House of Commons |
Session 2006 - 07 Publications on the internet Weekly Information Bulletin |
Weekly Information Bulletin: 19th May 2007
Select CommitteesA complete list of Select Committee membership and a Factsheet (P2) on the work of Select Committees is available on request from the House of Commons Information Office. The list and Factsheet are also on the Parliament website at: An index to the Select Committee home pages together with links to further pages containing information about their work and publications is on the Parliament website at: Membership: Draft Human Tissues and Embryos Bill (Joint Committee) Chairman: Mr Phil Willis
Select Committee Meetings |
Monday 14 May | ||
EDUCATION AND SKILLS Subject: Post-16 Skills Training Witnesses: Skillset, Skillfast-UK and People 1st
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WELSH AFFAIRS Subject: Globalisation Impact on Wales Wintesses: Transport and General Workers' Union, and TUC Wales; Councillor Aled Roberts, Leader, Wexham County Borough Council (at 3pm); Association of Voluntary Organisations in Wrexham (at 3.30pm)
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ENVIRONMENT, FOOD AND RURAL AFFAIRS Subject: Draft Climate Change Bill Witnesses: Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research and Energy Saving Trust; Friends of the Earth and RSPB (at 5.30pm)
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PUBLIC ACCOUNTS Subject: Managing the defence estate: quality and sustainability Witnesses: Bill Jeffrey CB, Permanent Secretary, Sir Ian Andrews CBE TD, Second Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Defence and Vice Admiral Tim Laurence MVO ADC, Chief Executive, Defence Estates
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HUMAN RIGHTS Subject: The human rights of older persons in healthcare. Witnesses: British Geriatrics Society and the Royal College of Nursing; Association of Directors of Adult Social Services and NHS Confederation (at 5.00pm)
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Tuesday 15 May | ||
TREASURY Subject: (i) Globalisation: its impact on the real economy (ii) Unclaimed assets in the financial system Witnesses: (i) Sir Martin Sorrell (ii) Grant Thornton, and Balance Foundation; Charity Bank and Skipton Building Society
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DEFENCE Subject: The work of Defence Estates Witnesses: Vice Admiral Timothy Laurence MVO, ADC, Chief Executive, Mr David Olney, Director-General Operations, Mr Bill Clark OBE, Agency Secretary, and Mr Mike Martindale, Finance Director, Defence Estates, Ministry of Defence
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CULTURE, MEDIA AND SPORT Subject: Public Service Media Content Witnesses: Ed Richards, Chief Executive Officer and Tim Suter, Partner, Content and Standards, Ofcom
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PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Subject: Ethics and Standards Witness: Sir Alistair Graham
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SCOTTISH AFFAIRS Subject: Poverty in Scotland Witnesses: Energywatch and Energy Action Scotland; Alistair Buchanan, Chief Executive and Sarah Harrison, Managing Director, Corporate Affairs, Ofgem (at 5.15pm)
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Wednesday 16 May | ||
EDUCATION AND SKILLS Subject: Higher Education Witnesses: Professor Ole Petersen, Liverpool University, and Professor Ian Diamond, Chair of Research Councils UK and Chief Executive of the Economic and Social Research Council
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SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Subject: Investigating the oceans Witnesses: Dr Joe Horwood, Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science, Dr Robin Hensley, UK Hydrographic Office, and Dr Mike Bell, Met Office; Professor Andrew J Willmott, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Professor Ed Hill, National Oceanography Centre, and Professor Peter Liss, Challenger Society for Marine Science and University of East Anglia (at 10.30am)
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WORK AND PENSIONS Subject: Social Fund Witnesses: Citizen's Advice, Disability Alliance and Help the Aged; One Parent Families, Child Poverty Action Group and Every Disabled Child Matters (at 10.30am)
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EUROPEAN SCRUTINY Subject: Inquiry into the Conclusions of the European Council and the Council of Ministers Witness: Sir Stephen Wall
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FOREIGN AFFAIRS Subject: Global Security: Russia Witnesses: John Roberts, Energy Security Specialist, Platts, Professor Yury Fedorov, Chatham House, and Anne Aldis, Head, Conflict Studies Research Centre; Professor Bill Bowring, School of Law, Birkbeck College, Dr Andrew Monaghan, Senior Research Associate, Conflict Studies Research Centre, and David Clark, Chairman, Russia Foundation (at 3.30pm)
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TREASURY SUB-COMMITTEE Subject: Efficiency Programme in the Chancellor of the Exchequer's departments Witnesses: HM Treasury officials, Debt Management Office officials, Government Actuary's Department officials, and Office of Government Commerce officials
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TRANSPORT Subject: Passengers' experience of air travel Witnesses: Civil Aviation Authority; Gillian Merron MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Transport (at 3.30pm)
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NORTHERN IRELAND AFFAIRS Subject: The Northern Ireland Prison Service Witness: Prison Governors' Association
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ENVIRONMENT, FOOD AND RURAL AFFAIRS Subject: Draft Climate Change Bill Witnesses: (tbc)
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PUBLIC ACCOUNTS Subject: Filing VAT and Company Tax returns Witnesses: Paul Gray CB, Chairman and Geoff Lloyd, Director of Company Tax and VAT, HM Revenue and Customs
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DRAFT CLIMATE CHANGE BILL Subject: William Wilson, Director of Cambrensis, Barrister at Environmental Law Unit, Burges Salmon, and Christopher Norton, Baker and Mackenzie; Tyndall Centre and Hadley Centre (at 2.45pm); Martin Brough, Oxera, and Richard Gledhill, PricewaterhouseCooper (at 3.15pm); Brenda Boardman, Environmental Change Institute, and Martin Gibson, Envirowise (at 3.45pm)
Thursday 17 May | ||
HEALTH Subject: National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence Witnesses: Department of Health officials; National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (at 11.15am)
[The decision of a Committee to sit in public may be rescinded without notice]
All public select committee meetings are webcast
Select committees marked with * will be taken by BBC Parliament
Recorded information about forthcoming select and standing committee meetings over the next two sitting days is available on: [Tel 020 7219 2033]. Please note: The decision of a Committee to sit in public may be rescinded, and the place altered without notice and Committees which sit at short notice may not be included in this list.
Monday 21 May | ||
EDUCATION AND SKILLS Subject: Post-16 Skills Training Witnesses: City and Guilds, Edexcel and OCR; British Institute of Innkeeping and Food and Drink Qualifications (at 4.45 p.m.)
| 3.45 p.m.
| The Wilson Room, Portcullis House |
WORK AND PENSIONS Subject: Benefits Simplification Witnesses: Off the Streets and into Work, Prince's Trust and the Wise Group
| 4.15 p.m.
| Committee Room 16, Palace of Westminster |
ENVIRONMENT, FOOD AND RURAL AFFAIRS Subject: Draft Climate Change Bill Witnesses: William Wilson, Director, Cambrensis Ltd and Environmental Law Unit, Burges Salmon LLP, Michael Woods, Stephenson Harwood, and Tom Bainbridge, Nabarro; Fuel Poverty Advisory Group (at 5.30 p.m.)
| 4.30 p.m.
| The Thatcher Room, Portcullis House |
COMMUNITIES AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT* Subject: Refuse Collection Witnesses: Chartered Institution of Wastes Management; Local Government Association (at 5.20 p.m.); Greater London Authority (at 6.00 p.m.)
| 4.40 p.m.
| The Grimond Room, Portcullis House |
HUMAN RIGHTS Subject: Human Rights Policy Witnesses: Rt Hon Lord Falconer of Thoroton QC, Secretary of State and Lord Chancellor, and Rt Hon Baroness Ashton of Upholland, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Justice
| 4.15 p.m.
| Committee Room 8, Palace of Westminster |
Tuesday 22 May | ||
HOME AFFAIRS* Subject: Police Funding Witnesses: Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO), Police Superintendents' Association, Police Federation and the Association of Police Authorities; Tony McNulty MP, Minister for Policing, Security and Community Safety, Home Office (at 11.15 a.m.)
| 10.15 a.m.
| The Thatcher Room, Portcullis House |
COMMUNITIES AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT Subject: Refuse Collection Witnesses: Gary Porter, Leader, South Holland District Council, Gary Alderson, Director of Environmental and Planning Services, Mid Beds District Council, and Nicola Beach, Head of Waste and Recycling, Essex Waste Partnership
| 10.20 a.m.
| Committee Room 8, Palace of Westminster |
DEFENCE Subject: Strategic Lift Witnesses: Lt Gen Andrew Figgures CBE, and Tim Rowntree, Ministry of Defence; Fabrice Brégier, Francisco Fern ndez S inz, Richard Thompson, Charles Paterson, Airbus (at 11.30 a.m.)
| 10.30 a.m.
| The Wilson Room, Portcullis House |
WELSH AFFAIRS Subject: Globalisation and its impact on Wales Witnesses: Sir Digby Jones, UK Skills Envoy, and Professor David Reynolds, University of Exeter
| 10.30 a.m.
| Committee Room 15, Palace of Westminster |
PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Subject: Public Services: Putting People First Witnesses: Peter Wilkinson, Audit Commission, and David Bell, Permanent Secretary, Department for Education and Skills
| 2.15 p.m.
| The Wilson Room, Portcullis House |
CONSTITUTIONAL AFFAIRS* Subject: The new Ministry of Justice Witnesses: Rt Hon Lord Phillips of Worth Matravers, Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales, and Rt Hon Lord Justice Thomas; Rt Hon Lord Falconer of Thoroton, Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice (at 5.00 p.m.)
| 4.15 p.m.
| The Grimond Room, Portcullis House |
Wednesday 23 May | ||
EDUCATION AND SKILLS Subject: Specialist Schools and Academies Trust Witnesses: Sir Cyril Taylor GBE, Chairman, and Elizabeth Reid, Chief Executive, Specialist Schools and Academies Trust
| 9.30 a.m.
| The Wilson Room, Portcullis House |
INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Subject: Cross-departmental working on development Witnesses: Rt Hon Ian McCartney MP, Minister of State for Trade and Investment, Department for Trade and Industry, and officials
| 10.15 a.m.
| Committee Room 6, Palace of Westminster |
TRANSPORT Subject: Transport Innovation Fund Witnesses: Centre for Cities, The British Chambers of Commerce, Transport 2000; Association of Greater Manchester Authorities, Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Executive, Cambridgeshire County Council, The West Midlands Passenger Transport Authorities (at 3.30 p.m.); Dr Stephen Ladyman MP, Minister of State, Department for Transport (at 4.30 p.m.)
| 2.45 p.m.
| Committee Room 6, Palace of Westminster |
ENVIRONMENT, FOOD AND RURAL AFFAIRS* Subject: Draft Climate Change Bill Witnesses: Office of Climate Change; Rt Hon David Miliband MP, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (at 4.15 p.m.)
| 3.00 p.m.
| The Thatcher Room, Portcullis House |
FOREIGN AFFAIRS* Subject: Global Security: Iran Witnesses: Dr Ali Ansari, University of St Andrews, and Dr Frank Barnaby, Oxford Research Group; Lord Triesman, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office (at 4.00 p.m.)
| 3.00 p.m.
| Committee Room 16, Palace of Westminster |
WORK AND PENSIONS Subject: Benefits Simplification Witnesses: Disability and Carers Service, Jobcentre Plus and Pension Service; Public and Commercial Services Union (at 5.00 p.m.)
| 4.15 p.m.
| East Room, Leeds Civic Hall |
Thursday 24 May | ||
None |
[The decision of a Committee to sit in public may be rescinded without notice]
All public select committee meetings are webcast
Select committees marked with * will be taken by BBC Parliament
Recorded information about forthcoming select and standing committee meetings over the next two sitting days is available on: [Tel 020 7219 2033]. Please note: The decision of a Committee to sit in public may be rescinded, and the place altered without notice and Committees which sit at short notice may not be included in this list.
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© Parliamentary copyright 2007 | Prepared 19 May 2007 |