Memorandum 33
Submission from the Engineering and Physical
Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)
EPSRC's remit does not cover space research
as suchbut there is work in all of its programme areas
of generic relevance to space research. For example, fundamental
materials research can provide the basis for developments in advanced
materials that may be used in space vehicles; fundamental research
on microwave techniques and microwave radio brings forward technological
developments that enable communication and control of space exploration
vehicles; generic ICT research finds application in almost all
domains of endeavour in science and in the economy, including
space exploration and research, etc. From this it will be clear
that EPSRC's primaryand unquestionably most importantcontribution
to space research is through the fundamental, generic, technology
developments throughout our programme areas. It is a strongly
held view in EPSRC that encouraging strong and effective interactions
between researchers and users of research brings benefits to both
sides/parties. In this context space research represents a "user
domain" for many EPSRC-funded research outcomes.
October 2006