Select Committee on Liaison First Report

Appendix 5: National Audit Office Support for House of Commons Select Committees in 2006: note by the NAO


1. The National Audit Office's engagement with Parliament is based primarily on the work of the Committee of Public Accounts. But over several years, and with the support of the Public Accounts Commission, the Office has developed links with other select committees in both Houses and supported them in a variety of ways. This paper sets out the support provided to Commons select committees by the Office in 2006.

The National Audit Office

2. The primary responsibility of the Comptroller and Auditor General and the National Audit Office is to assist Parliament in holding government to account for the use of public resources. The Office does this principally by auditing the financial statements of all central government departments, agencies and other public bodies and reporting the results to Parliament; and by presenting some 60 major value for money reports to Parliament each year on the economy, efficiency and effectiveness with which public money has been used to support the delivery of services for the public.

3. The National Audit Office also has an important role promoting beneficial change in the provision of public services drawing on the findings of its work. The Office uses conferences to promote best practice on issues of general application and to disseminate findings across sectors where services are run at the local level. At a more practical, detailed, level, the Office produces guidance to help managers across the public sector identify and tackle issues of concern. To assist with this work the Office has established centres of expertise in areas such as economics and statistics, efficiency, financial management, performance measurement, private finance, project delivery, and regulation.

Supporting the Committee of Public Accounts

4. One of the Office's key roles is to support Parliamentary scrutiny by assisting the Committee of Public Accounts when it meets to take evidence from departments on the Comptroller and Auditor General's reports on the results of its financial audit and value for money work. The Office provides informal support to the Committee for the 50 or so meetings a year it holds on these reports and the Comptroller and Auditor General and National Audit Office staff attend each hearing.

Supporting Select Committees

5. In addition to supporting the Committee of Public Accounts, the Office also provides support to other select committees in their scrutiny of public services and expenditure. This support can take a number of forms ranging from the provision of formal evidence for the committee, including evidence-gathering and research in response to a Committee's request, to informal oral and written briefings and the secondment of staff with particular expertise in the area covered by a Committee. In 2006 the Office provided support to 11 other select committees (listed in table 1 below).

Table 1: The National Audit Office has supported the following Commons select committees in 2006 Communities and Local Government Committee

Culture, Media and Sport Committee
Defence Committee
Environmental Audit Committee
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Health Committee
Home Affairs Committee
Public Administration Select Committee
Transport Committee
Treasury Committee
Work and Pensions Committee

6. The Office has a particularly well established relationship with the Environmental Audit Committee and provides regular support of various kinds. During 2006 the Office provided both formal and informal support to the Committee, including three published papers in support of the Committee's work:

  • Climate Change Policy: Options for Scrutiny—a briefing intended to provide the evidence base to enable the Committee to take forward further work on climate change, including options for future Committee inquiries.
  • Regulatory Impact Assessments and Sustainable Development—produced in response to a request from the Committee, this paper assesses the extent to which recent Regulatory Impact Assessments reflect a new requirement to consider environmental and social impacts.
  • Emissions Projections in the 2006 Climate Change Programme Review—also produced in response to a request from the Committee, this paper examines the emissions forecasts that informed the 2006 Climate Change Programme Review.

7. The Office has also supported a number of select committees by providing oral or written briefings on the results of financial audit or value for money work where relevant to a committee's inquiry. For example, the Office briefed the Health Committee on NHS deficits in an informal meeting in July. Similarly, in November the Office briefed the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee on the Comptroller and Auditor General's report on the Single Farm Payment Scheme.[235]

8. The National Office also assisted the Work and Pensions Committee with its inquiry into the use by the Department for Work and Pensions of a procedure set out in Section 82 of the Welfare Reform and Pensions Act 1999 to seek approval for preparatory expenditure on a new IT system for the proposed Employment and Support Allowance. This work, the subject of two reports by the Committee,[236] included, at the request of the Committee, a report by the Comptroller and Auditor General on the cost estimates made by the Department in respect of the use of the Section 82 procedure.

9. The National Audit Office has also provided oral and written briefings to committees on specific topics, to help identify areas for committee scrutiny. For example, the National Audit Office produced a review, The Third Sector and Public Policy—Options for Committee Scrutiny, for the Public Administration Select Committee examining the range of interactions between government and the sector, 'mapping the territory' and discussing options for an inquiry or series of inquiries by the Committee.

10. Support to select committees in 2006 included longer term secondments of National Audit Office staff to the Defence and Environmental Audit Committees and a short term attachment of a specialist to the Treasury Committee for a hearing on the activities of the Debt Management Office. The Office also provides support to the Committee Office Scrutiny Unit by seconding up to three staff at a time to the Unit.

235   Report by the Comptroller and Auditor General, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, and Rural Payments Agency: the delays in administering the 2005 Single Payments Scheme in England, HC 1631, Session 2005-06 Back

236   Work and Pensions Committee, Fifth Report of Session 2005-06, Power to incur expenditure under Section 82 of the Welfare Reform and Pensions Act 1999: new Employment and Support Allowance IT System, and First Report of Session 2006-07, Power to incur expenditure under Section 82 of the Welfare Reform and Pensions Act 1999: new Employment and Support Allowance IT System-Further Report Back

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