27. Evidence submitted by Ealing PCT PPI
Forum (PPI 133)
If there is to be a REAL consultation on how
LINks should be designed then different options must be offered.
Included in these the Patient and Public Involvement Forum for
Ealing PCT felt there were two essential proposals.
LINks should have access to all statutory health
and/or social service provision plus services provided by private
and/or voluntary contracts commissioned by statutory and social
services. Without this overall access, monitoring and involvement,
consultation cannot be maintained with any conviction.
Funding should come directly from the Department
to the LINks. The idea that local councils should provide "support"
and scrutiny committees should have any managerial function would
not convince the public that LINks was truly independent.
Central funding would enable LINks to set up
not only local but small Regional and National support services
capable of providing general information and collating and consulting,
for example on good practice throughout the country.
It is impossible to visualise local government
"support officers" having this opportunity without which
LINks would not be able to provide value for money and obtain
the credit of both providers and users of health and social services
We have already commented more fully elsewhere
to the PPI Team at the Department of Health in respect of the
Stronger Local Voice document, but believe that the two proposals
from our Forum now emphasised, should be included in your own
consultative procedure.
Patricia Seers
Chair, Ealing PCT Patient and Public Involvement
11 January 2007