Select Committee on Trade and Industry Written Evidence


Memorandum by National Grid


  1.  National Grid plc (National Grid) owns the electricity transmission network in England and Wales, and operates the electricity transmission system throughout Great Britain via its subsidiary company National Grid Electricity Transmission. National Grid also owns the gas transmission network and four of the eight gas distribution networks throughout Great Britain. Our primary duties are to own, operate, maintain and develop our networks in an economic and efficient way. We are also responsible for the residual balancing in close to real time of the electricity and gas markets.

  2.  Through our regulated and non-regulated subsidiaries, National Grid also owns and maintains around 20 million domestic and commercial meters, the electricity Interconnector between England and France, and a Liquid Natural Gas importation terminal at the Isle of Grain.

  3.  National Grid has duties under the Electricity and Gas Acts to develop and maintain efficient networks and also facilitate competition in the generation and supply of electricity and the supply of gas. Given that microgeneration may bring wider choice into the energy markets, we are keen to ensure that the commercial and technical arrangements associated with our networks facilitate the efficient entry and participation of microgeneration in the energy markets. We also understand the potential environmental benefits of some microgeneration technologies and the importance of ensuring that such benefits are realised in order to meet the Government's climate change targets.

  4.  National Grid is prohibited by certain licence obligations from acquiring electricity or gas for sale to third parties (except for the purposes of system balancing). These obligations prohibit us from developing microgeneration as a product. This response therefore concentrates on issues that concern us as an operator of gas and electricity networks and a facilitator of the electricity and gas markets.


  5.  We are pleased to have this opportunity to contribute to the TISC inquiry. This response is intended to inform the debate on some of the network issues which need to be considered when pursuing greater penetration of microgeneration technologies. Our evidence firstly considers the obstacles to a fuller proliferation of microgeneration, encouraging competition in microgeneration electricity and issues around metering technologies. The major part of our submission discusses the potential role of a number of technologies, including distributed and microgeneration in the UK's electricity generation fuel mix, in the context of the Government's aim to achieve a 60% reduction in carbon emissions by 2050. We then consider the implications of various fuel mix scenarios for the national electricity transmission network.

  6.  Certain renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies will be small scale and therefore most efficiently accommodated at distribution voltages.[26] Distribution networks were designed as passive networks, taking electricity off the active transmission network which enables two way flows, and feeding it to locally connected homes and businesses. Provision of distribution network capacity sufficient to accommodate all potential generation and demand operating patterns is likely to result in certain network assets with low utilisation only being run at certain times of the day or during particular weather conditions. Therefore actively operated distribution networks are anticipated to be the most economic and efficient way of accommodating these new small scale power sources.

  7.  The development of micro and distributed generation and active distribution networks gives rise to a legitimate question as to whether the high voltage electricity transmission network has a useful role in future energy supply with a focus upon reducing the impacts of climate change. Our analysis concludes that there are a number of different fuel mix scenarios which could help to meet the 2050 target of a 60% reduction in emissions, involving a wide range of existing and potential technologies, all of which probably have a role to play in achieving these targets. In all of the scenarios however, the need for a national high voltage electricity transmission system is at least as great as it is today, and in many scenarios more so. As such, high voltage electricity transmission system should be seen as an asset in a low carbon economy.

  8.  Further, in the event that microgeneration technologies do become widely utilised around the system, it is envisaged that management of associated intermittency issues will mean that the role of National Grid in terms of operating and balancing the system, while needing to change, will continue to be essential in order to accommodate this shift in how and where power generation is supplied.


  9.  National Grid has been working with industry parties for a number of years in order to facilitate the market for embedded and distributed generation technologies. Such work has included changes to the transmission charging regime which allow distributed generators to realise additional revenue benefits which accurately reflect the network cost savings that result from the operation of such generation. The GB electricity transmission charging methodologies[27] fully recognise the benefits of distribution connected generation (including those that are located in customer premises) by either reducing charges to suppliers (such that the benefits can be shared with distributed generators) or, by producing a direct payment to registered distributed generators.

  10.  In order to establish efficient prices for microgeneration it is important to ensure network charges are sufficiently cost-reflective so that there is a true level playing field between different microgeneration technologies, other electricity production facilities (including remote renewable generation) and energy saving options. Important development work on electricity distribution charging methodologies is currently being undertaken and consistency in the manner in which benefits and costs accrue to generators at different voltage levels should be welcomed.

  11.  National Grid welcomes the work announced in the Government's energy review to assess the true potential of micro and distributed CHP generation technologies to produce efficiencies in carbon emissions over existing technologies. The Carbon Trust are currently undertaking field trials into the potential carbon emission reductions which micro CHP may provide. In their interim report earlier this year they stated that "at the current state of development of micro CHP, the emerging trial data indicate there is unlikely to be a significant carbon emissions reduction opportunity from wide deployment of the technology at this stage in its evolution". We understand that the Carbon Trust are continuing this work to establish robust data on the potential contribution of micro CHP and look forward to the conclusions of these trials.

  12.  It will also be important to fully understand the interaction of the technology with other factors such as weather patterns and wider societal behaviours. E.on UK's Whispergen trial programme reported in May 2006[28] that "[the] outputs [of the trial programme] confirm our earlier beta results and conclusions—in particular that the bulk of energy, financial and carbon savings from micro CHP occur in winter months, and that owner-occupied homes with very low thermal requirements are not well suited to micro CHP on purely economic grounds." If micro generation technology is to provide a significant addition to the UK's fuel mix and help to achieve the UK's carbon reduction targets, it is essential that such fundamental questions are answered as soon as possible, especially given that plant margins are heading into a period of decline and investment decisions into the replacement of large scale retirement of coal and nuclear plant are imminent.

  13.  Generation capacity and other simple volume measurements could misrepresent the efficiency and CO2 impacts actually delivered, criteria based on the latter should be preferred. Microgeneration may be one of several ways of achieving energy efficiency improvements. Therefore, it is also useful to have information that enables comparisons to be made of the cost-effectiveness of such measures.

  14.  With significant utilisation of microgeneration technologies, National Grid's role as system operator will need to change in a number of ways. These technologies can provide benefits to the operation and balancing of the system particularly when dealing with periods of peak demand, such as winter evenings. These technologies can also provide useful back up support particularly where large amounts of intermittent wind generation is connected to the system but may not operate due to prevailing weather conditions. The utilisation of micro and distributed generation may reduce the need for large fossil fuelled back up plant to be held in reserve.

  15.  In addition, widespread use of microgeneration could mean that flows across the transmission and distribution networks will change from current patterns eg it could be expected that within day flows between the transmission and distribution systems will change, which will require the system operator to perform its role in a different way than at present in order to continue to ensure that supply and demand are continuously matched. National Grid will continue to work to ensure that the network is robust yet flexible enough to allow this to happen and our investment plans at the moment are robust in a situation where microgeneration does play a significant role.

  16.  Government, in considering intervention to set market prices for microgeneration, would need to consider the potential unwarranted and adverse effects, not only in terms of market confidence, but also by encouraging potentially inefficient outcomes (for example, by inadvertently encouraging use of gas in units that are in fact less rather than more efficient than existing generation). Distortion of network charging to provide additional support for microgeneration would represent a similar unwarranted intervention.

  17.  Expensive and complex metering arrangements may not be appropriate for microgeneration installations. However, arrangements that would prohibit the development of accurate half-hourly profiling should be avoided and new metering technology that would permit real-time half-hourly data collection should be considered and included in assessments when making microgeneration metering policy.


  18.  The properties of the high voltage electricity transmission network complement the development of micro technologies. In addition, transmission networks can facilitate the environmentally sustainable energy scenarios that the Government seeks to achieve in order to meet its climate change target.

  19.  Transmission networks have the following properties:

    (a)  They efficiently carry bulk transfers of electricity by virtue of having low unit costs for construction and operation. The total loss for National Grid's high voltage transmission lines in the UK is currently less than 1.4% of electricity transported. We continue to investigate new technologies to help us reduce losses even further and we will continue to fund research and development into superconductivity, alongside looking at whether there could be gains by making changes in the way we operate the system using current technological options.

    (b)  The national coverage, low unit costs and flexibility of a transmission system enables the most economic and efficient generation to be used to meet demand wherever generation and demand is located in the country.

    (c)  The national coverage and flexibility of the transmission system means that mismatches between the generation and consumption of electricity in each area can be averaged out and the overall cost of balancing supply and demand thereby minimised. This is particularly valuable as more variable (or inflexible) generation needs to be accommodated.

  20.  It follows that, in a system comprising a national patchwork of micro grids, transmission would only cease to be of benefit if there was a negligible need to exchange power between the micro grids. This would imply minimal differences in the cost of producing electricity in each micro grid (at all times) and a negligible value from sharing balancing services such as flexible generation, loads, and perhaps storage.

  21.  To assess the potential long-term need for transmission, National Grid has examined a number of scenarios and inferred the network capacity that would be required. Our analysis concentrates on the energy supply and demand scenarios produced by the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution for their June 2000 report[29] "The Changing Climate" which identify ways that the UK could reduce CO2 emissions by 60% by 2050 and covers:

    (a)  Significant improvements in energy efficiency.

    (b)  Extensive use of CHP including microCHP in domestic and small business premises.

    (c)  The potential very widespread use of renewables of different types as an alternative to nuclear or fossil fuel fired power stations with carbon sequestration.

  22.  The Royal Commission's scenarios are comprehensive in terms of enumerating demand conditions and generation requirements and this makes it possible to identify network requirements with the minimum of additional assumptions.

  23.  The Royal Commission's scenarios may be summarised as follows:

Scenario 1

    —  Basic levels of consumer demand remain unchanged from the year 2000.

    —  A shift in the majority of heat load to being provided by electricity.

    —  A major renewables programme.

    —  Continued use of nuclear and/or fossil fuels with carbon sequestration technology.

  To achieve the required cut in CO2 emissions in this scenario without a major improvement in energy efficiency, the Royal Commission envisaged a significant shift to the use of electricity for heating applications. This scenario would require a major increase in electricity generation capacity, derived from non carbon sources, ie the extensive use of both renewables and nuclear (or fossil fuel fired stations with carbon sequestration).

Scenario 2

    —  The successful implementation of an extensive energy efficiency programme with reductions in demand for heat of 50%, electricity of 25%, and in the transport sector of 25%.

    —  A major renewables programme.

    —  No nuclear or base load fossil fuelled generation.

  Scenario 2 demonstrates that the desired CO2 reduction could be achieved without nuclear power (or a fossil fuel/carbon sequestration alternative) if significant energy efficiency was combined with extensive exploitation of renewables.

Scenario 3

    —  The successful implementation of an extensive energy efficiency programme with reductions in demand for heat of 50%, electricity of 25%, and in the transport sector of 25%.

    —  A major renewables programme.

    —  Continued use of nuclear and/or fossil fuels in conjunction with carbon sequestration technology.

  Scenario 3 examines the same demand conditions as Scenario 2 (ie extensive energy efficiency) but with a reduced requirement in the amounts of renewables if some nuclear power was used.

  In both scenarios 2 and 3, there would be little scope for using natural gas in home heating. Biomass fired district CHP would be expected to provide much of this heat load.

Scenario 4

    —  The successful implementation of an extreme energy efficiency program with reductions in the demand for heat of 66%, electricity of 33%, and in the transport sector of 33%.

    —  A major renewables programme.

    —  No nuclear or base load fossil.

  Scenario 4 shows how very extensive energy efficiency would make it significantly easier to meet a 60% CO2 reduction target. In this scenario the Royal Commission identified the potential for limited use of natural gas fired domestic and micro CHP.

  24.  As a sensitivity study (Scenario 4A), National Grid have examined the impact of more extensive use of domestic and micro CHP, this technology corresponding to a high penetration in domestic and commercial premises.

  25.  Taking these scenarios, we are able to define different generation fuel mixes which would enable the RCEP 60% target to be met, and analyse what effect this would have upon the high voltage transmission network. The fuel mixes for each of these scenarios is illustrated in Fig 1 below;

Figure 1


  26.  Despite a radical reduction in demand in Scenario 4 due to energy efficiency, the total amount of electricity generation capacity installed is not expected to be significantly lower than today's levels. This is because significant volumes of renewable generation capacity are required as a consequence of their generally lower load factors and also backup generation is also additionally required in order to provide electricity in low wind/low wave periods. The other scenarios have significantly larger installed generation portfolios than today.


  27.  In order to estimate the transmission requirements consistent with the Royal Commission's scenarios we have had to make additional assumptions, principally concerning the location of generation and demand. For demand in 2050 we have simply assumed that it remains geographically distributed around UK as now. We have made the following assumptions concerning generation locations:
Generation type Location/distribution assumptions
HydroAs now (mainly Scotland, some Wales)
Solar PV, CHP and micro-CHPEvenly with demand
Onshore windAs per current activity (Scotland, Wales, NW, SW and East England)
Offshore windPredominantly in the three strategic areas and Scottish islands
WaveMainly Scottish coastline
TidalBarrage: Severn and Thames/Tidal stream: South coast
NuclearRe-use existing nuclear power station sites
Peaking and backupRe-use existing power station sites

  28.  To assess the transmission capacity that would be required we have examined average load and peak demand conditions. Solar power is not expected to contribute during the winter evening conditions (the time of peak demand) but at this time demand on the transmission system will be suppressed by full operation of CHP. As wind and wave power output will be variable, we have examined average wind/wave output and high output days (the latter examines conditions when 80% of the installed capacity might operate simultaneously). Backup and peaking generation is assumed to meet any shortfall between available low emissions generation and demand nationally.

  29.  Our results are summarised in the following flow diagrams which identify the power flows between regions that would arise if generation and demand is distributed according to the above assumptions.

  30.  As a reference case we have reproduced below a typical peak demand flow pattern from our latest Seven Year Statement. The blue and red bars represent the generation and demand in each region, respectively. The grey pipes show the transfers required from one region to another to achieve regional and national balance. All numbers are power in MW.

Figure 2


  31.  The black lines on the diagram represent pinch points on our network and these are monitored to ensure that there is sufficient capacity for key inter-region transfers. For existing winter peak conditions approximate flows are: Scotland to England 2,200 MW, North to Midlands 7,000 MW, Midlands to South 8,000 MW.

Figure 3


  32.  Scenario 1 sees an increase in the demand profile as all low grade heat (ie domestic household requirements) is served by electricity. This demand is met by a large amount of nuclear, solar PV, offshore wind and onshore wind, much of which is produced in Scotland. Even under average conditions, flows across the network are significantly higher than at present.

  33.  In the Royal Commission's first scenario there is a significant increase in electricity use generally and a significant contribution from both nuclear power and renewables. A large proportion of domestic heat comes from renewable biomass fuels burnt in district CHP schemes. Compared to today's system, even under average load conditions, power transfers would be expected to be significantly higher across all inter-regional boundaries.

Figure 4


  34.  At peak periods, there is no solar photovoltaic generation available. In this scenario, the existing nuclear generation fleet has been retired and not replaced. On a windy peak day, flows across the transmission network are similar to current flows.

  35.  Scenarios 2 and 3 have similar consumptions levels but illustrate the effect of using nuclear rather than relying solely on renewable generation sources. The following power flow patterns illustrate meeting the winter evening peak demand with a significant contribution from wind and wave power.

  36.  In both of these scenarios, electricity transfers are higher than current levels when there is a high contribution from wind and wave power.

Figure 5


  37.  In scenario 3, energy efficiencies have reduced the demand profile, similar to Scenario 2. A significant amount of nuclear generation is utilised and located around the country as per the current nuclear fleet. On a windy peak day, flows across the transmission network are greater than current flows.

Figure 6


  38.  In Scenario 4 there is a much lower demand profile due to significant improvements in energy efficiency. The nuclear fleet has not been replaced. In this case, significantly higher exports from Scotland are evident in order to transport wind resource to demand centres.

  39.  In Scenario 4 the Royal Commission illustrated the effect of very large improvements in energy efficiency. This scenario contains some scope for using fossil fuels in domestic heating using domestic CHP. Our sensitivity analysis to the Royal Commission's fourth scenario assumes that a suitable fuel is available for a very much larger installation of domestic CHP units corresponding to 15 million households (one half of all GB households).

Figure 7


  40.  The RCEP scenarios all assume relatively low level of domestic CHP as fossil fuels are largely reserved for transport. National Grid modelled an additional scenario based upon Scenario 4 (which has the lowest flows across the network), and assumes three times the level of domestic CHP assumed by the RCEP. Figure 7 demonstrates that even with such a high micro CHP assumption, significant flows across the network exist, and are driven by large amount of wind generation in Scotland and the north.

  41.  The reason for the small difference between Scenarios 4 and 4A, is that all the RCEP Scenarios, and particularly Scenario 4, assume a significant use of district CHP. Replacing district CHP (centralised facilities for towns and cities) with distributed domestic CHP does not change the net flows from the transmission network.

  42.  On days with high contributions from wind and wave power, transmission power flows in even these scenarios are generally similar to those on current peak days, with resulting reinforcement of the network in Scotland and the north of England required similar to current levels.

  43.  Each of the RCEP scenarios utilise significant levels of renewable generation resource. The transmission network will enable renewables, particularly wind and wave power, to be transmitted from areas where they are most abundant to demand centres. In Great Britain this could be expected to be demonstrated with a flow from Scotland through the North of England to the Midlands and South East.


  44.  The potential for microgeneration to impact on the long-term need for transmission is limited, especially so given the currently unproven ability of micro CHP to reduce carbon emissions. We believe that even in the event that field trials provide robust evidence that micro CHP can help to reduce carbon emissions, the above analysis demonstrates that the high voltage electricity transmission system is, and will continue to be, a key strategic asset in meeting the Government's 2050 carbon reduction target.

  45.  The transmission network enables diversity between different generation sources to be exploited and the need for flexible backup to be minimised. An increased amount of variable generation is expected with new power generation technologies and as system operator, National Grid's role will change to accommodate different power flow patterns across the transmission network and between the transmission and actively operated distribution networks and microgrids.

  46.  Investment to renew and reinforce capacity in Scotland and the north of England is required in order to exploit these benefits and ensure that Government targets for renewables can be achieved. The transmission networks in Scotland and England and Wales can provide a strategic long term asset that will be instrumental in reducing carbon emissions.

26   In Great Britain, the Connection and Use of System Code and the Grid Code identify the threshold between transmission and distribution networks. In England and Wales 132kV is a distribution voltage whereas in Scotland it is a transmission voltage. Back

27   For more detail on the electricity transmission charging methodologies please visit Back

28 Back

29   The Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution's 22nd Report "Energy-The Changing Climate" is available at Back

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