Home Affairs - Written Evidence [Back to Report]
Here you can browse the Written Evidence ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 22 May 2007.
1. Memorandum submitted by
Opinion Leader (Results of Research commissioned by the Home Affairs
Committee into Public Perceptions of Young Black People and the
Criminal Justice System
2. Memorandum submitted by
Dr Marian FitzGerald, Specialist Adviser to the Committee
3. Memorandum submitted by
the Ascension Trust
4. Memorandum submitted by
the Association of Chief Police Officers of England, Wales and
Northern Ireland (ACPO)
5. Memorandum submitted by
Shaun Bailey
6. Memorandum submitted by
7. Memorandum submitted by
Ken Barnes, c-a-n-i Consultancy, and The 100 Black Men of London
8. Memorandum submitted by
the Barrow Cadbury Trust
9. Supplementary memorandum
submitted by the Barrow Cadbury Trust
10. Memorandum submitted by
Ben Bowling, Specialist Adviser to the Committee, and Coretta
11. Memorandum submitted by
the BBC
12. Memorandum submitted by
the Centre for Crime and Justice Studies
13. Memorandum submitted by
the Commission for Racial Equality (CRE)
14. Memorandum submitted by
Crime Concern
15. Memorandum submitted by
Mr Melvyn Davis, Founder and Director of the Boys2MEN Project
16. Memorandum submitted by
Mr Roger Drakes aka DJ Dodge
17. Memorandum submitted by
the Department for Education and Skills (DfES)
18. Supplementary memorandum
submitted by Dr Marian FitzGerald, Specialist Adviser to the Committee
19. Memorandum submitted by
20. Memorandum submitted by
the From Boyhood to Manhood Foundation (FBMF)
21. Supplementary memorandum
from The From Boyhood to Manhood Foundation
22. Memorandum submitted by
Generating Genius
23. Memorandum submitted by
Dr Jeune Guishard-Pine
24. Memorandum submitted by
the Department of Health (DH)
Annex B
Annex C
25. Memorandum submitted by
the Home Office
26. First supplementary memorandum
submitted by the Home Office
27. Second supplementary memorandum
submitted by the Home Office
28. Third supplementary memorandum
submitted by the Home Office
29. Fourth supplementary memorandum
submitted by the Home Office
30. Memorandum submitted by
Professor Gus John
31. Memorandum submitted by
Kids Company
32. Memorandum submitted by
Superintendent Leroy Logan MBE
33. Memorandum submitted by
the Mayor of London
34. Supplementary memorandum
submitted by the Mayor of London
35. Memorandum submitted by
the Metropolitan Police Authority
36. Memorandum submitted by
the Metropolitan Black Police Association
37. Memorandum submitted by
the Metropolitan Police Service
38. Memorandum submitted by
the Office of Communications (Ofcom)
39. Memorandum submitted by
the Peace Alliance and the Black Church Leaders Forum
40. Memorandum submitted by
41. Memorandum submitted by
Mr Bob Tyler
42. Memorandum submitted by
the X-it Programme, Lambeth Children and Young People's Service
43. Memorandum submitted by
the Youth Justice Board (YJB)
44. First supplementary memorandum
from the Youth Justice Board (YJB)
45. Second supplementary memorandum
submitted by the Youth Justice Board
46. Third supplementary memorandum
submitted by the Youth Justice Board
47. Fifth supplementary memorandum
submitted by the Home Office
48. Memorandum submitted by
Janice Williams, consultant working with a Lone Parent Project
in Camden for the past six years, Parent Governor of a Haringey
49. Memorandum submitted by
50. Memorandum submitted by
the Damilola Taylor Trust
51. Memorandum submitted by
the National Family and Parenting Institute
52. Sixth Supplementary memorandum
submitted by the Home Office