Select Committee on Foreign Affairs Eighth Report

Conclusions and recommendations

1.  We conclude that the FCO's failure to provide us with a timely response to basic administrative questions has hampered our ability to scrutinise the Government's approach towards the Middle East. We further conclude that the FCO needs to reconsider its approach towards confidentiality of documents. We recommend that when parts of a document can be released without classification, a crude blanket approach should not be applied to that document. (Paragraph 9)

Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories

2.  We conclude that the Temporary International Mechanism has played a limited, but important, role in mitigating the economic and humanitarian crises in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. This crisis has been severe and its impact on the political and security situation, in particular in the Gaza Strip, should not be under-estimated. (Paragraph 23)

3.  We conclude that the decision not to speak to Hamas in 2007 following the Mecca agreement has been counterproductive. We further conclude that a national unity Government could and should have been established much earlier than the spring of 2007. We recommend that, in its response to this Report, the Government set out when it began to actively support the establishment of a national unity Government in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. (Paragraph 36)

4.  We conclude that the unwillingness of the EU to modify the financial boycott of the Palestinian Authority following the Mecca agreement was very damaging. The international community failed to prepare and implement rapid economic solutions to reward those elements within the national unity Government that respected the three Quartet principles. We recommend that, in its response to this Report, the Government provide an assessment of whether it believes in hindsight that the EU and the rest of the international community acted with sufficient urgency to create conditions in which direct aid could be restored as soon as possible. We also recommend that the Government in its response to this Report should clarify the extent to which difficulties in restoring aid to the national unity Government in 2007 were due to the impact on the institutions of the Palestinian Authority of the suspension of aid in 2006. (Paragraph 41)

5.  We conclude that the actions of both Hamas and Fatah militia forces in the Gaza Strip were deplorable and should be condemned by all. However, the escalation of violence in June 2007 should not have come as a surprise to the UK Government or any of its international partners. We conclude that the decision to boycott Hamas despite the Mecca agreement and the continued suspension of aid to the national unity Government meant that this Government was highly likely to collapse. We further conclude that whilst the international community was not the root cause of the intra-Palestinian violence, it failed to take the necessary steps to reduce the risk of such violence occuring. (Paragraph 50)

6.  We conclude that the Government was right to make contact with Hamas in its efforts to secure the release of Alan Johnston. We welcome the role of Hamas in his release. (Paragraph 59)

7.  Given the failure of the boycott to deliver results, we recommend that the Government should urgently consider ways of engaging politically with moderate elements within Hamas as a way of encouraging it to meet the three Quartet principles. We conclude that any attempts to pursue a 'West Bank first' policy would risk further jeopardising the peace process. We recommend that the Government urge President Abbas to come to a negotiated settlement with Hamas with a view to re-establishing a national unity Government across the Occupied Palestinian Territories. (Paragraph 60)

8.  We conclude that the Temporary International Mechanism needs to be replaced by a more permanent solution that can meet the profound humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip. We recommend that the Government continue to press Israel to ensure full humanitarian access to Gaza. We further recommend that, in its response to this Report, the Government set out its interpretation of Israel's obligations under international humanitarian law and the responsibilities of the international community to ensure humanitarian provision for Gaza. (Paragraph 64)

9.  We welcome the appointment of the former Prime Minister as the Quartet Representative. We recommend that he engage with Hamas in order to facilitate reconciliation amongst Palestinians. We further recommend that his mandate be broadened to include explicitly working with Israel, the Palestinians and regional states to advance peace negotiations. (Paragraph 67)

10.  We conclude that the Roadmap for Peace has largely become an irrelevance in the dynamic of the Arab-Israeli conflict. The unwillingness of the Quartet to challenge robustly the failure by both sides to meet their obligations has undermined its usefulness as a vehicle for peace. However, we recommend that whilst the process of the Roadmap has failed, its objectives—an independent, democratic and viable Palestinian state peacefully co-existing with a secure Israel and an end to the occupation that began in 1967—must remain the basis for a solution to this conflict. (Paragraph 73)

11.  We conclude that the Arab Initiative for Peace is a positive proposal that deserves serious consideration by all parties. We recommend that the Government continue to support the Initiative, and that it facilitate where possible discussion between the parties on contentious issues such as the right of return for Palestinian refugees. (Paragraph 79)

12.  We conclude that the Government's focus on developing an economic roadmap for peace in the Middle East is to be strongly welcomed. However, we further conclude that the expansion of Israeli roadblocks and the growth of illegal settlements in the West Bank are among the factors that have had a very damaging impact on the economic situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. We recommend that, in its response to this Report, the Government provide the Committee with an update on what progress has been made on implementation of the Agreement on Movement and Access. We recommend that the Government also provide its objective assessment of whether the removal of checkpoints and roadblocks would present a credible threat to the security of the State of Israel. (Paragraph 83)


13.  We conclude that those who assassinated Lebanon's former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri must be brought to justice. The Government and its international allies have taken appropriate and measured steps at the UN Security Council to ensure that the tribunal is established. We further conclude that the tribunal process has brought to the surface important questions regarding the under-representation of the Shi'a population in Lebanon's political system. We recommend that the Government work with its international allies to help the Lebanese parties find consensus on a more representative and democratic political system. (Paragraph 94)

14.  We conclude that the Government's decision not to call for a mutual and immediate cessation of hostilities early on in the Lebanon war has done significant damage to the UK's reputation in much of the world. As the Minister admitted to us, the option of a dual track diplomatic strategy could have succeeded. We believe that such an approach could have led to reduced casualties amongst both Israeli and Lebanese civilians whilst still working towards a long-term solution to the crisis. We recommend that, in its response to this Report, the Government clarify on what date the first draft resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire or cessation of hostilities was presented to members of the Security Council, and what the Government's response to this draft was. (Paragraph 102)

15.  We conclude that the failure rate of 'dumb' cluster bombs could be as high as 30%, much higher than the Government's estimate of 6%. We further conclude that the failure rate of 'smart' cluster bombs could be as high as 10%, again significantly higher than the Government's estimate of 2.3%. We recommend that, in its response to this Report, the Government state whether it is prepared to accept that the failure rate of 'smart' cluster munitions could be as high as 10%, and if so, how it justifies continuing to permit UK armed forces to hold such munitions. (Paragraph 106)

16.  We accept that Israel has an inalienable right to defend itself from terrorist threats. However, we conclude that elements of Israel's military action in Lebanon were indiscriminate and disproportionate. In particular, the numerous attacks on UN observers and the dropping of over three and a half million cluster bombs (90% of the total) in the 72 hours after the Security Council passed Resolution 1701 were not acceptable. We recommend that, in its response to this Report, the Government explicitly state whether it believes that, in the light of information now available, Israel's use of cluster bombs was proportionate. (Paragraph 108)

17.  We conclude that both arms smuggling to Hezbollah and Israeli overflights into sovereign Lebanese territory threaten to undermine and embarrass the Government of Lebanon, as well as the UNIFIL forces operating in the south. We are concerned that the Government's calls on Israel to halt overflights are having little impact on its behaviour. We recommend that, in its response to this Report, the Government set out what progress has been made on addressing both of these issues. This should include the most up-to-date figures on overflights as well as any new evidence of arms smuggling from Syria and Iran to Hezbollah. (Paragraph 112)

18.  We conclude that the international effort to decontaminate south Lebanon from unexploded cluster bombs is of the utmost importance. We further conclude that the Government has made a good contribution to this work. We strongly welcome the brave work of the Manchester-based Mines Advisory Group as part of this effort. We recommend that the Government continue to support those working on cluster bomb clearance in south Lebanon and that it accelerate its financial contribution to enable the UN deadline for cluster bomb clearance of south Lebanon by December 2007 to be met. We are deeply concerned that the UN feels it does not have sufficient data from Israel on this issue. It is inexcusable that Israel is not providing full co-operation almost a year on from the conflict. We recommend that the Government apply strong pressure on Israel to provide the necessary information to the UN as soon as possible. (Paragraph 115)

19.  We conclude that Hezbollah is undeniably an important element in Lebanon's politics, although its influence, along with Iran's and Syria's, continues to be a malign one. We further conclude that, as the movement will realistically only be disarmed through a political process, the Government should encourage Hezbollah to play a part in Lebanon's mainstream politics. We recommend that the Government should engage directly with moderate Hezbollah Parliamentarians. The Government should continue to refuse to engage with the military wing of Hezbollah. (Paragraph 120)


20.  We conclude that Syria plays a significant role in most of the key areas in the Middle East and that this role may slowly be changing for the better. The support of Syria will be of great assistance to efforts to promote stability in the Middle East, in Lebanon and in Iraq in particular. This cannot be ignored when the Government and the international community engage in diplomacy with the Syrian authorities. (Paragraph 139)

21.  We conclude that the Government's decision to send Sir Nigel Sheinwald to Damascus in October 2006 was the correct one. In our view, the EU ban on ministerial contact with Syria is not helpful in the context of engaging constructively with the Syrian Government. We recommend that the Government resume such contacts without delay. We further recommend that the Government continue to support the work of Javier Solana as part of the EU's engagement with Syria. (Paragraph 144)

22.  There is no excuse for Syria not to co-operate fully with the international tribunal over the death of Rafik Hariri and in no circumstances should this be negotiated away. However, we conclude that more can be done to reassure Syria that efforts to build a workable democratic state in Lebanon are not aimed at destabilising the regime in Damascus. (Paragraph 148)

23.  We conclude that the European Union Association Agreement with Syria presents a powerful incentive for President Assad to remedy his country's political behaviour, particularly given Syria's current efforts towards economic reform. We recommend that in its response to this Report, the Government set out the list of conditions that Syria would have to fulfil if the European Union is to ratify the Agreement. (Paragraph 149)

24.  We conclude that a peace settlement between Israel and Syria would help to transform the political dynamics of the region. We recommend that the Government place much greater emphasis than at present on finding a settlement that will end Syrian support for Palestinian Islamist groups and the Israeli occupation of the Golan Heights. (Paragraph 150)


25.  We conclude that there are serious concerns about the progress of democratic reform in Egypt. We recommend that the Government should use its close relationship with Cairo to maintain pressure on the Egyptian Government to widen participation in its political system. We further conclude that the Muslim Brotherhood is a powerful and important force in Egypt. As long as the Muslim Brotherhood expresses a commitment to the democratic process and non-violence, we recommend that the British Government should engage with it and seek to influence its members. (Paragraph 161)

26.  We conclude that Egypt has an important role to play in the Middle East Peace Process. We recommend that the Government set out its policy on the Rafah crossing, and that it continue to work with Egypt and other parties to seek the re-opening of the crossing as soon as possible. (Paragraph 165)


27.  We conclude that it is too early to provide a definitive assessment of the US 'surge' but that it does not look likely to succeed. We believe that the success of this strategy will ultimately ride on whether Iraq's politicians are able to reach agreement on a number of key issues. We recommend that, in its response to this Report, the Government set out what actions it is taking to facilitate political reconciliation in Iraq. (Paragraph 174)

28.  We recommend that, in its response to this Report, the FCO set out its key policy objectives in Iraq and how these objectives will be measured. This should include a section on how the Government is working to ensure the Iraqi Government meets its human rights obligations and makes a fair allocation of oil and gas revenue. (Paragraph 175)

29.  We conclude that any intervention into Iraq by neighbouring countries would have an immensely damaging impact on regional security. We recommend that the Government urge Turkey in the strongest possible terms to refrain from carrying out or threatening to carry out such actions. We further recommend that, in its response to this Report, the Government set out what evidence it now has that points towards the complicity of the Iranian Government in supporting terrorism in Iraq. (Paragraph 180)

30.  We conclude that it is welcome that regional states and key international players are now engaged in formal discussions on the situation in Iraq. We note that it has long been the policy of the Government to engage with Iran, and we are encouraged by signs that the US Administration is now accepting the wisdom of this approach. We recommend that, in its response to this Report, the Government set out the key agreements of the International Compact for Iraq and what progress has been made towards them. (Paragraph 184)

31.  We conclude that the Iraq refugee crisis requires urgent attention. We are concerned that the Government does not appear to have provided any financial support to the UNHCR to assist the plight of refugees between 2004 and 2006. We recommend that, in its response to this Report, the Government set out how much of the money provided to the ICRC in these years was earmarked for refugees outside of Iraq's borders. We further recommend that the Government provide financial assistance to Syria and Jordan to help them cope with Iraqi refugees, but that this assistance should be conditional on these countries keeping their borders open to Iraqi asylum seekers. We welcome the Government's proposal to resettle a small number of very vulnerable Iraqis and recommend that it accelerate its discussions with the UNHCR on this issue. (Paragraph 189)


32.  We conclude that Iran is rapidly increasing its influence and power across the Middle East. It has demonstrated that it is able to generate or exploit crises in a range of countries, thus furthering its own interests. We conclude that it is vital that the UK and the international community engage constructively and coherently with Iran on these difficult issues. We will consider the challenge of engagement, in particular on Iran's nuclear programme, in greater depth in our report on Global Security: Iran. (Paragraph 209)

British Diplomacy and the Region

33.  We conclude that the use by Ministers of phrases such as 'war on terror' and 'arc of extremism' is unhelpful and that such oversimplifications may lead to dangerous policy implications. We agree with the Minister for the Middle East that these phrases cause unnecessary resentment. We recommend that the Government should not use this or similar language in future. (Paragraph 216)

34.  We conclude that, when measuring its performance on conflict prevention and combating global terrorism, the Government should pay closer attention to the impact of its foreign policy in the Middle East than it has done under the 2004 Public Service Agreement targets. We recommend that the indicators for the 2007 Public Service Agreement target on Conflict Prevention reflect the impact of conflicts in the Middle East, including Iraq, the Occupied Palestinian Territories and Lebanon, on broader global security. (Paragraph 222)

35.  We conclude that the FCO should continue to have a Departmental objective on relations with the Islamic World. This should, however, give sufficient weight to the impact of British policy in Iraq, Lebanon and the Occupied Palestinian Territories. We are concerned that the damage done to the Government's reputation in the Arab and Islamic world may affect its ability to influence the political situation in the Middle East. We recommend that, in its response to this Report, the Government set out what action it is taking to improve its influence and reputation in the Arab and Islamic world. (Paragraph 230)

36.  We recommend that the Government publish a public strategy paper on its relationship with the Middle East. This paper should set measurable targets for progress, and consider the political situation in different countries as well as addressing important cross-cutting themes such as democratisation, good governance and the rule of law. We believe that such an approach will help ensure the Government continues with a holistic approach to the region, improve the public's confidence in the Government's approach to the Middle East, and increase the opportunity for effective scrutiny of its engagement in this area of multiple crises. (Paragraph 233)

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