission Reduction
Targets and Audit Arrangements, HC 899 (Reply, HC 88, Session