Select Committee on Health Written Evidence

Evidence submitted by Guidant Limited (WP 90)

  Guidant is a world leader in the design and development of cardiovascular medical products. Making devices which help patients with heart disease return to active and productive lives. And providing physicians with leading-edge technologies for improved patient management and clinical outcomes.

  Radiofrequency (RF) technology for ICD's (implantable cardioverter defibrillator), CRT (Cardiac Resynchronisation Therapy) and Pacemakers are now available for patients and physicians in the UK, however, the technology and its benefits for patients, and the National Health Service have yet to be fully understood and appreciated. This is relevant to the workforce planning inquiry in relation to technological change and how this can help both clinical and managerial staff in reducing the demands upon NHS staff.


  The true impact of RF technology is yet to be seen in the UK, this technology gives clinicians the ability to manage ICD and Pacemaker patients remotely in the home Later this year several manufacturers will introduce Remote Patient Management to the UK. This will allow clinicians to manage patients in their own homes with out the need for a hospital visit, greatly benefiting these often elderly, sick patients from having to make a lengthy journey to hospital. The impact on the workforce issue of cardiac technicians will be highly beneficial, as the introduction of RF will mean a reduction in the number of outpatient clinics required.


  The use of RF technology has the potential to reduce theatre procedure times, which benefits the patient and allows greater productivity for the Cardiologist and theatre staff.

  Patients with ICD's/Pacemakers need to have their devices checked and interrogated on a regular basis at an outpatient clinic. Pacemaker clinics are heavily oversubscribed and there is a shortage of cardiac technicians in the UK (25% below recommendations ref: RF technology facilitates in clinic follow-up and has the potential to improve productivity.


  In industry, we use an innovative approach to training in the form of an Escalator Skills Model to train company personnel to assist in the implant of ICD's. This model has been highly successful and individuals can gain accreditation in six months. At Guidant we have shared our programme and methods with the Greater Manchester Cardiac Network and are acknowledged by the Strategic Health Authority in the Catheter laboratory Edition of the Critical Care Skills Programme. This system is now used in Greater Manchester as well as other areas of the country. We hope that this demonstrates industries commitment to assist with the Workforce Issue.

Julie Lyon

Guidant Limited

July 2006

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