Select Committee on Science and Technology Written Evidence

Memorandum 50

Submission from Thaddeus R F Fulford-Jones

  As a 24-year-old postgraduate student in aerospace engineering, I have a deep interest in and concern for the future of UK space-related activity. Although I am a British Citizen, I currently study in the USA at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. When I applied to PhD programs in early 2005, it quickly became clear that there were very few opportunities for space-related research in the United Kingdom, and that subsequent career prospects in Britain would be very limited for someone with my interests and expertise. I had to enroll at MIT in order to achieve my academic goals. I look forward to a time in the future when there will be substantial space-related activity in the UK, funded at a level sufficient to attract world-class researchers and scientists.

  With appropriate allocation of resources and full government backing, there is no reason why a UK space program could not inspire and empower young people to rebuild British excellence in science and engineering.

October 2006

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