93. Three-quarters of the respondents to our questionnaire
on EDMs supported the proposition that it should be possible to
table, and add names to, EDMs electronically. Questions can be
tabled electronically. Earlier in this report we have supported
in principle the establishment of an e-petitions system. It might
seem to follow that we would support electronic tabling of EDMs.
94. There are however other considerations. An EDM
is a formal motion. It has the same procedural status as a motion
on the Order Paper. Experience with the e-tabling of questions
has shown that the authentication procedures for electronic tabling
are far from watertight. Parliamentary questions are important.
They should be tabled only by Members. But they are requests for
information; not expressions of a particular point of view. An
EDM is a proposition on which, at least in theory, the House might
reach a decision. One of the principal purposes of an EDM is to
allow Members formally and publicly to record their support for
it. We do not believe that the deliberately weak authentication
requirements used for parliamentary questions are appropriate
for EDMs.
95. Another difference is that the tabling of an
EDM or the adding of a name is rarely a matter of urgency and,
unlike the tabling of an oral question, does not need to be done
by a particular time in order to be effective. Members can add
their names to an EDM in several ways: they can sign the motion
on the 'blues' or on a print-off from the website; they can sign
a piece of paper with the number of the EDM or EDMs to which they
wish to add their names; they can ask another Member to sign on
their behalf or to authorise the addition of their name in person
in the Table Office. We do not believe that Members are unduly
constrained by their inability in addition to do so electronically.
We have been told that it would cost around £40,000 to introduce
an e-tabling system similar to that currently used for questions.
As we noted above, a similar system would not provide strong enough
96. Unless significantly
stronger authentication than is currently required for parliamentary
questions can be guaranteed, we cannot yet recommend the introduction
of e-tabling for EDMs. We will be considering issues of authentication
in our inquiry into Written Parliamentary Questions and will return
to this matter in the light of what we learn in that inquiry.