Health - Written Evidence [Back to Report]
Here you can browse the Written Evidence ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 22 March 2007.
Written evidence
Supplementary evidence submitted by the Department
of Health (PPI 01D)
Further supplementary evidence from the Department
of Health (PPI 01E)
Further supplementary evidence from the Department
of Health (PPI 01F)
Evidence submitted by Attend (PPI 163)
Supplementary evidence submitted by the Commission
for Patient and Public Involvement in Health (PPI 109A)
Further supplementary evidence submitted
by the Commission for Patient and Public Involvement in Health
(PPI 109B)
Further supplementary evidence from the Commission
for Patient and Public Involvement in Health (PPI 109D)
Supplementary evidence submitted by the Healthcare
Commission (PPI 107A)
Evidence submitted by Dr Albert Day, Harrogate
and District NHS Foundation Trust (PPI 156)
Supplementary evidence submitted by Health
Link (PPI 121A)
Evidence submitted by Richard Stein, Leigh
Day & Co (PPI 169)
Supplementary evidence submitted by the NHS
Alliance (PPI 81A)
Supplementary evidence submitted by the NHS
Confederation (PPI 142A)
Evidence submitted by Mary Adams, Head of
Public Involvement in North Somerset PCT (PPI 154)
Supplementary evidence submitted by South
East Coast Strategic Health Authority (PPI 112A)
Evidence submitted by TwoCan Associates (PPI
Evidence submitted by Councillor Barrie Taylor,
Westminster City Council (PPI 158)
Evidence submitted by Professor Celia Davies
(PPI 157)
Further supplementary evidence submitted
by the Commission for Patient and Public Involvement in Health
(PPI 109E)