Written evidence in Volume II (HC 278-II)
1 Department of Health (PPI 01) Ev 01
2 Action against Medical Accidents (PPI 40) Ev
3 Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Alliance (ARMA)
(PPI 149) Ev 07
4 Arthritis Care (PPI 130) Ev 07
5 Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry
(PPI 79) Ev 13
6 Asthma UK (PPI 103) Ev 15
7 Avon, Somerset and Wiltshire area PPI Forums
(PPI 89) Ev 18
8 Barnet and Chase Farm Hospitals NHS Trust PPI
Forum (PPI 13) Ev 23
9 BLISS (PPI 09) Ev 24
10 Breakthrough Breast Cancer (PPI 42) Ev
11 United Bristol Hospitals NHS Trust, North
Bristol NHS Trust and
Bristol Primary Care Trust PPI Forums (PPI 63) Ev 29
12 British Medical Association (PPI 148) Ev
13 Canterbury City Council Health Scrutiny Panel
(PPI 113) Ev 42
14 Centre for Public Scrutiny (PPI 62) Ev
15 Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Trust
PPI Forum (PPI 33) Ev 49
16 Civil Service Pensioners' Alliance (PPI 34) Ev
17 Commission for Patient and Public Involvement
in Health (PPI 109) Ev 53
18 Commission for Social Care Inspection (PPI
144) Ev 62
19 Contact a Family (PPI 08) Ev 65
20 Community Investors (PPI 128) Ev 68
21 Countess of Chester Hospital PPI Forum (PPI
87) Ev 71
22 County Durham and Darlington Acute Hospitals
PPI Forum (PPI 04) Ev 72
23 Craven, Harrogate & Rural District Patients'
Forum Group (PPI 12) Ev 74
24 Diabetes UK (PPI 100) Ev 75
25 Disability Rights Commission (PPI 137) Ev
26 Dr Foster Intelligence (PPI 125) Ev 80
27 Ealing PCT PPI Forum (PPI 133) Ev 82
28 East of England Ambulance PPI Forum (PPI 124) Ev
29 Epilepsy Action (PPI 36) Ev 84
30 Epsom & St Helier University Hospitals
NHS Trust and Sutton and Merton
PCT PPI Fora (PPI 93) Ev 85
31 South East Essex PCT PPI Forum (PPI 136) Ev
32 West Essex PPI Forum (PPI 29) Ev 90
33 Family Planning Association (PPI 82) Ev
34 Gateshead Hospitals PPI Forum (PPI 02) Ev
35 General Medical Council (PPI 147) Ev 96
36 Hammersmith and Fulham Service User Network
(PPI 68) Ev 97
37 Hampshire County Council Health Overview and
Scrutiny Committee (PPI 48) Ev 99
38 Health Advocacy Partnership (PPI 99) Ev
39 Health Foundation (PPI 117) Ev 109
40 Health Link (PPI 121) Ev 111
41 Healthcare Commission (PPI 107) Ev 119
42 Help the Hospices (PPI 17) Ev 124
43 Herefordshire's Health Overview and Scrutiny
Committee (PPI 86) Ev 125
44 Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals Trust PPI
Forum (PPI 30) Ev 126
45 INVOLVE (PPI 98) Ev 130
46 Keep Our NHS Public Campaign (PPI 66) Ev
47 Kensington & Chelsea PCT Forum and Chelsea
& Westminster Foundation
Trust Forum (PPI 14) Ev 134
48 Kettering General Hospital PPI Forum (PPI
07) Ev 135
49 Kingston PCT Forum (PPI 80) Ev 136
50 Leicester City, Leicestershire County and
Rutland, The Leicestershire
Partnership and The University Hospitals of Leicester PPI Forums
(PPI 64) Ev 138
51 Local Government Association (PPI 108) Ev
52 London Network of NHS Patients' Forums (PPI
96) Ev 142
53 PPI Forums for Hounslow PCT, W Middlesex University
Hospital, Ealing Hospital,
Ealing PCT, Hillingdon PCT, Hillingdon Hospitals and West London
Health Trust (PPI 141) Ev 145
54 West London Mental Health Trust PPI Forum
(PPI 45) Ev 146
55 LMCA (PPI 126) Ev 146
56 Macmillan Cancer Support (PPI 111) Ev
57 Macmillan Patient and Public Involvement (PPI
56) Ev 155
58 Medway Community Health PPI Forum (PPI 53) Ev
59 Monitor (PPI 118) Ev 157
60 Moore Adamson Craig Partnership (PPI 39) Ev
61 Motor Neurone Disease Association (PPI 55) Ev
62 National Cancer Research Institute Consumer
Liaison Group (PPI 32) Ev 163
63 National Pensioners Convention (PPI 25) Ev
64 NHS Alliance (PPI 81) Ev 165
65 NHS Confederation (PPI 142) Ev 169
66 NHS National Centre for Involvement (PPI 129) Ev
67 National Consumer Council (PPI 114) Ev
68 National Institute for Health and Clinical
Excellence (NICE) (PPI 61) Ev 177
69 National Association for Patient Participation
(PPI 83) Ev 180
70 Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital
PPI Forum (PPI 27) Ev 181
71 North East Ambulance Service PPI Forum (PPI
16) Ev 183
72 North Tyneside PPI Forum (PPI 51) Ev 184
73 Northern Group of Oxfordshire PCT PPI Forum
(PPI 65) Ev 186
74 Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals NHS Trust PPI Forum
(PPI 46) Ev 187
75 Oxon & Bucks PPI Forum for Mental Health
(PPI 71) Ev 188
76 Oxon & Bucks Area of South Central Ambulance
Service PPI Forum (PPI 135) Ev 190
77 Parkinson's Disease Society (PPI 120) Ev
78 Patient Opinion (PPI 88) Ev 194
79 Patients' Forum for the London Ambulance Service
(PPI 78) Ev 196
80 Patients Forum (PPI 92) Ev 199
81 Peterborough Primary Care PPIF and The Peterborough
and Stamford
Hospitals PPIF (PPI 03) Ev 202
82 Picker Institute Europe (PPI 97) Ev 204
83 Redcar and Cleveland PPI Forum (PPI 49) Ev
84 Richmond and Twickenham PCT PPI Forum (PPI
140) Ev 212
85 Royal Brompton PPI Forum (PPI 59) Ev 216
86 Royal College of Nursing (PPI 134) Ev
87 Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
(PPI 119) Ev 221
88 Royal College of Radiologists (PPI 50) Ev
89 Royal College of Surgeons of England Patient
Liaison Group (PPI 85) Ev 225
90 Shaw Trust (PPI 127) Ev 226
91 Sheffield Children's Hospital NHS Foundation
Trust PPI Forum (PPI 52) Ev 228
92 Socialist Health Association (PPI 123) Ev
93 South East Coast Strategic Health Authority
(PPI 112) Ev 233
94 Southwark Patients Forum for Primary Care
(PPI 54) Ev 260
95 St Mary's NHS Trust PPI Forum (PPI 145) Ev
96 Tower Hamlets, Barts and the London Hospital
and the East London and the
City Mental Health PPI Forums (PPI 70) Ev 265
97 UK Clinical Research Collaboration PPI Project
Group (PPI 91) Ev 265
98 UNISON (PPI 105) Ev 268
99 University College London Hospital Acute Trust
Forum (PPI 75) Ev 271
100 Wandsworth Primary Care PPI Forum (PPI 69) Ev
101 Warwickshire PPI Forum (PPI 05) Ev 273
102 Westminster PCT PPI Forum (PPI 102) Ev
103 West Sussex PPI Forum (PPI 67) Ev 276
104 Which? (PPI 106) Ev 278
105 Whipps Cross University Hospital NHS Trust
(PPI 116) Ev 280
106 Winchester and Eastleigh Healthcare Trust
PPI Forum (PPI 44) Ev 282
107 Worcestershire County Council Health Overview
and Scrutiny
Committee (PPI 115) Ev 283
108 Yorkshire and Humberside Specialist Forums
(PPI 28) Ev 286
109 Louise Bate (PPI 95) Ev 288
110 Mrs Jennifer Beesley (PPI 41) Ev 289
111 Judy Birch (PPI 101) Ev 290
112 Susan Booth (PPI 94) Ev 292
113 Malcolm Budd (PPI 84) Ev 292
114 Judie Collins (PPI 10) Ev 293
115 Mike Cox (PPI 21) Ev 294
116 Seton During (PPI 24) Ev 299
117 Ron Eskdale (PPI 43) Ev 300
118 Ray Evans (PPI 37) Ev 301
119 John Fearn (PPI 22) Ev 302
120 Barry Fineberg (PPI 151) Ev 302
121 Tony Fletcher (PPI 60) Ev 305
122 Trevor Gash (PPI 146) Ev 307
123 Gerald Gilbert (PPI 138) Ev 309
124 Dr Martin Gorsky, London School of Hygiene
& Tropical Medicine (PPI 90) Ev 316
125 Nick Green (PPI 77) Ev 322
126 James Halsey (PPI 20) Ev 324
127 Mr U Hawtin (PPI 57) Ev 325
128 Dr John Hyslop, Consultant Radiologist, Truro,
Cornwall (PPI 11) Ev 326
129 Robert Jones (PPI 18) Ev 328
130 John Kapp (PPI 31) Ev 330
131 Mandy Lawrence (PPI 26) Ev 332
132 Jean Lewis (PPI 23) Ev 332
133 Brenda O'Neill (PPI 143) Ev 334
134 Jean Nunn-Price (PPI 139) Ev 334
135 Len Roberts (PPI 74) Ev 337
136 Peter Robinson (PPI 15) Ev 338
137 Mike Tiernan (PPI 110) Ev 339
138 Paul Brian Tovey (PPI 47) Ev 340
139 Nora Warner (PPI 19) Ev 343
140 John Wigley (PPI 104) Ev 344