Select Committee on Health Written Evidence

Annex 3

Trends in NHS expenditure

  The projected growth in NHS expenditure could be estimate in two ways:

    —  By looking at long term trends in real (ie inflation adjusted) growth in expenditure; or

    —  By looking at growth in the whole UK economy. We would expect health expenditure to grow at about the same rate or slightly faster than the rate of growth of the economy (implying health expenditure takes a constant or slightly increasing share of GDP).

  Trends in NHS expenditure have been higher than the long term trend economic growth implying that health takes up an increasing proportion of GDP spend.


Real p/a %
growth rate


1971-72 to 2007-08
4.1% Longest period available
1971-72 to 1999-20003.2% Long term trend before recent "catch-up" increases
1999-2000 to 2007-087.6% Average growth during recent period
1975-76 to 1999-20002.6% Lowest long term period of growth
Long term trend in GDP growth2.75%

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