BMA British Medical Association
CSP Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
CWP Changing Workforce Programme
DH Department of Health
EWTD European Working Time Directive
HES Hospital Episode Statistics
III NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement
ISTC Independent Sector Treatment Centre
KSF Knowledge and Skills Framework
MA Modernisation Agency
MADEL Medical and Dental Education Levy
MPET Multi-Professional Education and Training
NAO National Audit Office
NMET Non-Medical Education and Training
NPP National Practitioner Programme
NWP National Workforce Projects
PbR Payment by Results
PCT Primary Care Trust
PMETB Postgraduate Medical Education and Training
QOF Quality and Outcomes Framework
RCN Royal College of Nursing
RCP Royal College of Physicians
SHA Strategic Health Authority
SIFT Service Increment for Teaching
WDC Workforce Development Confederation
WRT NHS Workforce Review Team
Assistant Practitioner: A non-professional trained
in a particular set of skills (e.g. taking blood) used to support
professional staff and generally at level 4 of Agenda for Change
pay scales.
Competences: Measures of the skills, knowledge or
experience required to perform a particular task or a particular
Skill mix: The combination of different staff groups
or staff grades that make up the workforce or a part of the workforce.