Select Committee on Public Accounts Minutes of Evidence

Examination of Witnesses (Questions 80-81)


  Q80  Chairman: Surely you agree that it is absurd to force women with young children back into work and then for the state to pay for very expensive childminding? That is the American approach.

  Ms White: In the States it has saved money because although initially the costs are significantly higher for childcare because women tend to get jobs and stay in work for longer actually there have been huge savings. I forget the precise numbers but it is something like 30 or 40% in some States.

  Q81  Chairman: Has anybody assessed what it means for the child? The mother is effectively forced back into work; the child is given to a childminder paid for by the state. Does anybody assess in Wisconsin what it means to the child?

  Ms White: The analyses of the social and developmental impacts have only just been done. Most of the analyses have been focused around financial and economic impact.

  Chairman: That is very interesting. There is a division now. That concludes our inquiry.

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Prepared 9 October 2007