Select Committee on Health Written Evidence

Evidence submitted by the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (NICE 66)

  Firstly, SIGN and NICE need to plan collaboratively what areas they will be developing guidelines for. They need to develop mutual respect for the roles they can each play and ensure that they work collaboratively without duplicating one another's work, in particular avoiding a situation where there are two "national guidelines" offering conflicting advice on the same clinical condition.

  Secondly, the issue of implementation should be taken further than simply establishing whether the guidelines are being implemented. There should be a programme of national audits of the guidelines which encompass all practitioners in auditing both the process (ie whether the guideline is being implemented) and, arguably more importantly, whether the guideline is actually improving clinical care/standards.

  On a wider issue, the DH need to consider their relationship with Map of Medicine, its use of the NICE guidelines, and how it is dealing with the "pathways" that Map are developing for areas where there are no NICE guidelines. The College is concerned that there is nothing on the map to indicate whether or not these particular pathways are objectively developed according to standardised guideline development programmes.

Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health

March 2007

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