Select Committee on Health Fourth Report


Thursday 11 May 2006  Page
Andrew Foster, Director of Workforce, Debbie Mellor, Head of Workforce Capacity, and Keith Derbyshire, Senior Economic Adviser, Department of Health, Dr Judy Curson, Director of Workforce Review Team, NHS Ev 1
Professor Sue Hill, Chief Scientific Officer, Sir Liam Donaldson, Chief Medical Officer, Dr David Colin-Thome, National Clinical Director, Professor Bob Fryer, National Director for Widening Participation in Learning, and Andrew Foster, Director of Workforce, Department of Health Ev 17

Thursday 18 May 2006
Sian Thomas, Deputy Director, NHS Employers, David Amos, Director of Workforce, University College London Hospitals, Warren Town, Secretary, Alliance for Health Professionals, and Professor Sir Alan Craft, Chairman, Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, and Josie Irwin, Head of Employment Relations, Royal College of Nursing Ev 30

Thursday 8 June 2006
Dr Jonathan Fielden, Deputy Chair of the Consultants Committee, British Medical Association, Karen Jennings, Head of Health, UNISON, and Alastair Henderson, Deputy Director, NHS Employers Ev 49
Professor Dame Carol Black, President, Royal College of Physicians, George Blair, Managing Consultant, Shared Solutions Consulting, and Dr Karen Bloor, Senior Research Fellow, University of York Ev 58

Thursday 15 June 2006
Professor Bonnie Sibbald, Deputy Director, National Primary Care Research and Development Centre, University of Manchester, Deborah O'Dea, Director of Human Resources, St Mary's NHS Trust, Dr Hugo Mascie-Taylor, Medical Director, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, and Alison Norman, Director of Nursing and Operations, Christie Hospital NHS Trust Ev 71
Bill O'Neill, Head of Education and Development, London Ambulance Service, Dr Sally Pidd, Chair of the Recruitment and Retention Working Group, Royal College of Psychiatrists and Rob Darracott, Director of Corporate Strategic Development, Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain Ev 82
Finlay Scott, Chief Executive, General Medical Council, Marc Seale, Chief Executive, Health Professions Council, and Sarah Thewlis, Chief Executive, Nursing and Midwifery Council Ev 91

Thursday 29 June 2006
Professor David Gordon, Chair, Council of Heads of Medical Schools, Paul Streets, Chief Executive, Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board, Professor Elisabeth Paice, Chair, Conference of Postgraduate Medical Deans, and Mr Bernard Ribeiro, President, Royal College of Surgeons Ev 96
Professor Tony Butterworth, Director, Centre for Clinical and Academic Workforce Innovation, University of Lincoln, Professor Dame Jill Macleod Clark, Chair, Council of Deans of UK Faculties for Nursing and Health Professions, and Professor Sir Andrew Haines, Health Committee Member, Universities UK Ev 106
Professor Selena Gray, Registrar, Faculty of Public Health, Paul Holmes, Chief Executive, Kingston PCT, Dr David McKinlay, Director of Postgraduate GP Education, North Western Deanery, and Dr Graham Archard, Vice-Chair of Council, Royal College of General Practitioners Ev 113

Thursday 14 December 2006
Ms Anne Rainsberry, Director of People and Organisation Development, NHS London, Mr John Sargent, former Chief Executive, Greater Manchester Workforce Development Confederation, and Ms Trish Knight, Director of Workforce Development and Commissioning, Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Rutland Healthcare Workforce Deanery Ev 121
Mr Peter Stansbie, Director of Organisational Development, Skills for Health, and Mr David Highton, NHS Partners Network Ev 136

Thursday 18 January 2007
Sir Jonathan Michael, Chief Executive, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, Mr Mike Sobanja, Chief Executive, NHS Alliance, and Ms Susan Hodgetts, Chief Executive, Institute of Healthcare Management Ev 143
Professor Christopher Foster, Director of Workforce Planning, College of Pathologists, Mr Phil Gray, Chief Executive, Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, and Ms Louise Silverton, Deputy General Secretary, Royal College of Midwives Ev 156

Thursday 25 January 2007
Lord Hunt of Kings Heath OBE, a Member of the House of Lords, Minister of State for Quality, Ms Clare Chapman, Director General of Workforce, and Mr Nic Greenfield, Director of Workforce (Education, Regulation and Pay), Department of Health Ev 167

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