Select Committee on Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Second Report


(Government Reponses to Committee Reports appear in brackets)
Session 2006-07
First ReportWork of the Committee in 2005-06
HC 213
Session 2005-06
Eighth ReportClimate change: the role of bioenergy
HC 965-I (HC 131 06-07)
Seventh ReportThe Environment Agency
HC 780-I (HC 1519)
Sixth ReportBovine TB: badger culling
HC 905-I
Fifth ReportRural Payments Agency: interim report
HC 840
Fourth Report The Departmental Annual Report 2005
HC 693-I (HC 966)
Third Report The Animal Welfare Bill
HC 683
Second ReportReform of the EU Sugar Regime
HC 585-I (HC 927)
First ReportThe future for UK fishing: Government Response
HC 532
Session 2004-05
Ninth ReportClimate Change: looking forward
HC 130-I (HC 533 05-06)
Eighth ReportProgress on the use of pesticides: the Voluntary Initiative
HC 258 (HC 534 05-06)
Seventh ReportFood information
HC 469 (HC 437 05-06)
Sixth ReportThe future of UK fishing
HC 122 (HC 532 05-06)
Fifth ReportThe Government's Rural Strategy and the draft Natural Environment and Rural Communities Bill
HC 408-I (Cm 6574)
Fourth ReportWaste policy and the Landfill Directive
HC 102 (Cm 6618)
Third ReportThe Work of the Committee in 2004
HC 281
Second ReportDismantling Defunct Ships in the UK: Government Reply
HC 257 
First ReportThe draft Animal Welfare Bill
HC 52-I (HC 385)
Session 2003-04
Nineteenth ReportWater Pricing: follow-up
HC 1186 (HC 490 04-05)
Eighteenth ReportDismantling of Defunct Ships in the UK
HC 834 (HC 257 04-05)
Seventeenth Report  Agriculture and EU Enlargement
HC 421 (HC 221 04-05)
Sixteenth ReportClimate Change, Water Security and Flooding
HC 558 (HC 101 04-05)
Fifteenth ReportThe Departmental Annual Report 2004
HC 707 (HC 100 04-05)
Fourteenth ReportSites of Special Scientific Interest
HC 475 (HC 1255)
Thirteenth ReportBovine TB
HC 638 (HC 1130)
Twelfth ReportReform of the Sugar Regime
HC 550-I (HC 1129)
Eleventh ReportGM Planting Regime
HC 607 (HC 1128)
Tenth ReportMarine Environment: Government reply
HC 706 
Ninth ReportMilk Pricing in the United Kingdom
HC 335 (HC 1036)
Eighth ReportGangmasters (follow up)
HC 455 (HC 1035)
Seventh ReportImplementation of CAP Reform in the UK
HC 226-I (HC 916)
Sixth ReportMarine Environment
HC 76 (HC 706)
Fifth ReportThe Food Standards Agency and Shellfish
HC 248 (HC 601)
Fourth ReportEnvironmental Directives
HC 103 (HC 557)
Third ReportCaught in the net: Cetacean by-catch of dolphins and porpoises off the UK coast
HC 88 (HC 540)
Second ReportAnnual Report of the Committee 2003
HC 225
First ReportWater Pricing
HC 121 (HC 420)

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