Select Committee on Health Written Evidence

Supplementary evidence submitted by the Department of Health WP01A)


This data has been collected from a variety of sources including some of unknown quality. The reliability of the data is not guaranteed by WRT and should be treated as indicative only.

Sources: DH Medical/Dental intakes spreadsheets
             WRT proformas 2005
             1995-96 National workforce balance sheet for 1996-97 commissioning
             DH NHS Executive NHS workforce in England 1982-92
             HEI student data 2004_first year full-time first degree.


  1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Commissions (England)     16,934 14,175 12,666 13,770 15,670 14,985 16,057 17,692 18,923 20,610 21,736 22,815 24,069 23,651
Yearly rate of increase       -16.29% -10.65% 8.72% 13.80% -4.37% 7.15% 10.18% 6.96% 8.92% 5.46% 4.96% 5.50% -1.74%
Commissions (England)     830 925 915 982 1,087 1,344 1,346 1473 1,780 2,157 2,345 2,418 2,360 2,360
Yearly rate of increase       11.45% -1.08% 7.32% 10.69% 23.64% 0.15% 9.44% 20.84% 21.18% 8.72% 3.11% -2.40% 0.00%
Commissions (England)     838 842 910 939 958 1,107 1,135 1,173 1,385 1,563 1,692 1,822 1,981 2,008
Yearly rate of increase       0.48% 8.08% 3.19% 2.02% 15.55% 2.53% 3.35% 18.07% 12.85% 8.25% 7.68% 8.73% 1.36%
Commissions (England)     662 639 585     535 586 581 578 690 818 833 860 864
Yearly rate of increase       -3.47% -8.45%     -8.61% 9.54% -0.73% -0.58% 19.41% 18.47% 1.93% 3.23% 0.37%
Intakes (England)   3,191 3,263 3,374 3,515 3,486 3,594 3,749 3,735 3,972 4,300 4,713 5,277 6,082 6,294 6,298
Yearly rate of increase     2.26% 3.40% 4.18% -0.83% 3.10% 4.31% -0.37% 6.35% 8.26% 9.60% 11.97% 15.25% 3.49% 0.06%
Intakes (UK) 4,311 4,320 4,449 4,531 4,778 4,699 4,833 5,062 5,069 5,302 5,610 6,115 6,752 7,596 7,883 7,898
Yearly rate of increase   0.21% 2.99% 1.84% 5.45% -1.65% 2.85% 4.74% 0.14% 4.60% 5.81% 9.00% 10.42% 12.50% 3.78% 0.19%
Intakes (UK)         1667 1,694 2,163 1,866 1,768 1,920 1,970 4,105   2,346 2,565  
Yearly rate of increase           1.62% 27.69% -13.73% -5.25% 8.60% 2.60% 6.85%   11.45% 9.34%
Intakes (England)   631 665 680 705 670 722 668 633 647 672 672 711 726 722 919
Yearly rate of increase     5.39% 2.26% 3.68% -4.96% 7.76% -7.48% -5.24% 2.21% 3.86% 0.00% 5.80% 2.11% -0.55% 27.29%
Intakes (UK)   849 902 907 947 896 941 898 868 883 920 922 958 983 1,000 1,210
Yearly rate of increase     6.24% 0.55% 4.41 % -5.39% 5.02% -4.57% -3.34% 1.73% 4.19% 0.22% 3.90% 2.61 % 1.73% 21.00%

Department of Health
May 2006

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