Health - Written Evidence [Back to Report]
Here you can browse the Written Evidence ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 14 March 2007.
Supplementary evidence submitted by the Department
of Health (WP01A)
Further supplementary evidence submitted
by the Department of Health (WP 01B)
Annex 1
Further supplementary evidence submitted
by the Department of Health (WP 01C)
Further supplementary evidence submitted
by the Department of Health (WP 01D)
Annex 1
Annex 2
Annex 3
Annex 4
Further supplementary evidence submitted
by the Department of Health (WP 01E)
Annex A
Annex B
Further supplementary evidence submitted
by the Department of Health (WP 01F)
Annex 1
Annex 2
Annex 3
Annex 4
Supplementary evidence from the British Medical
Association (WP 59A)
Further supplementary evidence submitted
by British Medical Association (WP 59B)
Further supplementary evidence from the British
Medical Association (WP 59C)
Further supplementary evidence from the British
Medical Association (WP 59D)
Evidence submitted by Breakthrough Breast
Cancer (WP 99)
Supplementary evidence submitted by the Council
of Deans and Heads of UK University Faculties for Nursing and
Health Professions (WP 73A)
Evidence submitted by the English Community
Care Association (WP 91)
Supplementary evidence submitted by the Joint
Epilepsy Council (WP 10A)
Evidence submitted by the Faculty of Public
Health of the Royal College of Physicians of the UK (WP 81)
Evidence submitted by the Federation of Clinical
Scientists (WP 82)
Evidence submitted by Guidant Limited (WP
Evidence submitted by the Independent Healthcare
Advisory Services (WP 87)
Evidence submitted by Institute of Healthcare
Management (WP 77A)
Evidence submitted by the London Ambulance
Service NHS Trust (WP 85)
Evidence submitted by London Deanery (WP
Evidence submitted by the Medical Women's
Federation (WP 92)
Evidence submitted by the NHS Alliance (WP
Supplementary evidence submitted by NHS Employers
(WP 29A)
Supplementary evidence submitted by NHS London
(WP 34A)
Evidence submitted by the National Union
of Students (WP 88)
Evidence submitted by Reform (WP 80)
Evidence submitted by the Royal College of
Pathologists (WP 78)
Supplementary evidence submitted by the Royal
College of Midwives (WP 54A)
Supplementary evidence submitted by the Royal
College of Surgeons of England (WP 28A)
Evidence submitted by Specialised Healthcare
Alliance (WP 95)
Evidence submitted by Shared Solutions Consulting
(WP 03A)
Supplementary evidence submitted by Wyn Jones
(WP 41A)
Evidence submitted by Dr Deirdre Kelley-Patterson,
Thames Valley University (WP 96)
Evidence submitted by John Sargent (WP 94)
Letter from Professor Steven West, University
of the West of England to Dr Doug Naysmith MP (WP 89)
Evidence submitted by Pascal Zurn (WP 86)
Supplementary evidence submitted by the Chartered
Society of Physiotherapy (WP36A)
Evidence submitted by the Faculty of Family
Planning and Reproductive Health Care (WP 98)