Select Committee on Foreign Affairs Written Evidence

Written evidence submitted by Councillor Khalid Hamid


  As you may be aware the Baroness Emma Nicholson, British Member of the European Parliament from the Liberal Democrats, is also the European Parliament reporter on Kashmir. She visited Pakistan and India in June this year on a fact-finding mission, and will submit her draft report to the European Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee on 14 September for suggestions/amendments. The draft report will be finalised on 22 September 2006 and will be approved by the European Parliament in October 2006.

  It is possible that Baroness Nicholson will make reference to the Kashmir dispute and will make reference to the Indian Government's position. It is therefore necessary to do whatever we can to influence her to take on board the aspirations of the people of Jammu and Kashmir, innocent civilians who require the international community to recognise their human rights as well. I would be grateful if you would give consideration to the under-noted points:

    —  The people of Kashmir strongly believe that the report should attempt to explore a possible solution to the longstanding Jammu and Kashmir dispute bringing an end to the suffering to the people of Jammu and Kashmir. In this regard, it will be worthwhile to refer to the President of Pakistan's practical and neutral proposals of (i) demilitarization; and (ii) self-governance. The report should also call for the inclusion of Kashmiri representatives in the dialogue to discuss and elaborate the proposals. Further scrutiny of the position relating to the human rights of the citizens of Jammu and Kashmir have consistently overlooked must be addressed.

    —  The international community should try and find a way to make India recognise the need to allow internationally respected organisations such as the United Nations, access to the region. Freedom of movement and the restriction on the international press should also be removed.

    —  The Indian Government should also repeal draconian laws, release prisoners of conscience, and prevent extrajudicial killing.

  This is a unique opportunity to assist the people of the Jammu and Kashmir regions and I thank you for your consideration of this matter.

Councillor Khalid Hamid,

Labour—Denny South Ward, Falkirk Council

3 August 2006

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