Select Committee on Science and Technology Written Evidence

Memorandum 58

Submission from the East of England Development Agency

  The East of England is a strong region in terms of both production for space-related activities and for original research in the same arena.

  Having reviewed the Case4Space briefing document, we believe that it is a fair summary of the issues and opportunities facing the space-related economy within the UK over the next couple of decades. We are strongly supportive of its findings and recommendations as we believe that it is imperative that we continue to invest in those industries and sectors where we can demonstrate clear and sustainable global leadership.

  In particular, our ongoing commitment to the space industry will deliver:

    —  Clear opportunities to exploit knowledge transfer between the universities and industry.

    —  A global flagship knowledge-based industry from which to promote the UK.

    —  A long-term, profitable knowledge and manufacturing infrastructure.

    —  High added value jobs.

  All of which are fully aligned to the aims of the development agency and the charge put upon it by government.

October 2006

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